[tantek]close friends << Silo Example: [[Instagram]], needs screenshots of UIs: viewing someone’s profile and adding/removing them from your close friends, viewing your list of close friends, and removing or adding to it via suggestions, creating a [[story]] and the two buttons at the bottom to post to "Your story" or "Close Friends".
Loqiok, I added "Silo Example: [[Instagram]], needs screenshots of UIs: viewing someone’s profile and adding/removing them from your close friends, viewing your list of close friends, and removing or adding to it via suggestions, creating a [[story]] and the two buttons at the bottom to post to "Your story" or "Close Friends"." to the "See Also" section of /close_friendshttps://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84808&oldid=84803
tantek.comedited /close_friends (+286) "stub IndieWeb Examples with text about discussion maybe prototypes but no examples, Silo Examples with" (view diff)
[chrisaldrich]That seems like a logical idea aaronpk. Depending on how content from indieweb.social goes, filtering out "indieweb.social" as a keyword and focusing on Indieweb specific words/hashtags would obviously help the focus.
[tantek]I am *for* keeping indieweb.social mentions in #indieweb-stream because they are a useful pulse of: 1. who is moving from Twitter (many tend to be "interesting" names), 2. what content on indieweb.social is relevant enough to percolate to someone taking the effort to repost/reference it on Twitter, 3. is this someone we should invite to IndieWeb chat, HWC, etc.
[Murray]+1 for feeding the hashtag into #indieweb-stream though 🙂 Was actually going to ask about that earlier and forgot, but it feels like there's a lot more relevant conversations happening over on indieweb.social than Twitter at the moment
Loqi[iplayitofflegit] Just got off a call with a #backend engineer learning how to code #webcomponents from my book, because yeah I provide support to those who need help. Totally stoked the engineer was understanding the material, just had some extra… https://indieweb....
[tantek]separately, aaronpk, the combination of the length of the newsletter (I am lost somewhat scrolling among a bunch of sections that look very similar: heading, bunch of linked subheadings), and the emoji use deep dive for the gift calendar make me think that using emoji instead of list item bullets that are different for each section may provide some implicit context that helps usability / readability
[manton][tantek] It’s manual curation right now. We have some ideas to expand it… Right now it’s essentially designed a slice of recent posts people might find interesting to find folks to follow.
[manton](One of the design goals with Micro.blog is making it hard to find spam and other random junk… So Discover kind of goes in the opposite direction of that.)
[tantek]aaronpk, can we have an allowlist of indieweb.social accounts for their permalink references to make it through the filter into #indieweb-stream?
[tantek]I feel like there's enough of them that it maybe worth starting an "indieweb 🤝 fediverse" series or maybe I'll just do a summary post. e.g. your post [catgirlinspace] and [benatwork]'s post (and maybe my own TwitterMigration post as last)
[schmarty]you can ask chatgpt to write you a chord progression for it as well. it knows what guitar tabs look like (even if it doesn't know what they are)
[tantek]aaronpk, way too far down. it's seasonal, kind of like used to have "join us at IndieWebCamp!" banners for the next upcoming IndieWebCamp to go sign-up
Loqi[preview] [Chris Aldrich] @tbeseda @tchambers At a base level, the Fediverse is a subset within the bigger IndieWeb. Parts of the Fediverse, have and support some of the IndieWeb building blocks, but none that I'm aware of support them all. Example: Mastodon has microformats ...
[chrisaldrich]Things are busy for another week or two, but one of my holiday plans is to flesh out a Venn diagram and long discussion of that IndieWeb/Fediverse conversation... Though this shouldn't deter others from writing up their ideas of the same.
LoqiThe social web map is a metaphoric map of social web sites, from fully indieweb to silos, representing their relationships, sizes, levels of IndieMark accomplishment (or site-death) and any other axes of interesting details we can capture https://indieweb.org/social_web_map
[tantek]> Hey guys, I'm here to tell you about the IndieWeb and how it's the greatest thing since sliced bread! Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "But what is the IndieWeb?" Let me tell you, it's a movement that's all about owning your own data, having control over your own content, and connecting with others in a more meaningful way. And let me tell you, it's f**king awesome! No more relying on big corporations to store your data,
[tantek]no more being at the mercy of their algorithms, no more worrying about your privacy being violated. With the IndieWeb, you have control over your own online presence. You can post whatever you want, whenever you want, and it's all on your own domain. You can even connect with others through webmentions and create a network of truly independent websites. But that's not all. The IndieWeb is also about building a more inclusive and
[tantek]open web. It's about creating a space where anyone can participate and contribute, regardless of their technical ability or resources. And let me tell you, it's a game-changer. With the IndieWeb, you can truly be yourself online, without worrying about being marginalized. You can connect with others who share your interests and passions, and build a community that's truly your own. So if you're tired of being at the mercy of big
[tantek]tech companies, if you want to take control of your own online presence, if you want to be a part of building a more open and inclusive web, then the IndieWeb is for you! Thanks for coming to my TED Talk!
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html