#meta 2022-12-02

2022-12-02 UTC
created /realm (+65) "prompted by [jacky] and dfn added by aaronpk"
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deleted /realm "content was: "{{stub}} '''<dfn>realm</dfn>''' is something slightly different.", and the only contributor was "[[Special:Contributions/Loqi.me|Loqi.me]]" ([[User talk:Loqi.me|talk]])"
edited /POSSE_to_Facebook (-107) "/* Tantek via Bridgy */ no plans to POSSE to FB again"
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[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
created /close_friends (+200) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /close_friends (+30) "[tantek] added "[[finsta]]" to "See Also""
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edited /private_posts (+142) "note label close friends, some "private posts" known as "friends-only posts" dfn, linebreaks"
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edited /private_posts (+44) "finish add"
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close friends << Silo Example: [[Instagram]], needs screenshots of UIs: viewing someone’s profile and adding/removing them from your close friends, viewing your list of close friends, and removing or adding to it via suggestions, creating a [[story]] and the two buttons at the bottom to post to "Your story" or "Close Friends".
ok, I added "Silo Example: [[Instagram]], needs screenshots of UIs: viewing someone’s profile and adding/removing them from your close friends, viewing your list of close friends, and removing or adding to it via suggestions, creating a [[story]] and the two buttons at the bottom to post to "Your story" or "Close Friends"." to the "See Also" section of /close_friends https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84808&oldid=84803
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
edited /close_friends (+286) "stub IndieWeb Examples with text about discussion maybe prototypes but no examples, Silo Examples with"
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edited /close_friends (+13) "socmed not plat"
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hey should we use emoji for different kinds of gifts in the gift calendar?
edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+32) "new wiki page: close friends, rephrase packaging for Kapowski"
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emoji has 1 karma over the last year
cool, will capture a few ideas in Brainstorming
created /tool (+19) "r"
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created /🛠 (+19) "r"
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edited /tools (+18) "emojicon"
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edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+476) "/* Brainstorming */ Emoji gift kinds"
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edited /newsletter (+18) "emojicon"
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edited /newsletter (+7) "move TOC down"
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edited /📫 (+1) "update redirect"
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edited /messaging (-63) "better emojicon"
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created /✉️ (+23) "r"
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edited /messaging (-1) "move TOC down"
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edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+272) "/* Emoji gift kinds */"
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there's a few ideas: https://indieweb.org/2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar#Emoji_gift_kinds — feel free to suggest more or alternatives, especially if you’re working on a gift that doesn’t fit into those gift kinds!
edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+55) "/* Emoji gift kinds */ more sources, see post types icons"
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edited /🎁 (+4) "update redirect from 2018 to 2022 lol"
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edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+1) "emojicon, move TOC down"
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before someone asks, have we ever created a "feed" for the gift calendar so you can subscribe to seeing new entries for individual days?
not the same as edits of the page
specifically `class="cal-day"` elements
wait, have we previously never posted about the IndieWeb Gift Calendar?!?
I just posted this and haven't seen it show up in #indieweb-stream https://twitter.com/t/status/1598510963384545280
🎁 Happy December 1st and welcome to another year of the #IndieWeb Gift Calendar! (inspired by #advent calendars) https://indieweb.org/2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar Thanks to https://martymcgui.re/ (@schmarty) for our first IndieWeb gift of the month! https://tantek.com/t5N31
as this is very squarely IndieWeb community related, I don't mind proposing RTing it via the account
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
edited /2016/NYC (-107) "was, update"
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edited /2014/NYC (+160) "dfn, update"
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edited /2014/NYC (+31) "p-summary span"
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edited /2017/NYC (+39) "was, update"
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edited /2018/NYC (+40) "was, update"
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edited /2019/NYC (+39) "was, update"
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edited /publics (+182) "/* IndieWeb Thoughts */ notes on publics for my posts, update a bit, FB past since 2018"
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Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to
Oh that's a fun idea
the gift calendar feed?
yeah I bet if we made a feed out of it, [timothy_chambe] might even make an indieweb.social account for it to auto post there like he has for https://indieweb.social/@thisweekinIndieweb
edited /this-week-in-the-indieweb (-75) "incorporate mastodon account into follow section up top"
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edited /User:Celehner.com (+369) "Add more links"
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[jeremycherfas] and mro joined the channel
Should #indieweb-stream ignore indieweb.social links? Not sure they necessarily always add value
mro and [marksuth] joined the channel
haha that was fast, [jamietanna] . they're the reason we spun out the stream channel from #indieweb-meta 😅
mro and wskearney joined the channel
edited /chat-names (+106) "/* S-Z */"
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[New Event] jamesg.blog created "Jan 15, 2023 6:00pm Decentralized Website Communication with Webmention" https://events.indieweb.org/49Mvf9ZDUHzk
mro joined the channel
https://github.com/aaronpk/Loqi/issues/45 is evergreen, even if it's closed
edited /comments (+60) "/* Policy Examples */ add policy from an advanced feminist blog"
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[schmarty]: re: this week podcast, I would be happy to work on updates to the newsletter to make things easier for podcast production!
🎉 I will look for my notes on ideas I had there!
[schmarty]: How about you do the recordings for us to build a custom TTS voice for you, and have it read the newsletter each week?
Probably not in budget
it's surprisingly affordable to do now tho
aaronpk: Is it? How much would it cost us to make a [schmarty] voice? Ballpark?
edited /Webmention-developer (+151) "/* Sending */"
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$0.006 per second
!calc 10 minutes * $0.006 per second in dollars
$3 per 10 minute podcast
And some of the recurring pieces wouldn't have to be regenerated each week
true. i'm not sure the recording part is the hardest part of the process tho :) schmarty has notes
recording is the ice cream dessert
tiim joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
mro joined the channel
edited /podcasts_about_the_indieweb (+14) "/* Aaron Parecki's Percolator */"
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Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
now that tweets are moved to #indieweb-stream, how do we feel about piping in the mastodon "indieweb" search there too?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://b-ark.ca/2021/08/07/how-i-book-blog.html" to the "See Also" section of /read https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84848&oldid=82685
That seems like a logical idea aaronpk. Depending on how content from indieweb.social goes, filtering out "indieweb.social" as a keyword and focusing on Indieweb specific words/hashtags would obviously help the focus.
it's actually a search from mastodon.social for the #indieweb tag, not just any mention of indieweb
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
mro joined the channel
how do i earn karma?
catgirlinspace++ it's a little chat feature for folks to give to each other, and sometimes to concepts. twitter--
twitter has -2 karma in this channel over the last year (-5 in all channels)
catgirlinspace has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
maybe we have a page for this actually.
what is karma?
Karma is a community recognition tool used in the IndieWeb community and powered by the friendly bot Loqi https://indieweb.org/Karma
conneg++ (/me checks if sna rfed has a highlight setup by now)
conneg has 0 karma in this channel over the last year (-16 in all channels)
it doesnt really do anything, just a bit of fun
conneg-- the voice of snarfed in my head insisted 😂
conneg has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-17 in all channels)
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
I am *for* keeping indieweb.social mentions in #indieweb-stream because they are a useful pulse of: 1. who is moving from Twitter (many tend to be "interesting" names), 2. what content on indieweb.social is relevant enough to percolate to someone taking the effort to repost/reference it on Twitter, 3. is this someone we should invite to IndieWeb chat, HWC, etc.
i want to try to stop the posts that have an indieweb.social post permalink, i don't mind when it's a mention of someone's profile
interesting. I'll watch for that distinction to see if there's any difference in relevance
they tend to be just someone posting something random that gets syndicated to twitter, most of the time they have been completely off topic
+1 for feeding the hashtag into #indieweb-stream though 🙂 Was actually going to ask about that earlier and forgot, but it feels like there's a lot more relevant conversations happening over on indieweb.social than Twitter at the moment
[iplayitofflegit] Just got off a call with a #backend engineer learning how to code #webcomponents from my book, because yeah I provide support to those who need help. Totally stoked the engineer was understanding the material, just had some extra… https://indieweb....
sadly the mastodon rss feed doesn't provide author info
created /extra_chatty (+24) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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+1 for feeding the hashtag into #indieweb-stream from frankly both indieweb.social and mastodon.social
but how do you de-dupe? 🤔
so the mastodon.social rss feed is all posts that it knows about, not just from that instance
and since that's the biggest instance, it's effectively a global search
good enough for now
gRegor joined the channel
hahahaha counterexample to my indieweb.social permalink rule just now
[timothy_chambe]++ for that timely counter-example, whether it was intentional or not 😄
[timothy_chambe] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
edited /hashtags (+62) "/* IndieWeb-centric hashtags */ Notable IndieWeb related hashtags"
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edited /hashtags (+21) "cat hashtags"
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edited /DeleteFacebook (+22) "cat hashtags"
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edited /latergram (+21) "cat hashtags"
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Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
edited /LetsFixThis (+22) "cat hashtags"
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edited /osfw3c (+22) "cat hashtags"
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hey, five pages is enough for a category right? https://indieweb.org/Category:hashtags
oh no i really have to fix the html space issue in parsing mastodon posts
my parsing is not treating `</p><p>` as adding a newline
ok let's see how this goes
waits for a new post to appear
Loqi Y U NO extra chatty with newsletter reminders today?
Had to scroll way up to find it... lots of IndieNews this week!
community has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
wow a lot of indienews posts this week
paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
[github] Successfully deployed microformats/microformats.io to https://microformats.io
[github] Successfully deployed microformats/microformats.io to https://microformats.io
I'm going to say [manton]'s post about migrating is significant and relevant enough to add to the Gift Calendar for today.
Yessss calendar points!
we're getting dangerously close to needing a place to post microblog posts on indieweb.org
separately, aaronpk, the combination of the length of the newsletter (I am lost somewhat scrolling among a bunch of sections that look very similar: heading, bunch of linked subheadings), and the emoji use deep dive for the gift calendar make me think that using emoji instead of list item bullets that are different for each section may provide some implicit context that helps usability / readability
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
that's easy enough
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
ok I'll propose something!
edited /microcaching (+188) "add myself"
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aaronpk, and that reminds me, if you're going to add #indieweb from mastodon.social, then why not also #indieweb from micro.blog?
does that exist?
hmm I guess I assumed it did?
I guess I was assuming it existed at https://micro.blog/discover/indieweb
although theoretically any indieweb posts on micro.blog should already be on mastodon.social
as long as they are actually tagged properly in the activitypub representation
aaronpk, not necessarily, only from micro.blog accounts that are followed by someone on mastodon.social
oh i suppose so
[manton] is it possible to get a feed of the post results section in https://micro.blog/discover/search?q=indieweb ? e.g. that Loqi to watch and put "indieweb" mentions in the #indieweb-stream channel
easy enough
One disclaimer: this search does not currently search all posts. It only includes posts that were added to the Discover timeline.
oh interesting, i guess that's fine tho
that's totally fine IMO
probably better that way anyway that way there's been some level of review
is there some magic opt-in or curation or moderation/approval to be added to the Discover timeline?
I guess Mastodon search is similarly limited, but just based on hashtags.
i don't know if this is going to cause a burst of posts in the channel
i think it won't, because the latest is from a week ago
[tantek] It’s manual curation right now. We have some ideas to expand it… Right now it’s essentially designed a slice of recent posts people might find interesting to find folks to follow.
yeah I think it'll be fine. also #indieweb-stream is fine for a "burst of posts"
true, less annoying there
[manton] good to know and also totally fine IMO
appreciate the care & thinking behind the design of such features. micro.blog++
micro.blog has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
(One of the design goals with Micro.blog is making it hard to find spam and other random junk… So Discover kind of goes in the opposite direction of that.)
like I said, very thoughtful. [manton]++
[manton] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (34 in all channels)
mro joined the channel
odd, Slack just expired a bunch of login tokens for me, but not this one
first mastodon posts showed up in #indieweb-stream
the RSS view of mastodon is super lossy
RSS has -1 karma over the last year
paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
fyi I just stopped autolinking @-names in the logs to twitter.com, except for if they are in actual tweets
oh that's interesting and likely a good idea
was already getting false positives now
makes sense
aaronpk, can we have an allowlist of indieweb.social accounts for their permalink references to make it through the filter into #indieweb-stream?
i haven't blocked them yet
but yes that could be a solution
[preview] Tim Chambers
what's considered a good indienews post? like, would this fit or no? https://catgirlin.space/posts/moving-to-the-fediverse-and-indieweb/
would totally fit!
ok cool, will add a webmention thing
I feel like there's enough of them that it maybe worth starting an "indieweb 🤝 fediverse" series or maybe I'll just do a summary post. e.g. your post [catgirlinspace] and [benatwork]'s post (and maybe my own TwitterMigration post as last)
also weird, slack sent it twice or me
oh wait one of the messages is gray, like it's trying to send?? confusing.
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
mro joined the channel
[preview] “Write a rock song about Micro.blog” @manton we got your theme song, here. Can you write the chords, @macgenie ?
can this be made into a real song pls?
you can ask chatgpt to write you a chord progression for it as well. it knows what guitar tabs look like (even if it doesn't know what they are)
mro joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
mro_, [benatwork] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
ideas for some temporary prominent placement of the 🎁 IndieWeb Gift Calendar on the home page of https://indieweb.org/ ?
above translations? or is that too far down?
edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+189) "linktext microcopy edit, one link per gift, add Manton's moving post, new cat hashtag!"
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aaronpk, way too far down. it's seasonal, kind of like used to have "join us at IndieWebCamp!" banners for the next upcoming IndieWebCamp to go sign-up
in that case, above HWC
not sure we ever redid the banner announcement feature for the new home page design
it was literally a callout at the top
it was previously hacked in to the theme
would have to dig through Internet Archive
[chrisaldrich] has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (25 in all channels)
that needs to be a diagram or even a key part of a new social web map
[preview] [Chris Aldrich] @tbeseda @tchambers At a base level, the Fediverse is a subset within the bigger IndieWeb. Parts of the Fediverse, have and support some of the IndieWeb building blocks, but none that I'm aware of support them all. Example: Mastodon has microformats ...
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
^ that looks A LOT like someone's blog post / long noteon the matter
long note* on
I've seen a bunch of / most of that text before
Things are busy for another week or two, but one of my holiday plans is to flesh out a Venn diagram and long discussion of that IndieWeb/Fediverse conversation... Though this shouldn't deter others from writing up their ideas of the same.
ok cool glad to hear it
what is social web map
The social web map is a metaphoric map of social web sites, from fully indieweb to silos, representing their relationships, sizes, levels of IndieMark accomplishment (or site-death) and any other axes of interesting details we can capture https://indieweb.org/social_web_map
edited /social_web_map (+138) "Brainstorming / 2022"
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edited /social_web_map (-7) "incorporate SA into brainstorming"
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[chrisaldrich] to move this collaboration somewhere async, I started this with your post as inspiration: https://indieweb.org/social_web_map#2022
we (and anyone else who would like) can iterate there
[snarfed]++ for today's first IndieWeb Gift Calendar gift!
[snarfed] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (88 in all channels)
also for the 1970s era context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benji
benji joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
edited /push_notification (+169) "/* Jamie Tanna */"
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you need a quicker way to post text-pastes :D
from Firefox:
"Copy Text From Image" right-click menu
[ender] joined the channel
> Hey guys, I'm here to tell you about the IndieWeb and how it's the greatest thing since sliced bread! Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "But what is the IndieWeb?" Let me tell you, it's a movement that's all about owning your own data, having control over your own content, and connecting with others in a more meaningful way. And let me tell you, it's f**king awesome! No more relying on big corporations to store your data,
no more being at the mercy of their algorithms, no more worrying about your privacy being violated. With the IndieWeb, you have control over your own online presence. You can post whatever you want, whenever you want, and it's all on your own domain. You can even connect with others through webmentions and create a network of truly independent websites. But that's not all. The IndieWeb is also about building a more inclusive and
open web. It's about creating a space where anyone can participate and contribute, regardless of their technical ability or resources. And let me tell you, it's a game-changer. With the IndieWeb, you can truly be yourself online, without worrying about being marginalized. You can connect with others who share your interests and passions, and build a community that's truly your own. So if you're tired of being at the mercy of big
tech companies, if you want to take control of your own online presence, if you want to be a part of building a more open and inclusive web, then the IndieWeb is for you! Thanks for coming to my TED Talk!
[benji] joined the channel
[tantek] haha somehow I didn't know about that first link but that fits perfectly
[benji]++ welcome 🙂
[benji] has 1 karma over the last year
edited /User:Tiim.ch (+173) "Add "itches" section"
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[campegg] joined the channel
Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2022-12-02.html
edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+85) "💬 IndieWeb chat related improvements"
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^ aaronpk just for you
too many things today! I should have saved that for tomorrow
it's tomorrow somewhere!
i can write about it tomorrow
right aaronpk, today’s the “soft launch” to shake out any bugs
We’re you able to get Microblog results too?
Were* thanks autocorrect
yep and more
That’s worth a blog post for sure
Now we need a sample test post on microblog that shows up in #indieweb-stream
does the wiki not have talk pages or something/
edited /hashtags (+180) "see related pages including cat hashtags"
(view diff)
no, it hasnt
we either discuss in chat or put perspectives on the wikipage itself
edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+84) "this week in the indieweb today also!"
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