2022-12-03 UTC
[James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
# 00:20 GWG aaronpk: Can you remove miklb's email from WordPress@indieweb.org forward?
# 00:21 GWG WordPress just emailed that if we didn't, they'd close our plugins
# 00:22 GWG Your account has issues due to a broken email forward.
# 00:23 GWG Please remove that person from your email forward.
# 00:23 GWG If this is not corrected in 30 days, your plugins will be closed.
# 00:23 GWG That's a bit aggressive, but easily fixed
# 00:26 GWG Yes, I just would have phrased it in a nicer way
# 00:29 GWG aaronpk: Who else is in the WordPress forward right now?
# 00:41 GWG Okay. So, no one else who might bounce. Good
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
sp1ff, sp1ff`, mro, tiim and [eddie] joined the channel
mro joined the channel
# 16:36 sknebel lol at the "have not included advent calendars that are delivered via email only [...], or image-only efforts with inaccessible images [...]. It would be a terrible gift from me to you if you sign up for spam or end up taking advice from organizations that are clearly bad at advice. "
mro joined the channel
# 19:28 GWG Listening to the session from last week. [chrisaldrich] thinks I curse his name.
# 19:29 Loqi GWG has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (55 in all channels)
# 19:29 Loqi GWG has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (56 in all channels)
# 19:29 GWG No, my comment about you upgrading Post Kinds to the latest version has mostly migrated from: I really would like your feedback as you gave in the past to this is getting to be a joke.
# 19:31 GWG capjamesg: Talk to President Aldrich
# 19:32 GWG Also, Zegnat volunteered to be VP
# 19:32 GWG I'm still waiting for them to organize the first annual GWGCon.
# 19:32 GWG As President? Or just as an officer?
# 19:34 GWG capjamesg: We don't have someone to take and send out the minutes from the board meetings. To make the official GWG t-shirts and such
# 19:37 GWG [chrisaldrich]: As President, can you certify the election, that capjamesg is running unopposed and is thus elected to a term as Secretary?
# 19:38 GWG capjamesg: We didn't have a secretary to call for a constitution convention.
# 19:38 GWG Also, as the GWG in GWG Fan Club, I hold a lifetime position on the board.
# 19:38 GWG And reserve the right to break ties
# 19:41 capjamesg [chrisaldrich] Please consider this message my application for the position of Secretary.
# 19:43 GWG Maybe now we can stage that constitutional convention. I've written club constitutions before. It can be fun
mro joined the channel
# 20:34 [chrisaldrich] I feel like if there were a constitution it would prevent a president from serving for more than 6 years. 🙂
# 20:46 GWG [chrisaldrich]: Not really. That was always an amendment. Most clubs don't have term limits.
# 20:47 GWG Anyway, jokes aside, this may be dangerously off topic.
# 21:01 [chrisaldrich] To bring it back to meta/on topic, I've been petitioning for a GWG channel for years here, but... 🤷 Maybe now that there's increased interest with capjamesg??? :star-struck:
# 21:02 GWG You've been petitioning for all my conversations to be alone in my own room? That sounds like my dorm experience.
gRegor, tiim, BritKnee and mro joined the channel