#meta 2022-12-14

2022-12-14 UTC
edited /bluesky (+189) "incorporate SA into new sections"
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created /AT_Protocol (+33) "doesn't deserve its own page yet"
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edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+26) "copy edit, local links"
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Oh hey this counts as an IndieWeb related event: https://www.meetup.com/EFF-Austin/events/nltdcrydcqbrb/
edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+120) "EFF Austin event tonight too"
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[manton] you at this ^ ?
hey i recognize that room
GWG you may be interested in watching ^
I'll see if the plane can support it
lol aaronpk they're talking about problems you've run into 😂
[tantek]: What did I miss?
[tantek] Nope, I couldn’t make it! Hope it’s going well.
[manton]: I think Tom needs to update his bio about recently attending indiewebcamps
Not that I don't wish it was true
GWG see that youtube link, it's still live now!
I'm watching it as I ascend
POSSE mention!
Bridgy mention! For POSSEing to Mastodon
Webmention -> ActivityPub
oooh re-request for Mastodon to support Webmention!
and have Mastodon receive Webmentions
[manton] lots of mentions of you
running the 3 IndieWebCamp Austins
micro.blog description of ActivityPub support and lots of kind words
"it talks IndieWeb and ActivityPub"
Homebrew Website meetups became IndieWeb meetups in 2020 in Austin
aww Diaspora mention, wondering if it's still running
what is WT.Social?
It looks like we don't have a page for "WT.Social" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "WT.Social is ____", a sentence describing the term)
someone brought it up in the meetup, anyone heard of https://wt.social/ or any experience with it?
"closest thing to the old OpenID 2.0 is IndieAuth which the IndieWeb community uses"
There's OpenID Connect which has nothing to do with the old OpenID 2.0
"I get the feeling that Solid is still in sorta the ideation phase"
I still think Indieauth has applications for people who don't care about other Indieweb principles
When people say federation I wonder when Starfleet is coming
GWG, same tbh
i think things have gotten slow at this meetup
so here's a conceptual question, if there was a joinindieweb site (similar to say joinmastodon.org/servers) what would it show at /servers ? Just micro.blog?
the assumption is a place where you could just go "sign-up" then you would be "on" the IndieWeb at a meaningful level (like no this is not just another place to start a blog which no one discovers)
GWG, yeah it's gotten a bit punchy
that says: micro.blog, blogger, wordpress
but again i think the answer to this question comes down to what we mean by "be on the indieweb"
because any web host with a website builder should count really
this is hitting the problem of different definitions of IndieWeb, again.
this is the problem of trying to be broadly appealing vs it being so broad as to be meaningless
well, if you want to compare UX to joinmastodon/servers then those services are the closest thing. You can run mastodon yourself too, but that’s not what joinmastodon is for
"on the IndieWeb means i am owning my content on my own domain" covers a ton of hosting options. but as soon as you want to expand that definition to include "more IndieWeb" a lot of things like website builders stop being meaningful options.
if "IndieWeb" just means "have a blog and a domain" then it's a nearly meaningless marketing term, so I think we have to reject that simplistic a definition
the problem with blogger.com, wordpress.com, or random website builders is that they get you to a certain point, and then you hit a very hard ceiling
Maybe we need a scale?
hmm, interestingly the 2nd point on the home page does suggest something beyond simple website builders
I am more and more leaning towards NOT directing people along paths (especially in any kind of "Getting Started") that will lead them to a dead end
"you are better connected"
GWG, yes, a scale, and that's literally what IndieMark is
On the Indieweb, integrated with the Indieweb...Indieweb adjacent...
[tantek]: I know
tho "you are better connected" is mostly talking about backfeed
aaronpk, right, and that was correct as of 2014
when we wrote that
I just think the numeric might need a textual description
today, "you are better connected", means a lot more
...I might have missed something, did they just discover they have a mastodon server most of them didn't know about or what?
I closed the tab, it went quite off topic
next time i walk out of a barcamp room i'm going to refer to it as "closing the tab"
oh wait, "closing the tab" also has a different meaning in the context of actual bars
I was waiting for that connection
Fari enough. Also, as someone who just finally got around to doing something (and tracking y'all down again, it's embarrassing how long I was in the old channels thinking gosh it's quiet these days) after several years of thinking "you know, I should do indieweb stuff someday:" I remember having the impression at one point that the most important first thing was to start using microformats, and at another point that the most
important thing was to hook my stuff up under my own domain (or at least subdomain), but I didn't really get hung up on that because I was planning to do both anyway. However, I could imagine, from the perspective of someone looking for the same kind of answer as they wanted to the question "how do I get started in the Fediverse," that the crucial part of getting started with Indieweb might be reaching the point where they could send
and receive webmentions...
gRegor, gRegorLove_, angelo, mro, tiim, Xin, polezaivsani, [marksuth] and [coreagile] joined the channel
<j​acky#7226> tantek: i get emails from it but it's like a less aggressively conservative platform compared to an extreme one like Parler or Gettr
edited /Webmention (+654) "Add my site eindex's blog as a new example"
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mro joined the channel
edited /User:Jacky.wtf (+127) "/* Itches */"
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barnaby joined the channel
[Event Updated] marksuth.dev updated "Dec 14, 2022 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/429/history/1202/diff
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[benatwork] and gRegor joined the channel
[github] Successfully deployed microformats/microformats.io to https://microformats.io
tbbrown joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[Event Updated] ragt.ag updated "Dec 14, 2022 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London" changed end_time https://events.indieweb.org/event/429/history/1203/diff
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+0) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /site-deaths (+1241) "/* Upcoming */ +Revue, dates, citation, link to download"
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edited /site-deaths (+87) "mv reading.am to 2022 section, note open source now"
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we had a good turnout at the effaustin meetup last night (as noted, in the same room as indiewebcamp austin). i will follow up with a link to the archived video when it becomes available.
fwiw, slides are temporarily here: https://effaustin.ngrok.io/
tbbrown: Your bio could use an update
indeed. they used the one from the last time i gave a talk!
edited /site-deaths (+61) "/* Revue */ add description and remove date question"
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