#meta 2022-12-13

2022-12-13 UTC
[pfefferle], jan6, tiim, Zegnat and tbbrown joined the channel
edited /2019/SF/webactions (-24) "direct wiki links, typo fix"
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edited /webactions (+146) "/* Sessions */ reverse chronlogical, some cleanup"
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On https://indieweb.org/webactions#Sessions "2011-09-18 WordCampPDX" do we have a link for presentation or notes?
edited /webactions (+52) "/* Sessions */ switch archived lanyrd.com link"
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Props to them for keeping this site online so long: https://portland.wordcamp.org/2011/attendees/
[manton], strugee_, mro, gRegor, Phoenix1, tiim, [manton]1, [benatwork]1, jeremycherfas, barnaby and tbbrown joined the channel
what happened to all the W3C stage banners on webmention, micropub etc.? (but still on the top of e.g. /ActivityPub) I can't see where they were removed so I'm going to add them back in
if we decided when to remove such things, the reasons why should be documented somewhere ( /wikify at least) - i.e. when to add or remove or change such a banner
tbbrown joined the channel
edited /Micropub (+26) "add W3C REC SVG banner back (when did it disappear? and why?)"
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didn't they get moved to the spec pages?
trying to make the main pages more user friendly, which the spec progress is really not that relevant to
edited /Webmention (+165) "add W3C REC SVG banner back (when did it disappear? and why?), note W3C REC in dfn like Micropub, move blockquote to why"
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edited /Micropub (+8) "dfn copy edit"
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edited /WebSub (+187) "add W3C REC SVG banner back (when did it disappear? and why?), note W3C REC in dfn like Micropub, link SocialWG, copy edit dfn, move previously to end"
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similar timeframe
edited /ActivityPub (+414) "add AP logo, published & latest draft links"
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edited /Web_Share_API (+365) "W3C CR graphic, latest published & draft links, see webactions for specific user actions IndieWeb Examples stub,"
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edited /Web_Share_API (+148) "w3c logo like other w3c specs"
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edited /Web_Share_API (-18) "rm neg m-t"
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since we have other pages of W3C specs in progress now (e.g. Web Share), I think it makes sense to have a consistent progress banner across them
also the audience for W3C specs should be presumed to be primarily web developers
edited /WebSub (-18) "rm neg m-t"
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edited /Micropub (-18) "rm neg m-t"
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edited /Webmention (-18) "rm neg m-t"
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[aaronpk] I have no recollection of why we removed them at the time. Maybe because we thought we were "done" and there was no longer any reason to indicate "progress"? [schmarty] do you have any recollection of our reasoning? or was it just "clean-up"?
edited /ActivityPub (-18) "rm neg m-t"
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we really need a separate page for AS2 since it's an actual W3C REC
Yeah I dont recall the reasoning for this. Hopefully logged in Megan
Ugh, typing while walking. In *meta
if anyone who is interested in ActivityPub / ActivityStreams wants to help out here, we could use a drafting of an actual "Activity Streams 2.0" sub page similar to /ActivityPub, and you can likely borrow some content from /ActivityStreams
what is Activity Streams 2.0
It looks like we don't have a page for "Activity Streams 2.0" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Activity Streams 2.0 is ____", a sentence describing the term)
lol ok then
Activity Streams 2.0 is (AKA <dfn>Activity Streams Core</dfn>) an open web standard ([[W3C]] Recommendation) and format for communicating a series of user activities across websites, based on prior [[ActivityStreams]] community proposals & specifications. https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/
created /Activity_Streams_2.0 (+327) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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there you go, new page for the day
[preview] [James M Snell] Activity Streams 2.0
jack, [benatwork] I feel you two may be interested in helping flesh out that page
edited /AS2 (+5) "update redirect"
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edited /Activity_Streams_2.0 (+330) "add w3c logo, REC SVG, links to published & latest, see also"
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ActivityStreams << Activity Streams 2.0
edited /Activity_Streams_2.0 (+733) "software support, move a few AS2 specific links here from the AS page"
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edited /ActivityStreams () "(-550) move a few specific see alsos to AS2 page, move a few see alsos to history/origins, simplify See Also section"
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both /AS and /AS2 could use some more work & clean-up, but that's a start ^
edited /Activity_Streams_2.0 (+54) "developed in SocialWG"
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edited /Social_Web_Working_Group (+31) "link to separate spec pages for AS2/AV"
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gRegor, _nertzy[d], _IWDiscordRelay, laker_, GWG-, jjuran, Seirdy and barnaby joined the channel
like the registry of rel values? or should it link to the page on the mf wiki?
is asking b/c I'm cleaning up some libraries and want to point to the right place
edited /link_rel_parser (+78) "/* See Also */ add rust to list, combine JS options"
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what is rel=link
It looks like we don't have a page for "rel=link" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "rel=link is ____", a sentence describing the term)
well technically, that's not a thing
would that be a way to do the inverse of something like news.indieweb.org or indieweb.xyz?
I think it's more when you're linked to from a directory like https://indieseek.xyz/, vs syndicating your post to somewhere like those.
[preview] Home
polezaivsani and tiim joined the channel
the registry should have nothing to do with the parsing algorithm
or parsing libraries for it
jacky, not sure that "inverse of" is a good way to reason about it
from the spec: "a page indicates that the destination of the hyperlink is a directory listing containing an entry for the current page."
if that's not clear, ask questions about it and we can attempt to improve it accordingly
edited /link_rel_parser (+58) "move libraries to examples, see also disco algos"
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gRegorLove_ joined the channel
edited /discovery-algorithms (+25) "/* Link rel discovery */ main"
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gRegorLove__ joined the channel
edited /link_rel_parser (+121) "dfn copy edit from other section"
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jacky, gRegor, probably worth comparing https://indieweb.org/discovery-algorithms#Link_rel_discovery vs https://indieweb.org/link_rel_parser and coming up with a canonical update merging information from both of those sections.
for https://indieweb.org/discovery-algorithms#Link_rel_discovery in particular, it would be ok to link to only one for each language
and leave the thorough "list of all libraries for all languages" on the https://indieweb.org/link_rel_parser page
edited /Activity_Streams_2.0 (+84) "software OSS, Service support"
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edited /Web_Share_API (+25) "profile or home page"
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good point
[fluffy] joined the channel
edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+35) "stubbed a new Activity Streams 2.0 page for today"
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created /AS_2.0 (+34) "r"
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barnaby joined the channel
edited /Micropub-extensions (-1) "/* Pagination */ fixed linking"
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