#tantek.comedited /Mastodon (+566) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ more distinction of adding here vs if you're using Bridgy Fed, add yourself there instead, or ActivityPub examples" (view diff)
#[tantek]good call gRegor on that see also of Bridgy Fed, I added some guidance for distinguish Mastodon, ActivityPub, and BridgyFed IndieWeb Examples. Perhaps review ^
#bkilDo you think it would be valuable to maintain compatibility with Opera Mini and UC Mini browser? Or to support phones you can purchase to this day having small screens (240x320). (This is separate from the implementation choice of going JS-free, because these can also run JS) https://indieweb.org/js;dr
#tantek.comedited /discuss (+76) "/* meta */ add a few more explicit items to hopefully help chat about chat go to meta first" (view diff)
#bkilThe RSS feed of the wiki looks less than ideal in that resolution. Otherwise, the fixed size of the left mediawiki panel leaves only a few words of width to the article itself in lower resolution and the search box overlaps everything. The sponsor alt text if you disable images also overflows the width badly. This sponsor overflow and toolbar overlap can also be reproduced if you open devtools in a desktop browser and enable the mobile device toolbar (e.g.,
#bkilJioPhone 2). The search input box on the main page has a submit button labeled "Search", but the one on the wiki I can only see an image button without alt and some funky CSS - and you can't press enter on a mobile. I now see there are two search buttons partially overlapping each other that causes this.
#bkilI'm still waiting for your feedback about intended support, but I think the root cause of why the chat is not working is that it seems to listen to keypress events and check for keyCode==13, while mobile devices do not have a keyboard, and Opera Mini specifically ignores this event. It is best practice to only use (body.onLoad), onSubmit, onClick and optionally onChange, but it also simulates mouseover, mousedown and mouseup within forms in a dumb manner and
#bkilfocus and blur in even less cases. It should support cookies, XMLHttpRequest (along with setTimeout and setInterval) as long as it completes within 5 seconds. I don't think that it supports hashchange, but that's harmless. PushStream won't work either, but I think that should degrade gracefully by a user clicking on the name of a channel when they wish to update the log. https://dev.opera.com/articles/opera-mini-content-authoring-guidelines/
#aaronpkoh the chat? i thought you were talking about the wiki
#bkilWell, I was talking about both, but only tried logging in the chat. Reading of the chat works, though, as well as searching.
#aaronpki don't know, this seems like a pretty small user base to go through a bunch of hoops to support
#bkilThe chat looks a bit better on a small screen, but still falls apart a bit on 240x320.
#aaronpkif there are changes that would benefit all browsers that sounds fine, but I'm not particularly interested in spending a bunch of time getting things working for the 3 people who want to use a tiny 240x320 screen
#bkilCould you share which screen resolution I should be testing at?
#aaronpkalso at that point they can just use a real chat app to join any of the bridged platforms
#bkilFeature phones only have Facebook, WhatsApp and Opera Mini or UC Browser.
#bkilEven before diving into how Opera Mini/UC Mini compatibility can be achieved, I followed the best practice of only embedding input elements within forms and using onsubmit events (that are also by default invoked by pressing enter within an input control if a submit button is also present). For one wanting to submit a comment on enter within a textarea, such a keypress handler is also admissible as long as it invokes submit and a submit button is also present
#bkilas a fallback for users without a means to press enter.
#bkilI understand that you don't want to jump through many hoops, hence why I didn't ask for rewriting the whole thing to nojs and such. And at the same time wanted to gauge your opinion about this.
#aaronpkwell i am not claiming the chat is perfect by any means, and I'm willing to accept fixes for it, but I do not have bandwidth to do more significant changes or even review significant changes
#tantek.comedited /mascot (+333) "upgrade Cats to their own subsection, note drawback: cats already mascot of the internet as a whole per Wikipedia" (view diff)
#[tantek]^ anyone else want to express their opinions for a mascot (emoji) for the IndieWeb?
#Loqibkil has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
#aaronpki am glad that image is forever archived in the chat logs
#[schmarty]hahaha yeah i didn't expect slack to just blat it out like that, either. i guess slack considers image _filesize_ rather than image dimensions when deciding whether or not to show the preview by default 😂
#tantek.comedited /Micro.blog (+233) "/* Syndication */ from micro.blog, explicitly note list of other services, including Bluesky, with blog post citation, formerly Twitter" (view diff)
#[tantek]^ [manton] to confirm, http://micro.blog no longer supports POSSEing to Twitter right? Or did I mishear/misread that somewhere?
#LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-05-05.html
#[manton][tantek] It supports POSSE to Twitter until July 15th, then I’ll disable it. I decided to pay Twitter to keep the API going a little longer for people.