#meta 2023-09-18
2023-09-18 UTC
[tantek], tyram, MentallyRetired, gRegorLove__, [Murray], diego_perry, [KevinMarks], Loqi___, AramZS, yogurt, [schmarty], [aciccarello] and Rysheve joined the channel; diego_perry left the channel
[capjamesg] Homebrew Website Club was on HN for ~17 hours. I appreciate all of the kind people who shared their personal websites and thoughts on the web on the thread!

[schmarty] that's a lot of underscores for Loqi

Loqi [Event Updated] jamesg.blog updated "Sep 22, 2023 6:00am September 2023 SWICG Community Meeting" changed meeting_url, description https://events.indieweb.org/event/514/history/1406/diff

Loqi [Event Updated] jamesg.blog updated "Sep 22, 2023 6:00am September 2023 SWICG Community Meeting" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/514/history/1407/diff

[capjamesg] A quick reminder that the Social Web Community Group will meet on Friday, during which time we will be discussing whether to form a Working Group to advance existing social web standards work done by the W3C, and what new ground we may want to cover. This is a great chance to help voice your opinion on what work you want to see done to improve existing IndieWeb standards (i.e. GitHub Issues to be moved into a spec) and

[capjamesg] ActivityPub.

Loqi [Event Updated] jamesg.blog updated "Sep 22, 2023 6:00am September 2023 SWICG Community Meeting" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/514/history/1408/diff

Loqi [Event Updated] jamesg.blog updated "Sep 22, 2023 6:00am September 2023 SWICG Community Meeting" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/514/history/1409/diff

sknebel "If a client wishes to use a redirect URL that has a different host than their client_id, or if the redirect URL uses a custom scheme (such as when the client is a native application)" https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#redirect-url
moodydot joined the channel; moodydot left the channel
Loqi [Event Updated] ragt.ag updated "Sep 22, 2023 6:00am September 2023 SWICG Community Meeting" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/514/history/1410/diff

[capjamesg] angelo++

greglopez, paulrobertlloyd and [tw2113] joined the channel
sisoma When should I mark a wiki edit as a minor edit?
sisoma Fixing a broken link? : p
sisoma That makes sense, thanks!
sigmundur.morkore.fo edited /scrobble (+4) "/* Brainstorming */ Fix broken link to last.fm API for track scrobbles" (view diff)
moody1 joined the channel