#meta 2023-09-19

2023-09-19 UTC
joe and moody1 joined the channel
edited /why_blog (+0) "better redirect"
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angelo joined the channel
If anyone has any opinions on IndieWeb technology to include in a WG, please leave a comment here: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swicg/2023Sep/0045.html
Comments would be sincerely appreciated!
[tantek] ^
edited /pop-up (+738) "/* Proposed Pop-up Template */"
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[capjamesg] So, the message from SocialWG is essentially SocialWG = Fediverse = maintenance of AP + AS2 and anything else is SOL or am I missing something?
That is Dmitri’s starting position.
omz13 weigh in with some IndieWeb ideas!
I already have in a separate thread.
Just checking as sometimes I have difficulty parsing the subtlety behind such machinations /s
No worries. More voices in support of IndieWeb tech are appreciated!
greglopez and AramZS joined the channel; greglopez left the channel
Please don't imply anything else SOL when nothing is stated like that. This is why email/text is bad for this kind of discussion
I take Dmitri's message as one of what to include. He's only proposing two areas as explicitly out of scope
If someone can write up the number of IndieAuth IdP implementations (by name, with link), and the number of IndieAuth RP implementations, then it should be fairly straightforward to demonstrate that it's been sufficiently incubated to deserve to be updated from a NOTE to a WD for standardization
^ and those lists of implementations should be documented and up to date on /IndieAuth but someone needs to do that work for going through what's there and checking links
Look at what I said in the minutes of the Social CG meeting last week. WG specs that have demonstrated "wide implementation"
[pfefferle] joined the channel
I can send an email about IndieAuth w/ those links [tantek].
Capjamesg, SOL as Omz13 used it above
capjamesg, can you update the /IndieAuth page implementations section first with those links and only second send email?
We really need to shift away from putting any primary content in email where it is lost
Emails should only summarize and then link to where primary content "lives" that can be kept up to date in contrast to uneditable emails that quickly go out of date
The order of documenting really should be: 1 chat to brainstorm, 2 wiki to capture truth / source of truth, 3 blog post to publish personal opinions / thoughts / observations / long brainstorms (though 2 & 3) can be swapped, then only optionally 4 email as POSSE of a blog post, especially to a public list
[tantek] I mean, what does SOL mean?
And yes re: the IndieAuth page.
edited /IndieAuth (+148) "/* Server Implementations */"
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Updated to add mine + move an archived project ^
edited /IndieAuth (+196) "/* IndieAuth Clients */"
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[manton], [campegg], ajr and amitp joined the channel
What is Reddit Webmention?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Reddit Webmention" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Reddit Webmention is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Reddit Webmention is a script written by {{capjamesg}} you can use to send Webmentions from Reddit posts that feature your website to your website. The project is open-source and licensed under an MIT license: https://github.com/capjamesg/reddit-webmention
created /Reddit_Webmention (+284) "prompted by [capjamesg] and dfn added by [capjamesg]"
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What is Hacker News Webmention?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Hacker News Webmention" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Hacker News Webmention is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[preview] [capjamesg] reddit-webmention: Send Webmentions from Reddit to your personal website.
Hacker News Webmention is a script written by {{capjamesg}} you can use to send Webmentions from Hacker News posts and comments feature your website to your website. The project is open-source and licensed under an MIT license: https://github.com/capjamesg/hn-webmention
created /Hacker_News_Webmention (+298) "prompted by [capjamesg] and dfn added by [capjamesg]"
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What is hacker news?
🟧 Hacker News is a bookmark posting silo as well as a silo for comments on those links, sometimes abbreviated as HN, nicknamed orange site, or German auto-corrected to gackerndes https://indieweb.org/Hacker_News
[preview] [capjamesg] hn-webmention: Send Webmentions from Hacker News to your personal website.
edited /Akismet (+42) "Past Examples, https links, +wiki links"
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amitp and AramZS_ joined the channel