#meta 2023-09-24

2023-09-24 UTC
[tw2113] joined the channel
[snarfed] how would you describe hugops?
IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], [catgirlinspace] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[aaronpk]++ (can we please have an upgraded Compass when you have had a bit of a rest?)
[aaronpk] has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (111 in all channels)
ramsey, Hii and benji joined the channel
created /User:Sinnach.com (+259) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = Jovir Lucan |url = https://sinnach.com/ |photo_url = https://sinnach.com/avatar.png |pronouns = he, him, they, them |summary = I am just getting started on the indieweb |elsewhere = |contact = jovir@sinnach.com |chatname = sinnach }}""
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[Ana_R], [capjamesg], [schmarty], nertzy, AramZS and [tantek] joined the channel
created /microdotblog (+23) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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created /Proton (+23) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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created /Proton_email (+23) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /ProtonMail (+110) "stub empty IndieWeb Examples"
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edited /ProtonMail (+7) "explicit TOC"
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created /email_host (+26) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /ProtonMail (+103) "Adds info on using your own domain."
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edited /email (+23) "/* Custom domain email providers */ main subpage email hosting"
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edited /email (+178) "/* Custom domain email providers */ to-do"
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[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[nsmsn] joined the channel
edited /Indiewebify.me (+29) "shorter alt, list instead of float left, main for button"
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edited /Indiewebify.me (+238) "expand dfn to note a few things it checks"
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[chrisaldrich] and [Murray] joined the channel
created /Amazon_Prime (+189) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /Amazon_Prime (+149) "[tantek] added "How to find what movies and tv shows you have recently watched: https://theadhocracy.co.uk/wrote/recently-watched-on-amazon-prime" to "See Also""
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edited /Amazon_Prime (+633) "expand dfn to relate to IndieWeb, How to stub, more SA, proper cite theadhocracy blog post, stub IndieWeb examples (empty)"
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gRegorLove_ joined the channel
edited /Netflix (+301) "expand dfn to directly note IndieWeb relevance, incorporate how to find viewing history, stub IndieWeb Examples with eddiehinkle"
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going to be an interesting set of edited wiki pages in the next newsletter
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
I just had another observation about email vs chat (in a community context). When replying to emails there is a greater need to internalize more of the sender's mental state since emails tend to be longer and contain lots more context which means you have to adjust yourself to the sender's vocab etc., whereas in chat, there is less need to internalize and adjust and so you can stay in your own vocab etc. when you reply
I see this as an advantage to chat over email, you are able to retain more of your authentic self when you reply in chat vs email, stay in your own vocab etc. instead of having to cope with the cognitive load of adaptation to the previous sender, which then you have to do again, differently to the next sender etc.
it does make me wonder if chat in general requires less context-switching to reply/contribute, because you only have to "load" a brief statement from someone into your head, instead of an essay of paragraphs
similarly the lower context-switching load of participating in a meeting with brief verbal statements from people, rather than paragraphs of emails.
Hm, some Slack messages not showing up on chat.indieweb.org. I had to open Slack to see aciccarello's side of the chat https://chat.indieweb.org/2023-09-24
edited /watch (+288) "incorporate formats and environment SA into Brainstorming"
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edited /Bridgy_Fed (+622) "/* gRegor Morrill */ article hashtag screenshots"
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edited /Bridgy_Fed (+122) "subheads for gRegor's extensive docs"
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