#indieweb 2023-09-24

2023-09-24 UTC
[tw2113], gerben, IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], gxt, [catgirlinspace], ren, [jeremycherfas], fLaMEd, ramsey, bleb, Hii, benji, geoffo, sinnach, [Ana_R], [capjamesg] and lqdev joined the channel
Twitter’s logged out algorithm is not fit for purpose.
One of Johnson’s major COVID speeches was 4th on his timeline when I was logged out. (I don’t have an account).
[schmarty] joined the channel
rhiaro has 1 karma over the last year
nertzy, AramZS, bterry, [tantek] and btrem joined the channel
Does anyone use Proton email? I have a sibling who needs to move away from shared hosting for email, and is going to choose gmail for business (so she can use her own domain name in emails). But Proton seems a bit more privacy oriented. A bit more, err, indieweb in an obtuse sort of way. Any thoughts?
what is Proton
It looks like we don't have a page for "Proton" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Proton is ____", a sentence describing the term)
btrem, no IndieWeb examples listed there ^, however gRegor created the page, perhaps he uses it. It would be interesting to know (like on the page / How to) if you can use your own domain with ProtonMail
I'm pretty sure you can. But let me check.
a citation to a help article on their site stating as much or preferably "how to" would be a good addition to the /ProtonMail page
and that way we could also expand the dfn to note their IndieWeb relevance
btrem I use ProtonMail 🙂
sisoma, are you able to use it with your own domain?
protonmail is a bit odd with their focus on their own encryption stuff, but has custom domains. other common options with custom domain support are mailbox.org or fastmail
Looks like you can, according to https://proton.me/business
what is an email host
It looks like we don't have a page for "email host" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "email host is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is email hosting
email hosting is a service for receiving and sending email on the internet https://indieweb.org/email-hosting
Should I edit the proton page?
btrem yes please!
ren joined the channel
sknebel can you add those "common options with custom domain support" to https://indieweb.org/email-hosting#Providers ?
but also in need of some cleanup it seems
ren joined the channel
[tantek] yeah I use my morkore.fo domain for it. So any emails that go to something@morkore.fo go to me.
It works fantastic. Only inconvenience is that they don't have easy integration into other mail clients like Thunderbird. They require you to run a slightly buggy desktop program as a bridge between the mail client and ProtonMail
But I just use their web app and android app, so works perfectly fine that way
sknebel, sounds like we need some wiki gardening to perhaps provide a "top 3 most used by indieweb" summary in that section on /email, and then move all the rest to /email-hosting
what is an email provider
email hosting is a service for receiving and sending email on the internet https://indieweb.org/email_provider
oops I was going to say something about posting a lot less on social media, and why, and then lost my clipboard buffer
I have been posting (even POSSEing) much less to social media in the past few months (almost zero in the past two), and that frequency has been decreasing for many many months. Have spent some time reflecting on that in contrast to the ever growing queue of ideas/drafts of posts I need/want to post (on my own site) and I'm finding some interesting contrasts in incentives and motivations. Curious if that's a topic others are interested
in or have thought(s) about, or if not, if I should just write some posts about it (thus adding to my ever growing queue)
ren and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
has anyone here posted about "posting to social media less often" either as a direct observation or with additional thoughts on why? am curious to compare insights
[nsmsn], ren, [chrisaldrich], ren-, Thelie, fLaMEd, [Murray], gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and lqdev joined the channel
aciccarello, views and usage/posting there?