#[tantek]that last IWC LA is still very much "fresh" in my memory because of what happened two days later. Interestingly enough, IWC Berlin 2024 is tentatively scheduled for the weekend *after* next year's US Presidential election, perhaps a good bracketing moment of sorts
#[chrisaldrich][tantek], the Pivotal connection was Shaners. I don't know anyone there.
#[chrisaldrich]I might have a connection to push that could get us space at the Los Angeles Athletic Club in downtown LA: https://laac.com/
#[chrisaldrich]It could also come with reduced hotel accommodations there as well for people who want to stay. Lots of food in the neighborhood as well as entertainment options.
#[chrisaldrich]$150/night for nice DTLA hotel rooms is a "get" these days...
#[chrisaldrich]I haven't seen him in person lately, but we could also check in with ScottGruber (http://scottgruber.me) who's been to IWC events in the past. He was at UCLA and might be able to swing some space there?
#GWG[chrisaldrich]: Are you interested in attending?
#[chrisaldrich]I'm all in.... and have half a page of notes on it in the last 10 minutes.
#GWGI can try to help from here. But I know nothing about the land
#[KevinMarks]My son works at Riot Games, they may have some suitable places, but they're not that web adjacent
jeremycherfas, ramsey, aaronpk, petermolnar, sebsel1, CRISPR, capjamesg, barnaby, tbbrown, [0x3b0b] and hi joined the channel
#[tantek]Thanks for checking [cleverdevil]. I expect many in our industry have "gone fully remote" and thus there's a lot less surplus weekend office space than there used to be.