#meta 2023-11-13

2023-11-13 UTC
edited /Shock () "(-2887) gutting as goals have shifted"
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CRISPR joined the channel
[[IndieAuth]] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=IndieAuth&diff=1184872879&oldid=prev Citation bot: Alter: journal. Add: date, s2cid, isbn, pages, authors 1-1. Removed parameters. Some additions/deletions were parameter name changes. | Use this bot. Report bugs. | Suggested by Headbomb | Linked from Wikipedia:WikiProject_Academic_Journals/Journals_cited_by_Wikipedia/Sandbox | #UCB_webform_linked 222/763
[aciccarello], [0x3b0b], barnabywalters, barnaby and CRISPR joined the channel
Just putting this here in case someone (i.e. aaronpk) wants to look into it. It looks like a Slack message from jeremycherfas (https://indiewebcamp.slack.com/archives/C1PA11USK/p1699856216451509?thread_ts=1699829727.730699&cid=C1PA11USK) did not make it to IRC even though it was posted both as a thread and to the channel. But [sebsel]’s further comments in that thread did make it to IRC https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2023-11-13#
t1699865417251300 ?!
oh, weird and interesting :o
[Joe_Crawford], jeremycherfas and barnaby joined the channel
created /web_software (+21) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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barnaby, tbbrown and CRISPR joined the channel
there is an ongoing indieweb related conversation this week at https://tinyurl.com/fediverse-indieweb hosted by our friend Jon Lebkowksy. anyone can participate by sending comments or questions to this email address: inkwell at well.com
oops. Lebkowsky
angelo_ joined the channel
I think aaronpk needs to reset the gateway for jeremycherfas for Slack messages to come through. I think he fixed a bug on that sometime last week.
apparently i did not fix the bug
oh I thought maybe the gateway had to be reset for each person it affected
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
bummer :/
I might need to make the gateway actually check whether the message was successfully sent to IRC
but that sounds like a lot of work
edited /Overland (+137) "add testflight beta"
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barnaby, [KevinMarks], [tantek], [snarfed], [jacky] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Thinking about cities for a possible IWS in 2024 again
I have a feeling SF is both too hard to find a sufficient venue, and frankly too expensive to get the kind of broad set of participants that we got in 2019.
I would help support an effort to do an IWS in San Diego or West LA if we had someone "on the ground" who could drive finding a venue for 30-40 people and if we somehow sell that out, (yes, like summit before, $10 tickets with economic hardship exemptions), then we cross that bridge when we get there (and work on finding a larger venue).
I'd also be up for holding it in Berlin or even Dusseldorf, since Berlin has a long history of Summit-like camps
[tantek]: You know I'm interested
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Would be great to have people come to Southern California. I don't know anything about finding a venue though.
[aciccarello]: Zoo?
Well people should go to the zoo anytime they are in San Diego so I think that's a great idea 😆
Maybe on that former passenger transport ship on the water?
Too bad we couldn't meet up at the zoo last time you were around.
I got there with gRegor
[aciccarello]: What universities or colleges are around?
There's the big one of UC San Diego
jeremy joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] might have some LA venue connections
GWG, here's your tourism authority provide list of colleges https://www.sandiego.org/articles/san-diego-universities-and-colleges.aspx
Yes, last time [chrisaldrich] got us a venue for IWC Los Angeles
Have not met, but https://www.erinroseglass.com/ might be a connection for SD venues, or at least interested in attending. Twitter mutual, she seemed interested in HWC back when we were doing that irl.
https://indieweb.org/2016/LA was the last SoCal IWC we had.
I remember that one... it was nice
!tell [chrisaldrich] does Pivotal still have their Santa Monica office and do you still know someone there?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I can go back to that place I met angelo