#meta 2023-11-19

2023-11-19 UTC
the more interested folks expressing date prefs the better
Good point.
jason joined the channel
I'm still having trouble finding a hotel within walking distance of that bakery.
Oh well.
[jacky] joined the channel
created /User:Reaganlynch.com (+812) "Created page with "This page is a work in progresss. You can see how my progress is going at [https://reaganlynch.com/ ReaganLynch.com], my personal website. It is important to know that I"m Blind and as a result I do not usually think about adding pictures to my website. == Itches == First time I've heard of this concept, and I am interested. Here are things I'm working on. * Determine if I want to stay with self-hosted WordPress for my personal blog or if I want to move everything to...""
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trwnh and barnaby joined the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /writing (+428) "adding links"
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vanderven.se martijn
edited /conneg (+1490) "Article from htmx on hearing "it’s easy, you just use content negotiation""
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vanderven.se martijn
edited /SEO (+429) "/* Articles */ Add Chris Coyier quote on SEO wrecking the internet."
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vanderven.se martijn
edited /AT_Protocol (+279) "/* See Also */ Bit of [[fun]]: [[ActivityPub]] over ATProto"
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vanderven.se martijn
edited /local_comments (+1326) "/* See Also */ Capture links about the Kottke.org comments, probably still needs some quotes to be added."
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vanderven.se martijn
edited /MongoDB (+353) "/* See Also */ FerretDB, the one I keep forgetting does the open-source licensed MongoDB compat thing."
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[schmarty], [aciccarello], [Paul_Robert_Ll] and srijan joined the channel
srijan joined the channel
MitchW interested in IWC San Diego: https://micro.blog/MitchW/26606911
[preview] [MitchW] @chrisaldrich I am interested. I'm located in San Diego. I can help out.
edited /Planning (+120) "/* San Diego */ MitchW interest"
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[jamietanna] and tbbrown joined the channel
We need to pick a date this week to make it viable for out of towers I think
GWG, I agree, I think we should make a last call for interested folks at HWC Pacific, have folks add themselves to the wiki accordingly, and then hopefully decide later that night if we can get organizers on chat live
Sounds like a plan
I need a local San Diegan to confirm of I'm right about nearby hotels though.
There don't appear to be any within walking distance but there is a cluster a few minutes drive in Mission Valley
ryanachronism joined the channel
I suppose it depends on what we mean by walking distance
of course that's another thing we could annotate about the venues in the venue brainstorming list - nearby hotels if any
ryanachronism, [James_Van_Dyne], ryank and [nsmsn] joined the channel
Mission valley has a lot to offer but most of the hotels aren't in walkable locations.
[aciccarello]: What do you suggest?
I have to sleep somewhere
Not trying to shut down options. Just share whatever knowledge I have. Downtown is easier to get around but might be more expensive.
I've never stayed there but Old Town has a good transit center and a free electric shuttle to the airport.
[snarfed] joined the channel
I stayed downtown at the Holiday Inn previously
Old Town might be good
[nsmsn] joined the channel
If others are coming would like to stay near them at least to share transport to the venue
CRISPR joined the channel