2023-11-18 UTC
# 00:10 [tantek] for small groups, you can setup a dedicated laptop at one end of a table for the remote participation view
ericzty joined the channel
# 00:17 GWG Conference microphone with noise cancelling plus laptop?
# 00:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tbbrown joined the channel
tbbrown joined the channel
# 01:43 [jacky] heh if I could figure out how to convince folks out here in Florida to meet up on this, I'd host one in tampa
# 01:56 gRegor Elsewhere on there Michael Bishop says they're a Tampa resident
# 02:05 [jacky] now to find other tech events that would be indieweb adjacent out here
tbbrown joined the channel
# 02:23 GWG I may be down when I take my father down when he's feeling up to it
# 02:50 GWG [jacky]: Preferably near a Bright Line station
tbbrown, GWG, [0x3b0b]_, cali-iwc, [m], trwnh and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
# 21:04 [tantek] Shall we start looking at hotels and such near (walking distance to) the venue?
# 21:40 GWG I missed that. Also did a date emerge?
# 21:45 [tantek] GWG, there is a clear leader in terms of venue in the planning page, did you have questions or issues about it?
# 21:45 [tantek] now that [chrisaldrich] has given his input, let's see which dates are leading
# 21:46 [tantek] GWG, my suggestion is to ask/invite folks at Wednesday's HWC Pacific to consider going to IWC SD and to indicate which dates they could make it
# 21:49 [tantek] for dates I see four +1s on 2023-12-16…17 which is 2+ points ahead of any other options so that feels like a logical choice if we had to choose now
# 22:04 GWG Nothing within short walking distance I can see
# 23:22 GWG !tell [chrisaldrich] You write under the 8th and 9th that you have a conflict on the 2nd and 3rd. Did you make a mistake?
# 23:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 23:25 [chrisaldrich] Yes, the conflict is correct, just not under the right dates... that's what I get for trying to edit the wiki on a mobile phone...
# 23:26 GWG [chrisaldrich]: Any opinion on the 8th though? +1, -1, 0?
# 23:30 GWG I need to fix mine... I'm available that second week and that might be better for conflict.
# 23:31 GWG And it would bring it to 4 on both
# 23:55 GWG There, the 9th and 10th is tied with the 16th and 17th