GWG[tantek]: I always wonder what other people think re Health and Safety. I know I always feel like I am in a minority. I follow the bulleted advice, although on the plane, I use a travel straw to sip without removing the mask.
tantek.comedited /Mastodon (+610) "Other Standards Support / Webfinger sections, incorporate related SA entries, use Manton's profile as an example" (view diff)
[tantek]2023/SD << Proposed session idea by {{t}}: mobile content authoring and posting workflow examples, how do people do it today and want to ideally do it, maybe co-facilitated with {{aciccarello}}.
Loqiok, I added "Proposed session idea by {{t}}: mobile content authoring and posting workflow examples, how do people do it today and want to ideally do it, maybe co-facilitated with {{aciccarello}}." to the "See Also" section of /2023/SD
LoqiA badge (AKA achievement) on the IndieWeb is a post or home page button showing completion of an accomplishment or self-expressed support for a cause, often for finishing a specific task or passing a test like a validator, displayable with a unique code per person or generically with a sticker image; there are prototypes for creating, issuing, and displaying peer-to-peer IndieWeb badges via Webmention
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "web component" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "web component is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiA sparkline is a small, simple, data-dense graphic with typographic resolution that is shown inline and in-context with relevant text
LoqiA holiday theme is a temporary custom CSS or other change in a website typically meant to visually indicate the celebration of a holiday or special occasion
LoqiProgramming languages are languages designed for humans to write for machines to interpret and execute, typically in the form of software, though sometimes in terminal commands