#meta 2024-01-21

2024-01-21 UTC
Ezri, ee33, [m], [campegg], [KevinMarks], [snarfed], barnaby and barnabywalters joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel
That's [hollie], I think she signed in with a different domain, set up https://indieweb.org/User:Holliebutler.net previously
[hollie], we can help you redirect one of those to the other, whichever is your preferred primary domain
Looks like there's another Fediforum in March if anyone following that more closely wants to add it to events.indieweb.org https://fediforum.org/
edited /Substack (+732) "/* Quits */ +Danya Ruttenberg quit, moved to Ghost"
(view diff)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Wow, so many webrings