[Paul_Robert_Ll]Thanks tantek++. Copy/paste in the textarea has been behaving funny for me, unsure if Safari (likely, been very buggy lately) or MediaWiki.
[Paul_Robert_Ll]☝ Trying something. Turns out you can’t use `style` element in Templates, so need to use CSS in `custom.css`. Looks like we don’t have the deprecated `.floatleft` / `.floatright` classes is `custom.css` or the Vector 2010 theme. Investigating what can be used…
[Paul_Robert_Ll][tantek] ☝ Added some thoughts on adding styles to custom.css that would make the infoboxes mobile friendly. There’s not a way of adding styles to MediaWiki templates (not without adding a MediaWiki extension). Open to other ideas on how to make, manage and maintain stylistic changes like this, but it seems that inline styles, in case like this, can no longer cut it!
LoqiNix is a cross-platform package manager and a language that specializes in building packages and specializing in reproduceable builds https://indieweb.org/Nix
LoqiNix is a package manager that helps developers have a consistent development environment, and at least one community member is experimenting with it https://indieweb.org/Nix
gRegor[Paul_Robert_Ll], does /2024/Brighton or the venue have a health and safety policy? Would be good to promote that on the event and ticketing pages
[tantek]Does the venue have windows that open and do the organizers plan to keep the windows open and/or have a fan to help with fresh air flow? Perhaps note if so in https://indieweb.org/2024/Brighton#Venue
tantek.comedited /Bluesky (+144) "rewrite dfn to actual topical relevance instead of sounding like a bio/origin story, move corp stuff to its own section" (view diff)
gRegorFor the second paragraph, I'd recommend something more like "In the 4-5 days before IndieWebCamp, try to avoid any situations that may risk exposure to contagious diseases and wear a high quality mask (N95, KN95, or similar rating) if you must enter such a setting (e.g. hospital, pharmacy, or public transit)."
[tantek]Though the datapoints are small and there were many different variables/conditions, I will note that we had zero cases of transmission at 2023 IWC SD, and 1 possible case of transmission during 2023 IWC NUR. Both are documented on their respective pages. In both events however we had at least one person that likely caught Covid before the event and was contagious during at least part of the event.
[tantek]since empirically there has been at least one (known) likely contagious person during the past two IWCs, it makes sense to take extra care in recommending precautions to limit and try to eliminate the potential for spread during IWCs
[aciccarello]Is tracking temporary site outages on the wiki worthwhile? I just noticed that the /Slack page has some outages in the "See also" section and I'm not sure why we care. I doubt it's an accurate reflection of reliability.
[tantek]aciccarello we track outages on centralized services to dispel the myth that large centralized services are so much more reliable than IndieWeb sites
Loqioutage also known as down as in the opposite of "up" in the context of the indieweb, and refers to an interruption to a service or server, when it is not responding as it should, which could mean its DNS is not resolving, or the server is not responding, or it is responding with a particular error such as a 502 Bad Gateway https://indieweb.org/outage
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2024-02-09.html