#meta 2024-02-10

2024-02-10 UTC
[Paul_Robert_Ll] something about the image styling updates seems to be breaking floating of images
jacky joined the channel
edited /2023/SD (+219) "a few photo thumbnails"
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edited /2023/SD/Photos (+306) "add a few more, subheads for grouping"
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^ IWC SD photos uploaded
AramZS joined the channel
edited /T2 (+52) "blockquote, simplify linking to gdoc planning for T2"
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nertzy, jacky and AramZS joined the channel
edited /2023/SD/Photos (+49) "/* Sunday December 17 */"
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[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
tantek++ great pix!
tantek has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (104 in all channels)
I have zero photos from day 1!
That's always my problem, forgetting to take pictures at events.
[jeremycherfas], barnaby, gRegor, gRegorLove_, IndieWP, petermolnar, [m], omz13, Guest6 and Ezri4 joined the channel
Via [KevinMarks] in #indieweb, posting here because we should make sure to have wiki pages for all the proper nouns mentioned in this article, along with their IndieWeb standards support or community usage: https://techcrunch.com/2024/02/07/how-twitters-descent-into-chaos-is-paving-the-way-for-a-new-web/
created /User:Tsxyz.neocities.org (+50) "Created page with "The wiki page of tsxyz https://tsxyz.neocities.org""
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Should we put up sn explicit allowlist of domains that the wiki allows subdomain logins vs not? Eg yes neocities but no http://GitHub.io
[snarfed], gRegor and omz13 joined the channel
omz13 joined the channel
edited /RSS (+247) "/* Projects */"
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[aciccarello] joined the channel
Why yes to neocities but no to GitHub?
I started with a GitHub subdomain before migrating to my own. They have good redirect support.
I still have a batch of business cards from when I was looking for a job 7 years ago with http://aciccarello.github.io on them 😁
Yeah. It feels like an arbitrary line.
(And not a good one given that we have at least one community member for whom their primary website is hosted on GitHub pages without a domain name.)
sp1ff joined the channel
created /User:Jak2k.schwanenberg.name (+32) "Created page with "https://jak2k.schwanenberg.name/""
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I thought we already had an allowlist for that
I have vague memories of disallowing tilde.town for example
er, tilde.club
cambridgeport90_ joined the channel
edited /MediaWiki_customizations (+17) "/* IndieWeb extensions */ nowiki HTML code"
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Not sure if there's a point in doing this,but along with my The Lounge instance...I'm also thinking of setting up a IRC bouncer. Is there any reason in today's day and age to host one of those for yourself?
I'm suing AdiIRC for now on Windows,though.
AramZS, gRegor and [tantek] joined the channel
I think at the time we decided that github io static hosting is often for random throw away sites that people don't really use as themselves (thus a larger potential for spam / damage) in contrast to both neocities and e.g. omg.lol are nearly always labors of love
it definitely wasn't arbitrary, there was thought put into it
it's more like, random subdomains of static hosting are disallowed by default because it's not an identity you own / control, it's owned by the silo
I believe we also disallow .tumblr or .blogger
or .blogspot, for similar reasons
also massive sources of spam in practice