#meta 2024-02-11

2024-02-11 UTC
Did we see massive amounts of spam in practice?
Neocities has 700k+ sites published with their service.
Of course, that's not the scale of Tumblr / Blogger, but it is a significant amount.
One gotcha with GitHub Pages is that I think you need to use subpaths? Or you do unless you call your repository something specific.
capjamesg, massive is not the point. any amount of spam (or abusive behavior) is community labor and emotional labor which is a burden on all of us, as you have personally experienced with socialcg etc. IIRC we did see some weirdness (not sure if it was spam per se) from github io subdomains until we locked it down. this comes back to, the cost of a domain is less than one coffee a year so it is a reasonable barrier to *edit* the wiki. it's
the cheapest way to make moderation a near zero labor task for the community
people can still participation in chat and and ask questions here and even add to See Also sections with < <
I'm more ok with seeing how things go with Neocities and omg.lol since those are targeted at indie creators and not just random developers
also GitHub Pages I think allows you any number of sites so a spammer can make a bunch of fake sites with no retribution for being blocked
Your site is tied to your username. Someone would have to create multiple accounts, which you could also do on Neocities or any other platform. Presumably GitHub has more advanced mechanisms to identify this behaviour, too.
the *dominant* behavior of random folks on free email lists (socialcg) or free bookmarking/commenting accounts (Reddit / HN) make it very clear that opening to "free" is a non-starter unless you're willing to do A LOT of community moderation labor
The cost of a domain is also something that one may not be able to afford or indeed purchase depending on your age.
that's a feature, not a bug. we don't want to have to deal with any fewer restrictions than sites that offer domains for sale do
yes, if you're too young to purchase a domain, you should not be contributing to the IndieWeb wiki because we are not equipped to deal with that either as a community, per the laws in various countries
Is this documented on the wiki?
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
yeah, somewhere about why your own domain
what is wikifying
wikifying is the practice of capturing information and ideas on the wiki https://indieweb.org/wikifying
with some searching I was unable to find an obvious place where we documented our domain/subdomain block list for the IndieWeb wiki. aaronpk may know more
created /githubio (+26) "r"
(view diff)
created /github.io (+26) "r"
(view diff)
edited /short-domains (+311) "/* Easier to use */"
(view diff)
edited /short-domains (+247) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add c8o.link"
(view diff)
we should document the subdomains thing though (reasons for blocking each like githubio or tildeclub, with all the reasoning, and if we do allow neocities or omglol)
edited /On_Evolving_IndieAuth_Followup (+382) "move Persona content to an out of date section"
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kody joined the channel
edited /Persona (+436) "link to primary Persona summary on mozilla.org Internet Archive, Past IndieWeb Examples"
(view diff)
created /tildeclub (+24) "r"
(view diff)
AramZS_ joined the channel
would tilde sites not count as allowed?
i can’t believe that follow-up article is more than 10 years old 😭
_tommys if you have your own site, you can run it as a tilde if you wish
if you have a tilde on someone else's site, then no, it does not count because it is not your site
angelo_, tech1, [KevinMarks], [campegg], mro and [Murray] joined the channel
so i think i'm getting it - if i hosted my files on github pages, but had a custom domain pointing away from the github pages, that would be ok?
[m] joined the channel
Pointing to github psges rather. That's indie as you can rehost the psges elsewhere
[catgirlinspace] joined the channel
thanks KevinMarks 🙂
That was exactly my setup for like a decade! And changed to rehost a few months ago, just like Kevin said.
GitHub Pages is a fantastic on-ramp if you’re already comfortable with git.
chronosaurus and [snarfed] joined the channel
i'm not, but i am learning 😁
what made you make the change in the end al_abut?
Great question. Let’s switch over to #dev! I started typing out a response and then it got a little technical.
[tantek] joined the channel