[tantek]capjamesg, [Paul_Robert_Ll] I just found https://joinfediverse.wiki/Main_Page and am curious to hear your impressions of various UI / content choices, and if there any ideas there that resonate with you that would make sense to adopt in some form to improve the IndieWeb wiki
dead.gardenedited /Main_Page-de (+8118) "Falls jemandem bessere Formulierungen einfallen, bitte bearbeiten. Auch eine Zweitkontrolle der Kommasetzung + Rechtschreibung wäre ratsam. Ich habe mich am principles-de Artikel orientiert und daher als Anrede das große Du gewählt. Bei einigen Punkten bin ich mir unsicher, ob ich den original Text richtig verstanden bzw übertragen habe" (view diff)
[Paul_Robert_Ll][Jo] Known issue! This is appearing because we currently hide the login link (as it links to a page with a login link to the IndieLogin page :zany_face:). But there’s possibly a MediaWiki setting so that we can change the links in this menu that [aaronpk] mentioned the other day: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal. If we can change that link, we can remove the CSS hiding it and that menu
[Paul_Robert_Ll][tantek] I like the directness of that Fediverse wiki homepage. Clear headings, clear links to Getting started, getting help etc. and also links to projects that instantly provide ‘social proof’ that the Fediverse is a thing and people are using/building upon it. I think our homepage is nice because it actually shows some people on it and highlights the community aspect.
[Paul_Robert_Ll]Thanks [aaronpk]! Seems like the little dropdown menu still appears on desktop layout, even though it contains no items. Will investigate.
[Paul_Robert_Ll]Also, it looks like the sidebar menu is hidden by default, and its visibility preference not saved, if you are signed out. Might need to add a style override to force it to display for signed out users.
aaronpki do have the better backup scripts running on the wiki right now, apparently my flatten-and-git backup of events.indieweb.org didn't make the server transition
[aciccarello]I think the short description is fairly clear, but there's a long list of links in See Also that may not all be using the same definition of ownership
[tantek]If anyone wants to work on a new design launch blog post, like collectively in an Etherpad, there's a lot of factual source material here: https://indieweb.org/2024/homepage#Rollout (and on that page in general for the full effort)
Loqirel-subscribe is an experimental rel value for linking from your home page to your subscription endpoint, and is currently prototyped by Aaron Parecki on aaronparecki.com; try the Follow button at https://aaronparecki.com/follow or any permalink https://indieweb.org/rel-subscribe
[tantek]^ now THAT is worth a blog post. start with the use-case [KevinMarks] then walk through what it takes to actually make it work, noting which pieces are faff
[tantek]and conclusion, which pieces AP implementations should stop requiring (simpler fallbacks) in order to make such use-cases simpler to build/publish
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2024-02-16.html
[KevinMarks]I should do that whole cladistics some time. The point of original OpenSocial was to avoid context collapse by helping you to run code within a social context
Loqi[preview] [Tantek Çelik] New this week: the #IndieWeb community deployed a major modern update to the design, usability, and cross-device support of the https://indieweb.org/ home page and wiki in general! In brief:
* Updated MediaWiki install, updated themes, better mobile...