tantek.comedited /Alexa (+1078) "dfn link smart speaker, No IndieWeb examples (relevance?), Criticism, listening, recording, training based on real user conversations" (view diff)
[aciccarello]More cleanup is needed like sorting by date and improving the citation formatting but that should at least put things in clearer headings.
aaronpki do wonder now that there's quite an increase of chat traffic in discord, which is also bridged to #microformats, if maybe we should increase the scope of the #microformats channel to include indieweb-related questions like authorship and such that are directly related to microformats
[tantek]aaronpk, no they're usually about a specific IndieWeb implementation doing something weird usually in the context of an IndieWeb protocol like Webmention, both of which are more appropriate for #indieweb-dev
[tantek]not bad to increase the scope of #microformats no, however it may be marginally worse to increase the amount of topics overlap between #indieweb-dev & #microformats because it will increase confusion about where to ask what, and potentially fork topics where people in one won't see what people in the other are asking/answering
gRegorSounds like you got it sorted, nsmsn, but yeah dropping the first h-card was what I was suggesting... probably the easiest option for you. The footer `p-author h-card` works for both your homepage h-feed and permalinks with h-entry then.
aaronpki'm trying to see if there is a better message to send for that event, like when the waiting room is turned off, as a sort of "call is open now"
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "indieweb guides" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indieweb guides is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIndieWebGuides is a documentation project Calum Ryan started at IndieWebCamp Nuremberg 2017 following the outcome of previous onboarding sessions at IndieWebCamps https://indieweb.org/IndieWebGuides
Loqi🎉 Get started on the indieweb by connecting with the IndieWeb community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other IndieWeb essentials https://indieweb.org/Tutorials
[Paul_Robert_Ll]The tool specific tutorials? The ones on IndieWebGuides seem a little more evergreen, and broader. I think you could structure guides to be generalist, and link to the pages on the wiki that are more current/changing.
[tantek]Each of those Tutorials (except one) was nearly completely authored by only a single person, and then not updated since it was initially written and edited in 2017 or 2019. The only exception is the general "Getting Started With WordPress" tutorial which GWG has kept updated, pretty much singlehandedly
[capjamesg][Paul_Robert_Ll] I love the idea of guides. They may be frozen in time, but that doesn't mean they cannot be incredibly useful. For example, I wrote a "guide" at work last year that I just learned has been sent to customers every week to solve their problems.
[capjamesg]I was a bit dissuaded from pursuing this a few years ago because I thought it was a Herculean task. I probably would have made more progress starting with one specific problem that I knew I could help solve.
[tantek]depends if the subject matter is rapidly changing or not. in the IndieWeb where tools, usability, services *are* rapidly changing, any attempt at a Guide quickly (in 6mo or less) goes out of date, and unless someone else picks up the update-labor, they become more sources of frustration to new folks than helpful
[Paul_Robert_Ll]It mirrors a lot of the discussions we were having at the weekend. There’s a lot to understand and that can be explained that arguably hasn’t changed in 35 years!
[tantek]from "Step 2 - Choose your host" to "CMS or build your own" — they are all "developer" IMO, because "installing" a CMS typically requires developer skills like commandlines, untarring or whatever other jargon
LoqiOne of the quickest ways to start owning both your online identity and your own data in an IndieWeb friendly fashion is to choose a pre-existing platform that provides a variety of building blocks https://indieweb.org/Quick_Start
[Paul_Robert_Ll]Choosing a domain is pretty central concept of the IndieWeb, and something you’d soon come up against whatever option you choose. What name should you choose, how do domains work, you can register a domain but use it with different services, etc.
[Paul_Robert_Ll]There’s possibly a progressive disclosure approach you could take to all this, starting high level (why have a website), and build from there.
[Paul_Robert_Ll]Rather than have a comparison table, which soon goes out of date, explain things to look for. Which might be different if want to have a portfolio site versus a blog versus an online CV.
[tantek]I'm going out on a limb and going to unscientifically claim that we're at the point where 95% if not 99% of the people interested in "IndieWeb" or "owning their data" have ZERO interest in becoming web admin hobbyist, which is literally what you have to do for any CMS, SSG, or anything to do with "web hosting" today, or decisions like "self-hosted vs hosted"., so focusing on that 5% (more like 1% IMO) is really missing the forest for a very
[tantek]agreed about "Choosing a domain is pretty central concept of the IndieWeb" and anything we can do to lower the barrier & complexity for that is absolutely beneficial