btremNo PR yet. I have housekeeping tasks to do. Also I'm not sure if this one is good enough. My other icons were pretty close. You'd need to do a pretty close a-b test to notice a difference. This one sticks out a bit more. As I mentioned in #dev, the corners of the calendar are not as rounded as the original.
btremSo I might try to copy the original path, but it'll be tricky because the SuperTinyIcons repo uses a larger size/viewBox compared to the Indieweb wiki versions.
aaronpkbut i thought it was weird to show "link will be shown 15 minutes before the event" on a revision URL, since then there's no way to see the actual URL
LoqiEdinburgh is a city in Scotland that started a Homebrew Website Club meetup 2015-08-13 and held an IndieWebCamp in 2015
LoqiEdinburgh is a city in Scotland that held an IndieWebCamp in 2015, started a Homebrew Website Club meetup 2015-08-13 which paused for several years until resuming in 2024
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time.