#meta 2024-04-15

2024-04-15 UTC
claudinec_away, barnaby, squish, [Jo], [qubyte] and jjuran joined the channel
edited /writing (+81) "Add Pablo's post to list of post describing their writing process"
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edited /writing (+8) "/* ... add yourself ... */ upgrade principle phrase/link"
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jjuran joined the channel
edited /writing (+64) "Add the link to Brighton IndieWeb session"
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edited /April_Fools (+117) "Alternatives section from SA entry and an example"
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[New Event] marksuth.dev created "Apr 17, 2024 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London" https://events.indieweb.org/7hE0G9cShxRb
[campegg], [Joe_Crawford], to2ds and [Ros] joined the channel
[tantek]: interesting. I have wondered about aspects beyond the misalignment of features as hurdles that'll need to be figured out in an attempt to federate across different protocols
to2ds, [contact898], [snarfed], [jeremycherfas] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[New Event] artlung.com created "Apr 24, 2024 12:00pm Front End Study Hall" https://events.indieweb.org/FHS5M2AofkU4
[Event Updated] artlung.com updated "Apr 24, 2024 12:00pm Front End Study Hall" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/592/history/1651/diff
^ sounds like we might need that indieweb-frontend channel stat! [Joe_Crawford] can you add your +1/0/-1 to the options here? https://indieweb.org/discuss#web_making_channel
[Event Updated] artlung.com updated "Apr 24, 2024 12:00pm Front End Study Hall" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/592/history/1652/diff
Will do [tantek]. I'll weigh in. Thanks for the remimnder!
edited /discuss (+328) "/* Brainstorming - Joe Crawford added*/"
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gRegor joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
Is that your Zoom link on the event? We can get you set up to host in the IndieWeb Zoom account. Then the "Live Now" link automatically changes on the event page.
[gRegorLove] yeah, I will need a proper Zoom link. I do have a Zoom account myself but I'd prefer to use IWC's
I don't think I added a zoom link is there one there?
Yeah I'm seeing one. Odd
I think aaronpk can add you to the 1Password which has the zoom login, just needs your email
Disregard, it was a revision I was viewing
gets moar coffee
☕ is good. so as we get closer I'll need that thing to have a zoom link and I think an etherpad link.
Other than that if there are omissions I'm open to editing. Thanks!
Etherpads are just created on demand when you access the URL, e.g. https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2024-04-24-front-end-study-hall
I put the name/when/url in that one
[Event Updated] gregorlove.com updated "Apr 24, 2024 12:00pm Front End Study Hall" changed description "+discussion and notes" https://events.indieweb.org/event/592/history/1653/diff
still breaking that habit
gRegor++ we are so socialized with it in dev-culture, it's a process for most of us 🙂
gRegor has 46 karma in this channel over the last year (119 in all channels)
gRegor WDYT about #indieweb-frontend as a place for that sort of discussion in chat (complementary to Front End Study Hall, and deep diving on topics like https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2024-04-13#t1713035423392300 ) ?
No strong opinion, a bit concerned for the extra cognitive load for "where does this go?". Looks like the only ones on /discuss I voted on were the "protocols" and "server" split from dev.
I think there's a duplicate section there, I see #frontend and #indieweb-frontend sections. I think the indieweb prefix is implicit for IRC.
haha no that's not a duplicate. that's an actual proposal to have "#frontend" without the indieweb- prefix 😂
to2ds joined the channel
(Look behind the curtains, that’s me pushing to kill off the indieweb- prefix)
same tbh
no wait lol the opposite
I think it's important we retain the indieweb focus, with our principles in particular
not really interested in broadening to arbitrary use-cases that folks have no intention of creating / using on their own site
[tantek]: I’m curious to hear your answer: what do you think is so important about getting folks to *create* their own site? (apart from owning your content etc.) What do you think is so powerful in making and maintaining your own site opposed to learning to be aware of closed curtain companies?
Yeah in IRC it's a global namespace so indieweb prefix makes sense. Slack doesn't use the prefixes.
chat.indieweb.org doesn't show the prefixes either
[Ros] it's beyond creating, it's also feeling empowered to edit & update! e.g. even if a friend sets up a simple HTML+CSS static site for someone, either personal or for a business like a restaurant, it's hugely liberating for that someone to be able to go in an edit and change content, perhaps add content and minimal markup, without having to depend on another
right gRegor, no need to put "indieweb" twice in URLs we use 🙂 except /IndieWeb and /IndieWebCamp of course 😂
[tantek] I’m glad to hear you say it like that about the empowerment. Because as I’m learning more from a developer perspective of how the web has formed, I realise I - like so many others - have grown up seeing the web more like a place to spectate. A whole new world opens up when you realise it grows from us all shaping it, and that we can take part.
(haha, you can tell I’ve been having some exploding moments in my mind from all this reading but it’s inspired me to no end - I’ve organised to create my own online bootcamp with my sister over the next four months. We are both going to try and study fulltime using the boundless resources. I really want to figure out this coding)
edited /DuckDuckGo (+41) "note browser and privacy focus"
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gRegor++ for finishing touches to Front End Study Hall!
gRegor has 47 karma in this channel over the last year (120 in all channels)
"grows from us all shaping it" love that
[Ros]++ for her energy and curiosity. It’s inspiring! Your name came up quite a few times in our coffee chat.
[Ros] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
Your “thinking out loud as I explore this fun new thing” is paving good ideas for how to make the web welcoming for others too.
to2ds joined the channel
[Al_Abut]: You are so kind - honestly, I feel so lucky be here. This group, the philosophy, the nerdy stuff everyone is into, the empowerment is what I’m all about! I’ve just mostly followed these interests on my own, and lurked around the Indie Web but it never occurred to me I could actually learn to code.
Haha, you can tell I don’t do things by halves and once I got here and can see in the bigger picture what IW is about, I was just like “I’m in”. I really really want to code so that’s why I’ve decided to rejig my life and sacrifice freelance work to study online.
I’m (literally this moment) working through the MDN Web Docs (as I can’t fix my damn grid or float element 😭 ) but once I actually get a site up, I think one of the best things I could write is an explanation to the clueless people (like I was) about what happens when you click “Accept all” to those cookies. I was thinking how I could show this in visuals. As until I could understand from under the hood, I just did not get it. And n
it’s one of the most important things we can understand in shaping the web.
[benatwork] joined the channel
[Ros] - When presented with an "Accept All," my first inclination is "what's in it for me?" 😄
@to2ds: A world of wondorous plastic items filling your home from brim to brim, and a billboard for”Insert , worn on YOUR chest
🤣 so true!
to2ds my first reaction to "Accept All" is close tab
most sites have no reasonable need for cookies. if I haven't chosen to create an account, then don't cookie me, go away
[tantek] has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (102 in all channels)
If my website doesn't need cookies, neither does yours!
I love my NetNewsWire (so proud of my Indie roots in that I found this on my own due to me wish to have a clean based on what I wanted to find), but I need to make it my default hangout place, over search, as it’s cookie free, and such a better place to be anyway.
I accept girl scout cookies. Thin mints and Samoas, plz.
gRegor has 48 karma in this channel over the last year (121 in all channels)
The worst cookie popup sin is “legitimate interest”. Once glance of that and I bounce.
In my baby coder mentor groups, it pains me when someone helping me will take over my browser to help me find things and proceed to click “Accep all” on all the pages. I think nooooooo
“legitimate interest” from our 486 casual mates
I feel like a significant portion of those sites aren't doing anything different based on your accept/reject choices
Thankfully “reject all” is becoming more common. Of course, you don’t need one for actual legitimate cookies at all.
Yeah, I doubt most honour it. These days I visit unknown places in private tabs for extra insulation (and still leave if I can’t easily decline).
I think 30 min of my day goes to clicking “reject all”. Sometimes life feels like a roundabout of untoggling. As even the same site you’ve visited, you have to reaffirm that nope, still don’t want your cookies
I agree [qubyte] I doubt they honour it!
I hate the ones where the slider is ambiguous whether you're rejecting or accepting
The thing is, whenever this comes up I’m told to install a blocker extension. The problem is I don’t trust those with such broad access either 😅
to2ds joined the channel
All I'm thinking is don' t make me curl -I on you!
Sometimes I’ve absent-mindedly clicked on http://healthline.com links. I find them the most honest as once you reject cookies, they redirect you to a page saying you can’t access their page w/o cookies because basically tracking you is the only reason they exist. So at least it’s honest!
++ for honesty.
Well actually, I think they remove EVERYTHING from the site an leave the text. So it’s like browsng in the 1990s. But I have always bounced at that point
Seems lazy, but better than lying.
haha, that's humorous
Playing devil's advocate, I would love to create a support ticket: "Your website doesn't support lynx."
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
Hey [Ros] - what are your “baby code mentoring groups” if you feel comfortable sharing?
[Al_Abut] of course! In Brighton, there are AMAZING support groups. I realise how fortunate this is so I’m doing everything I can. I go to https://codebar.io/ which supports “minority groups” (I qualify as being a girl, haha) with 1-1 mentoring.
I have a friend who every 2nd week runs a group to just hang out an code, so I go to that.
Right now I’m working my way through MDN Web Docs (thanks [tantek]!)
https://codefirstgirls.com/ runs sponsored training again for girls. I don’t seem to fit any of their plans so I just looks up intensive courses on Udemy and my sister (who is way more techinically minded than me and can code) is doing courses with me online.
MDN is like my goto now.
That's seriously cool [Ros]++
[Ros] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
↩️ It’s an 8th wonder of the world!
It might just be where I live but there seems to be *so* much free support for women wanting to learn to code. I’ve been in arts/advertising all my life and never seen such open encouraging doors. I am jumping on all of it!
[Ros] - That gives me hope we'll get our Internet back, er uh, the way it was intended.
Heck yeah - I do see that that’s the role I can play. I’m from a film/arts background and I’m into specifically Indie Web. I wana show more and more friends why this is ace.
One of my besties is a musical theatre singer and when I told him what I cared about he set up a site an started sharing his poetry. It’s so cool.
I don’t know where I’m going with this but I think my newbie background could help in just knowing what I could help ppl see is possible if we can all have control over putting our voice on the web.
What I want to get across is how influential the web has been in developing humanity, and this all came from a great act of generosity at a time that someone could have just seen $$ in their eyes and taken things in another direction. But they didn’t! And it’s changed the world, and SO MANY of the original creators are still alive and with us today. To me that is just incredible. We actually have so much power here if we can wake up from b
consumers to creators
Love everything about this
So glad I asked
Ros has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
Your story about the theater geek friend m confirms something I heard [tantek] say over coffee that I’d never considered before and that seems so obvious now - a lot of people’s first website might be one that someone else made and they want to edit directly, or just be inspired indirectly to make something similar.
There's precent for hobbyist groups to inspire, help and empower. I think of the Homebrew Computer Club in the Bay Area in the 1970s-1980s. WebGrrls is the earliest example I can think of for women-focused events: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliza_Sherman#Webgrrls - in San Diego we had a chapter of that, which branched off into other orgs: Techniquelle and digitElle, lost to history, alas. But 20 years later Women Who Code
https://womenwhocode.com has a chapter here with a semi-active Slack. I attended several of their online events during the pandemic and was at I think 1 event in person they put on. Good groups. Events and orgs that harness collective effort for learning are great. Event discovery is the tricky thing. At one time any metro would have a newspaper or some physical thing with an event listing that would passively do outreach. These days
with a group, there _may_ be some group doing it. But finding it may be tricky.
everyone is hyping in individual spots and hustling and there's no one good source to do discovery. For a while it seemed like http://Meetup.com would fill that role but their model requiring payment--even for nascent orgs--priced people who wanted to do things exploratorily (is that a word) ruined that. http://Upcoming.org was terrific for event discovery but went south after it was acquired. But if you have a thing you want to do
There's _precendent. Argh. Probably a million other typos ^ above too. Oops._
I also feel an amazing series would be to interview the layers of original creators about key decisions they made in how they develop code and released it and capture _why_ they did it that way. It’s incredible to see such vast change and have so many of them here with us.
[Ros] - I definitely get this. That philosophy bodes well with one of my favorite books by Shunryū Suzuki, "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind."
[Ros] oh! Why didn’t I think of this before. The computer history museum in Mountain View also archives historical videos, that might be another rabbit hole on this. I feel like some of those early web talks help connect to computing history in general.
In entertainment terms you might appreciate, it feels like there’s a missing gap between the Halt And Catch Fire era of the 80’s and the Social Network era of the early 2000’s.
The closest thing I can think of is that 90’s documentary about Netscape: https://youtu.be/4Q7FTjhvZ7Y?si=ZX0Z9Arr6LIatRPu
Dang I miss that lil animated logo.
upcoming.org is back under Andy's ownership, though not sure how many actively use it anymore
I haven’t watched it in years, I can’t remember if it’s more about startups and the nascent IPO scene than the web itself.
Oof, is sign in only via Twitter? They might want to set up some alternatives, heh
What is Twitter?
Twitter is a popular content hosting silo that started with short plain text notes in 2006 and over time added auto-linking URLs, @-names, replies, photo & video posts, and much more https://indieweb.org/Twitter
There might be something in this…Jay’s book really has impacted me this weekend. It’s like I got to stand outside the walls of something i’ve been inside of, and see it from a new perspective. I think as a non-developer, I didn’t realise how much I saw the web as this passive TV screen to consume so I sort of assumed companies just showed up and told me how things would be and just gave them my attention.
I’ve been into philosophy and consciousness for a long time which is why I naturally ended up digging around weird indie corners, but I still felt like a spectator. Then when I heard Jay’s book, I was just like WOW, we are making this together and it’s an amalgamation of knowledge, community and compassion. And I realise so many key people who made decisions were trying to create that.
And then I’m amazed realising some of the names I heard are in this group! It feels like we get to touch a poignant part of history in this moment. I wish I could bundle up this original intention of the web and remind my peers that this came from people just like us, but less dozy. And if I could show them I learned to code, that they can do this too and it’s an empowering as learning to write.
And heyy, there's our own jacky suggesting IndieAuth :) https://github.com/upcoming/upcoming-www/issues/50
[preview] [mc2] #50 login for non-Twitter users
Haha, I’m having like a brain explosion over here, haha
what is upcoming.org
Upcoming.org is a social event sharing silo https://indieweb.org/Upcoming.org
hmm, once again I fail at loqi
(Slack makes them full URLs for some reason, so Loqi doesn't answer)
Not your fault!
It’s actually my special move. I have the heart of a dev but the hands of a QA.
Hey hey, forgot I posted our early HWC SD events there: https://upcoming.org/event/homebrew-website-club-ltsuimaln6
I ran into the same issue last week [qubyte]
Gotta get the word out
I was confused why it said that an event from 2019 was upcoming 😆
In my blog post for the Study Hall event I made sure to include the year when I talk about it because I know how disappointed I've been to find some awesome event online that seems really neat and I'm reading all about it only to discover the year is in the past.