#meta 2024-05-12

2024-05-12 UTC
Ezri3 joined the channel
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Intros (+12) "format for IWC session vs HWC"
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gRegor joined the channel
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Schedule (+6) "/* Saturday */ fix Micropub link, set etherpads archived"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Schedule (+12) "/* Saturday */ set etherpads as archived"
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edited /Webmention (+166) "/* David Shanske with WordPress plugin */"
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gRegor++ for all the remote wikifying!
gRegor has 55 karma in this channel over the last year (131 in all channels)
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Schedule (-5) "/* Sunday */ remove one level of list item"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Schedule (+4) "/* Sunday */ linky"
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nikkin joined the channel
[Event Updated] tantek.com updated "May 11 - 12, 2024 IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2024" changed location_name, location_address, summary "update venue & address to day 2" https://events.indieweb.org/event/536/history/1707/diff
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Books (+340) "add links discussed / shown in session, note direct link was responsive in-person in Germany, and blocked validators from attempting to read it, a note and editorial from memory"
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created /boo (+23) "r"
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edited /👻 (+4) "more commonly associated"
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edited /Halloween (+4) "+👻"
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edited /book (-33) "copy edit dfn, improve grammar"
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created /📕 (+18) "r"
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edited /books (+12) "better for the plural"
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edited /book (+4) "better emojicons for a single book"
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created /📘 (+18) "r"
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created /📗 (+18) "r"
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created /📙 (+18) "r"
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edited /book (+0) "indieweb logo colors emoji"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Books (+34) "/* See Also */ book, personal library"
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edited /principles (+1071) "Brainstorming: proposed new principle 1: Own your identity"
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edited /principles (+26) "/* Own your identity */ add yourself"
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edited /principles (+13) "/* Own your identity */"
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[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
edited /microformats.io (-5) "repo is now in microformats org"
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edited /microformats.io (-23) "de-dupe See Also sections"
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edited /Template:IndieWebCamp (+10) "distinguish Front End Study Halls by month"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Principles (+17) "/* See Also */ +principles"
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Do any organizers (cc: aaronpk, gRegor), especially from mid to late 2010s, remember where we documented our project to update the /principles from being developer-centric to all being user-centric? I know we discussed it at an Organizers Meetup/Summit, and we immediately set about improving a bunch of the principles accordingly, and got about half (maybe a third or a quarter?) way through doing so
[Paul_Robert_Ll] from the /principles edit history, looks like it was the 2018 Organizers Summit where we discussed updating the principles to be more user friendly
!tell pcarrier create a sparkline template for your chat-name! see https://indieweb.org/wikifying#Step_Four:_Add_a_sparkline
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
heard ya
pcarrier: [tantek] left you a message 1 minute ago: create a sparkline template for your chat-name! see https://indieweb.org/wikifying#Step_Four:_Add_a_sparkline
quite unclear what to do here, TBH
pcarrier, do the https://indieweb.org/Template:sparkline docs make sense?
nope, I don't understand what a template is, where and how I would use
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/WhatWhere (-4) "sparkline template ref should be chat-name, not domain name"
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presumably you entered it on ^ that page
or rather, on the Etherpad notes for that session, which then got archived
... to that page
yeah I wrote {{pcarrier}} because people were writing {{$name}}, but I still have no idea what to put where to provide data for my handle
if you click the red link that will open a create page UI for your sparkline template, then you can follow the instructions on https://indieweb.org/Template:sparkline
created /Template:pcarrier (+48) "create sparkline(?)"
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nope, the template should also have my name, hu
OK, done
pcarrier has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Intros (+81) "subheads for people, drop superfluous Notes heading level / grouping"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Schedule (-227) "remove breaks to clean up the schedule for viewing after the fact"
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[tantek] and danielpietzsch joined the channel
apparently the IP address(es) of the Niu Tab hotel wifi are blocked from editing Wikipedia, even if you're logged into Wikipedia!
edited /User:Ramblinggit.com (+31) "/* Brad Enslen */"
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!tell aaronpk it looks like the Etherpad lost the ability to see people's http://IndieWeb.org signed in status and use their domain names as their names, e.g. on https://etherpad.indieweb.org/createday it says "Login to the wiki set your [truncated]" and then a list of "unnamed" participants
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /2018/Organizers (+122) "/* Organizers Summit Discussion */ IA link to jgmac post permalink"
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edited /principles (+1215) "/* Brainstorming */ start Methodology brainstorm"
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edited /principles (+23) "/* Methodology */ unquote inaction, comparable to stop energy"
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^ [Paul_Robert_Ll] possibly of interest / related to your work: https://indieweb.org/principles#Methodology
created /User:Paulrobertlloyd.com/principles (+4537) "First draft of a proposed reorganisation and rewriting of the IndieWeb principles"
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edited /principles (+169) "/* Methodology */ broadly applicable, user-friendly & accessible"
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Ezri4 joined the channel
edited /principles (+425) "/* Methodology */ short & catchy names, skimmable list"
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hey remote folks, I've started collecting, documenting some of our explicit/implicit thinking behind/about the /principles especially since [Paul_Robert_Ll] and I are working iterating on the principles themselves. take a look: https://indieweb.org/principles#Methodology (in the Brainstorming section for now)
edited /principles (+106) "/* Brainstorming */ note prior point from jgmac1106"
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edited /principles (+372) "/* Brainstorming */ developer principles"
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edited /developer-principles (+32) "more specific link to brainstorm"
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laker joined the channel
edited /large_language_model (+304) "stub Why and Why disclaim"
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can folks enter their names, domains, and what they did as they demo?
[Paul_Robert_Ll] went next who also did a bunch of work on /principles
(then Sonja, Stefan, Joschi)
Sonja made some improvements to her website
[Stefan_Rudersd] can you repeat what you said in your brief demo explanation?
(here in chat)
(and before me, [daveletorey] gave a demo of what he got done on his website)
Joschi got some publishing workflow working with asciidoc on his website
Daniel got some calendaring stuff working
shortcut to build his website
data from his Google calendar, queried by his site when it builds, parse the data into his Jekyll, YAML file, and updates his site
up next: Matthias [pfefferle]
tried to add a reply-context to the new Gutenberg editor
added in-reply-to, shows up if you test it with a microformats parser
up next capjamesg!
worked on image map making
shows an image on his site
that is hot linked in various places
takes him a while to make them so he built a new tool that lets him make them much more easily
allows him to click on parts of an image, highlights in blue, gets the polygon at the bottom
can choose a URL for the polygon
hoping to make it easier for other people to also make image maps
made a list of the image maps on his site
up next Dominik
has [pfefferle] AP plugin running on his blog
is there a queue I can be added to?
pcarrier so far you're the only remote participant so you'll go first among the remotes!
up next: GWG
added next/prev days links to his posts
aalso for years
can go back to 1981
will not go into the future though
if you go to a year that doesn't exist
then it goes to a custom 404
"Oops! There were no posts made during this period"
i can demo my fedcm hack too
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 3 hours, 32 minutes ago: it looks like the Etherpad lost the ability to see people's http://IndieWeb.org signed in status and use their domain names as their names, e.g. on https://etherpad.indieweb.org/createday it says "Login to the wiki set your [truncated]" and then a list of "unnamed" participants
up next remote participant pcarrier
http://0pw.me sign up to store
up next aaronpk
trying to get IndieAuth to be better
new API FedCM
especially "Allow IDP registration:
allows any website to say you can use it to sign into things
need to turn on the feature now because it is experimental
once you are logged into your IDP, e.g. your own website, or a service like you might setup your site with http://IndieAuth.com
click a button called Register IdP
then browser prompts and you say Allow
goes to another website
clicks Single sign-on (SSO) button
because browser already knows your website
then it does the exchange behind the scenes
never had to type his domain
it logged in with his domain for him
going to support http://Webmention.io consuming such identities as an RP
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Principles (+69) "Add links to newly created principles brainstorming pages"
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barnaby joined the channel
[Paul_Robert_Ll]++ looking forward to collaborating on updating the principles!!!
[Paul_Robert_Ll] has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (53 in all channels)
edited /2024/Düsseldorf (+117) "/* Posts */"
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edited /developer-principles (+2152) "Add consolidated developer principles"
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[Murray] and [snarfed] joined the channel
what is quiet public?
It looks like we don't have a page for "quiet public" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "quiet public is ____", a sentence describing the term)
gRegor, [KevinMarks] and Ezri3 joined the channel