#meta 2024-05-15

2024-05-15 UTC
[Joe_Crawford], IWSlackGateway, [Joel_Auterson], [jeremycherfas], [qubyte], [Al_Abut], [tantek], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [KevinMarks], [Jo], [snarfed], [campegg] and laker joined the channel
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/ObligatoryPress (+16) "/* Participants */"
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barnaby and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
edited /User:Paulrobertlloyd.com/principles (-97) "Reduce key principles to 3, reconfigure development principles"
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[tantek], [byJP], Guest6, [KevinMarks] and jacky joined the channel
created /FedCM (+249) "prompted by aaronpk and dfn added by aaronpk"
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aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 2 days, 7 hours ago: Meetable feature request: if there's no hero or banner photo of an event, can it show the first uploaded photo as the link preview image? E.g. on https://events.indieweb.org/lPSJYTuqCdL2
ok, I added "https://aaronparecki.com/2024/05/12/3/fedcm-for-indieauth" to a brand new "See Also" section of /FedCM https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95224&oldid=95223
edited /FedCM (+99) "aaronpk added "https://aaronparecki.com/2024/05/12/3/fedcm-for-indieauth" to "See Also""
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reasonable feature request, captured here: https://github.com/aaronpk/Meetable/issues/178
gRegorLove__ and [schmarty] joined the channel
created /FedCM_for_IndieAuth (+2652) "start FedCM dev guide"
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edited /developer-principles (+404) "Update idea for consolidated developer principles"
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edited /principles (+905) "Brainstorming a reduced set of core principles, that sit above developer principles"
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edited /User:Paulrobertlloyd.com/principles (-483) "Update based on latest edits shared elsewhere"
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edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf (+379) "Add post about IndieWeb principles"
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edited /principles (+447) "Add post about splitting up and reorganising principles"
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[Paul_Robert_Ll]++ for more iterating, thought sharing on the principles, and blogging some of the additional thinking
[Paul_Robert_Ll] has 37 karma in this channel over the last year (55 in all channels)
I think there's some key missing pieces from the "3 core" principles though, relating very much to our prose at the top of the home page, which, we can use as a form of "regression testing" any change in the principles. That is, if revised principles do not support / logically follow through to the statements on the home page, then the revised principles have regressed and lost something
[tantek] Remember to add the photos you took of slides to the wiki!
did I take a photo of a slide of longevity? 🤔
yes, lots to upload
vanderven.se martijn
edited /emoji (+914) "/* History */ Apply citation template to links, add one more link: emoji from 1959!"
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[Paul_Robert_Ll] and [Stefan_Rudersd] joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /page (+501) "/* See Also */ add link for /hello pages, lets wait with dedicated page"
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what is IWC Organizing
It looks like we don't have a page for "IWC Organizing" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IWC Organizing is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is indiewebcamp organizing
IndieWebCamp Organizing is a great way to bring together your local IndieWeb community https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamp_Organizing
created /IWC_Organizing (+36) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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the IWC Organizing page/doc has gotten unusably long.
I'm going to go do some deep cuts to the IWC organizing document, especially cutting anything that was added by either a non-organizer or not-current organizer (will move to a "Requests" section), and anything only done (or just proposed) by a single organizer (i.e. not replicated by multiple organizers for multiple IndieWebCamps) is going to get moved to a "Brainstorming" section, until it has been replicated by more than organizer for
different IndieWebCamps
some simple principles here
`1. if you're not an organizer, you have no perspective on what is *required* or even *recommended* for implementing a successful IndieWebCamp. You can make requests of what you'd like to see organizers consider, if they have time after they attend to required things, but you're in no position as a non-organizer to be making demands / claims as to what it takes to make an IndieWebCamp work, unless you are willing to do and frankly
experienced doing the work.
2. if you are an organizer and something has worked for you but no one else, then maybe you have a good idea for organizing, or maybe you have a good personal best practice. Regardless, you have no idea whether someone else trying to do something that only have done will actually be able to do it, or if it is actually necessary for that other organizer to successfully run an IndieWebCamp. It's good to document what has worked for you
personally, by name, in the Brainstorming section so that others can be inspired from and build on your good ideas, and if it does work for others, we can move something to the main section
3. the more steps to organize, the more points of potential failure overall. Every step added to a list means a longer list which means it's easier for someone to *miss* at least one or more items from the list. every item you add to a list of steps puts the other steps at risk. if the gains from the item being added are not sufficiently high to outweigh the fragility and marginal risks added, then that item should not be added to the list
4. the more steps, the more intimidating / hard it looks to organize, the more labor it takes, the more that discriminates against more people organizing an IndieWebCamp. to be blunt, long lists of steps are anti-inclusive of folks that don't have the same time/resources to put in to organize.
correction, these aren't "simple", but they are principles to consider for how to document organizing indiewebcamps
Happy to review after you make changes!
IWC Organizing << to-do: reduce & simplify what is required to organizing an IWC. Clearly document Minimum Viable IWC Organizing, as it what it takes, empirically, to organize a successful IWC, not what anyone thinks is "required" due to any assumptions of first principles or entitlements or expectations. Go through the top implied "required" parts of the document and critically assess whether or not each step is actually necessary, or was
actually necessary and completed for past IndieWebCamps, and if not, either move it to a "Requests" section (if steps/content were added by non-IWC-organizers), or if they were added/used by only a single IWC organizer, then move it to a "Brainstorming" section.
ok, I added "to-do: reduce & simplify what is required to organizing an IWC. Clearly document Minimum Viable IWC Organizing, as it what it takes, empirically, to organize a successful IWC, not what anyone thinks is "required" due to any assumptions of first principles or entitlements or expectations. Go through the top implied "required" parts of the document and critically assess whether or not each step is actually necessary, or was" to the "See Also" section of /IndieWebCamp_Organizing https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95256&oldid=94704
IWC Organizing << add a "Methodology and principles" section that describes the all volunteer nature of IWC Organizing, and thus expecting & designing for limited volunteer labor, and what makes for a successful IndieWebCamp (or failures), note explicitly that in the past some volunteer organizers have burnt out, walked away from organizing, or even had repeated failures due to having difficulty finding co-organizers for essential roles
that they themselves did not have the strengths/skills for, to better set expectations of what is necessary (vs "nice to have") for a successful IndieWebCamp
ok, I added "add a "Methodology and principles" section that describes the all volunteer nature of IWC Organizing, and thus expecting & designing for limited volunteer labor, and what makes for a successful IndieWebCamp (or failures), note explicitly that in the past some volunteer organizers have burnt out, walked away from organizing, or even had repeated failures due to having difficulty finding co-organizers for essential roles" to the "See Also" section of /IndieWebCamp_Organizing https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95257&oldid=95256
IWC Organizing << add to methodology, principles for adding to or editing steps to organize, starting with: 1. if you're not an organizer, you have no perspective on what is *required* or even *recommended* for implementing a successful IndieWebCamp. You can make requests of what you'd like to see organizers consider, if they have time after they do required things. Non-organizers are not in any position to be making demands / claims as to
what it takes to make an IndieWebCamp work, unless they are willing to do, and frankly experienced doing, the work.
ok, I added "add to methodology, principles for adding to or editing steps to organize, starting with: 1. if you're not an organizer, you have no perspective on what is *required* or even *recommended* for implementing a successful IndieWebCamp. You can make requests of what you'd like to see organizers consider, if they have time after they do required things. Non-organizers are not in any position to be making demands / claims as to" to the "See Also" section of /IndieWebCamp_Organizing https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95258&oldid=95257
edited /IndieWebCamp_Organizing (+116) "finish addition"
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IWC Organizing << ^ 2. if you are an organizer and something has worked for you but no one else, then maybe you have a good idea for organizing, or maybe you have a good personal best practice. Regardless, you don't know whether another organizer will actually be able to do it, or if it is even necessary for that other organizer to successfully run an IndieWebCamp. Good to document what has worked for you personally, by name, in the
Brainstorming section so others can be inspired, build on your good ideas. If it does work for others, we can move something to the main section.
ok, I added "^ 2. if you are an organizer and something has worked for you but no one else, then maybe you have a good idea for organizing, or maybe you have a good personal best practice. Regardless, you don't know whether another organizer will actually be able to do it, or if it is even necessary for that other organizer to successfully run an IndieWebCamp. Good to document what has worked for you personally, by name, in the" to the "See Also" section of /IndieWebCamp_Organizing https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95260&oldid=95259
edited /IndieWebCamp_Organizing (+146) "finish addition"
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IWC Organizing << ^ 3. the more steps to organize, the more points of potential failure overall. Every step added to a list means a longer list which means it's easier for someone to *miss* one or more items from the list. Every item added to a list of steps puts the other steps at risk. If gains from a new item are not high enough to outweigh the additional fragility and other risks, then that item should not be added to the list
ok, I added "^ 3. the more steps to organize, the more points of potential failure overall. Every step added to a list means a longer list which means it's easier for someone to *miss* one or more items from the list. Every item added to a list of steps puts the other steps at risk. If gains from a new item are not high enough to outweigh the additional fragility and other risks, then that item should not be added to the list" to the "See Also" section of /IndieWebCamp_Organizing https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95262&oldid=95261
IWC Organizing << ^ 4. the more steps, the more intimidating / hard it looks to organize, the more labor it takes, The more that discriminates against more people organizing an IndieWebCamp. To be blunt, long lists of steps are anti-inclusive of folks that don't have the same time/resources to put in to organize. The harder it is to find & encourage new IWC Organizers, and have past IWC Organizers be inspired to volunteer their time again.
ok, I added "^ 4. the more steps, the more intimidating / hard it looks to organize, the more labor it takes, The more that discriminates against more people organizing an IndieWebCamp. To be blunt, long lists of steps are anti-inclusive of folks that don't have the same time/resources to put in to organize. The harder it is to find & encourage new IWC Organizers, and have past IWC Organizers be inspired to volunteer their time again." to the "See Also" section of /IndieWebCamp_Organizing https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95263&oldid=95262
Thanks capjamesg, getting at least some of my thinking about the steps / organizing and how to improve that page into the See Also section so I can organize those thoughts before slashing/moving stuff from the current top sections to "Request" and "Brainstorming" sections
Separately, as we are completing our third full year of IndieWebCamps (2022-2024 inclusive) since before the pandemic, we should consider reconsidering and reviewing current / recent / past IWC Organizers and asking folks who haven't actively organized in IndieWebCamp in 2022+ if they are still interested in doing so in the future, if so, which city or cities, and how soon into the future. If it's not at least some time in the next 1.5
years, say through 2024 or 2025, then we can ask folks to consider stepping down to Organizer Emeritus, because we still want every experienced organizer's insights on things, until they decide to step up and actively organize another IWC
we need to add "ask aaron for stickers" to the list too 😂
aaronpk You should delegate some sticker helpers.
If you sent me a bunch I could probably bring them to a few events.
i have done that in the past, so anyone should feel free to ask me for sticker packs!
Will DM on Slack.
i just don't know who is able to offer that kind of distribution services
yeah I should have asked in advance after running nearly out (so much so I forgot where the remainder went) at IWC NUR
i also have nametags and pronoun pins for IWCs
aaronpk, we need to send an IWC kit to Joschi that we can ask him to "just pack" for any future German IndieWebCamp he is co-organizing
what is an IndieWebCamp kit
🧰 IndieWebCamp kit is a small minimum set of supplies that help to run an IndieWebCamp such as large sticky notes and Hello My Name Is name badges https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamp_kit
i shipped a box of them for IWC Brighton
^ that could probably use some review and simplification too. I don't necessarily believe "minimum set"
clearly it's not the minimum set as evidenced by a successful IWC this weekend that lacked some of them :)
perhaps "recommended set of supplies" instead of "minimum set of supplies"?
edited /IndieWebCamp_kit (+4) "s/minimum/recommended"
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that's a good start
what is IWC kit
It looks like we don't have a page for "IWC kit" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IWC kit is ____", a sentence describing the term)
created /IWC_kit (+29) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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IWC kit << to-do: document actual minimum set of supplies from actual experience
ok, I added "to-do: document actual minimum set of supplies from actual experience" to the "See Also" section of /IndieWebCamp_kit https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95266&oldid=95264
IWC kit << to-do: write a "how to prepare a minimal kit" subsection of "how to" describing how to acquire, assemble, and pack up ^ said minimal set
ok, I added "to-do: write a "how to prepare a minimal kit" subsection of "how to" describing how to acquire, assemble, and pack up ^ said minimal set" to the "See Also" section of /IndieWebCamp_kit https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95267&oldid=95266
IWC kit << to-do: write a "how to prepare a recommended kit" subsection of "how to" describing how to acquire, assemble, and pack up recommended kit materials in addition to the minimal kit ^
ok, I added "to-do: write a "how to prepare a recommended kit" subsection of "how to" describing how to acquire, assemble, and pack up recommended kit materials in addition to the minimal kit ^" to the "See Also" section of /IndieWebCamp_kit https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95268&oldid=95267
[Jo] joined the channel
edited /indieweb-carnival (+4) "/* The List of Future Hosts */"
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[capjamesg] joined the channel
Created https://indieweb.org/events/2024-05-15-hwc-europe. Please review the page to ensure the document is correctly formatted and remove any unnecessary text.
created /events/2024-05-15-hwc-europe (+4248) "Created event page using IndieWeb events / Etherpad archiver"
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edited /events/2024-05-15-hwc-europe (-213) "clean up formatting"
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aaronpk It would be great if Meetable had a notes field into which we could paste the Etherpad links for HWC.
We regularly see participants struggle to find the Etherpad.
This idea came up in HWC today.
somewhere other than the main description of the event?
like up with the other links that have icons?
aaronpk yeah, like the other links.
Ideally below the Zoom.
there's definitely a lot of requests for more fields for links of various kinds
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Yes, particularly on the day-of! Move the Notes field up and maybe even have a kind of "active" button. Is that what you were thinking James?
i don't understand whta you mean by "active" button
aaronpk yeah. I think notes is generally applicable to many events, though.
During the meeting, there's a Zoom button that is displayed and my recollection is it is slightly more prominent. At any rate it's big and clearly clicky. Very nice affordance.
ah yes that
I wonder if an animated notes document icon (like the squiggly lines appearing could be animated) would be good for an implicit "live now" Etherpad link
there are two different use-cases, and one may replace the other
whatever the indication is, should it match when the "join now" zoom button appears?
real time live notes, which are a both a place to contribute but perhaps more importantly, a place to watch/read, especially for accessibility
minutes or archived notes
the former (real time live notes) could use the animated notes document icon
also will people remember to replace the etherpad link with the link to the wiki after the notes are archived?
the latter could show a static animated notes document icon
aaronpk, your question is exactly why I'm outlining the two different use-cases
We've had a number of people expect the convention of a Zoom chat. And we point them to etherpad.
I'm not sure "replace the etherpad link with the link to the wiki" is a good UI expectation, feels fallable
[Joe_Crawford] a-ha! a third use-case!
i suggested replace because presumably we don't want the etherpad link around after the notes are archived
I think the realtime wiki is nicer for this purpose. chat is okay but most live events become unfollowable if you're also speaking
refocusing: James' comment was "We regularly see participants struggle to find the Etherpad." which I second. That's the experience I think that could use improvement.
aaronpk, both make sense, with different time-windows. what I'm saying is, it makes sense for an event to have TWO fields, for the different use-cases, and then it ALSO makes sense to hide one when notes are no longer being taken (event ends), and show the other (minutes / archive) when it is non-empty, which may happen some time after the event!
they are not a precise replace one with the other thing
yeah there's too much text that gets in the way of finding the "UI" of the Etherpad link
ah two fields
I mean I for one would literally past the Etherpad URL instead of linking the text "Etherpad" which is so invisible
aaronpk, right
see this is what i mean, where does it end 😂
aaronpk, two fields also means an event organizer can set both up in advance
at some point does it make sense to let people add whatever fields they want to an event??
aaronpk, lol yes it ends with schema-org fax machines on volcanoes
fax-to-meetable coming right up
aaronpk, why not Meetable-send-fax-invitation-to-event ?
There's no harm in brainstorming but the thing James is talking about is very finite 🙂 It's "People have trouble finding and seeing the etherpad link"
note to self, file an issue to start replicating Tito's features one-by-one in Meetable without aaronpk noticing
The problem is people aren’t finding the Etherpad. The scope is creeping.
A single field is sufficient.
Changing the link feels like a low lift given we usually have to go back in to the event page to add the photo anyway.
When's the next HWC Pacific?
That's a terrific question. I don't see an instance. 😐 It is typically ever 2 weeks.
Who is / are the organizer(s)?
I wasn't there last time...which was last week, because I was...hmm...where was I at that time? Ah, yes, unconscious in Europe.
typically it's been gregor taking the helm
Last one was may 8. I have a busy month let me see if I can commit to being there
Okay. I'll wait for him to weigh in.
So 2 week interval will be 22 May. I can commit to that. I will add.
[New Event] artlung.com created "May 22, 2024 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club - Pacific" https://events.indieweb.org/i68Swhvi4o4T
okay, created HWC Pacific 2 weeks from the last one. Thanks for the prod GWG++
GWG has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (50 in all channels)
putting my product manager hat on, just want to say "just add this one feature" is a great way to make a big mess of a product
but yes i'd like to solve the etherpad link problem
you just have to realize that it's not as simple as "add a notes field", as demonstrated by tantek's comments
because now "just add a notes field" turned into "just add two notes fields"
very glad to have you looking at improving the etherpad link experience aaronpk++
aaronpk has 42 karma in this channel over the last year (124 in all channels)
[Event Updated] artlung.com updated "May 23, 2024 12:00pm Front End Study Hall #003" changed description "added an rsvp note" https://events.indieweb.org/event/607/history/1709/diff