Loqi[Event Updated] gregorlove.com updated "May 22, 2024 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club - Pacific" changed description "rm GMT offset, always gets off with DST and copypasta, can use Meetable's built-in time conversions instead" https://events.indieweb.org/event/609/history/1711/diff
gRegorFor that edit, "GMT-8" was in the text. Instead of keeping that current, I think people can click on the time "6-8" and find out what time it is locally
gRegorI think we experimented with loosening the Zoom chat limitation so hosts could broadcast a chat message. I think GWG and I tried it once and it didn't work, though, other attendees couldn't see it. It was a while ago, I don't remember.
[Joe_Crawford]Last FESH it came to mind for me to put the etherpad link in the chat but once the meeting is going it’s too late. Easy enough to just remind people verbally. But taking advantage of zoom features that help users share and interact are in our interest.
[capjamesg]aaronpk is there a way for me to add a favicon to the IndieWeb events page? The lack of a favicon makes the events page a bit hard to find among tabs.
capjamesggRegor I appreciated reading your blog post on event organising and COVID policies, and for helping to start a conversation around that. I also appreciated tracydurnell[d]'s response. Thank you both!
capjamesgI agree that we can be clearer around COVID guidelines. Safety is important to everyone, and any lack of clear (and enforced) practices about safety precautions pertaining to COVID may make the difference between someone attending and feeling uncomfortable attending the event.
capjamesgOn a related note, I'm using this as a prompt to help secure a bigger, private space for HWC Edinburgh meetups (instead of a cafe where there are lots of other people around).
[tantek]There's a bunch of constructive things we can build from as well, like perhaps organizers providing complimentary masks or tests to anyone who wants them. That can help set an inclusive tone
[tantek]IWC kit << consider (pre)packing a set of KN95/FFP2 masks to provide to attendees to use if they wish, may help make those who do mask feel more explicitly included in an IWC
[tantek]The more recent studies on test efficacies and for that matter, usefulness as a predictor of "safety" to participate have been showing some interesting results that call into question depending on them for doing so (for both test accuracy and psychological reasons)
Loqi🧰 IndieWebCamp kit is a small recommended set of supplies that help to run an IndieWebCamp such as large sticky notes and Hello My Name Is name badges https://indieweb.org/IWC_kit
[tantek]The more modern approach I've been seeing is to discourage anyone with any respiratory symptoms from participating in in-person events, REGARDLESS of test results (because of false negatives, test latency in detecting infection, and etc)
capjamesg[tantek] I like that idea. I wouldn't feel comfortable attending an IWC if I had a cold, for example, knowing that I am likely to spread it to someone.
capjamesgI personally feel uncomfortable if someone is coughing, etc. in a room. I often get frustrated when I am on public transportation and someone starts coughing near. I usually move.
[tantek]capjamesg, a bunch of the running groups I'm a part of have some good, short, well-written rules/requests for that sort of thing (don't show up with symptoms)
[tantek]and still wearing an N95 respirator on flights, especially when in Economy class. I know of several people who were almost certainly infected with Covid by someone adjacent a few seats away or in-front or behind who was coughing / sounded like they were going to lose a lung
tantek.comedited /discuss (+397) "/* events meetups channel */ +use-case: A clear place to chat instead of Zoom during virtual or hybrid events" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /2024/Düsseldorf (+362) "capture additional roles for historical purposes, and stub redlink to a Feedback page, when future organizers look for what division of roles were done, volunteers part of organizing" (view diff)
Loqi[preview] [[tantek]] IWC kit << consider (pre)packing a set of KN95/FFP2 masks to provide to attendees to use if they wish, may help make those who do mask feel more explicitly included in an IWC
gRegorI can go either way on tests. It's complex and the language around it would have to be clear if it's encouraged. Emphasis should be on a positive test meaning you have it, and a negative test is not conclusive that "you're fine." Also why a mask requirement is a good extra layer.
gRegorAlso serial testing after like 48 hours is better. So yeah, altogether it's complicated, so that's why I can go either way on it as a "we expect" or "we encourage" guideline