#meta 2024-06-02

2024-06-02 UTC
nertzy joined the channel
Loqi: are posts like this site updates? can they post in another channel like #update-feed or something?
says something
Loqi is a bot and wiki edits (non-minor) go in here, yeah
you can also ask 'what is' questions and Loqi responds from the wiki
what is discuss
💬 Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, now with additional focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/discuss
Tiffany joined the channel
this is the channel for wiki updates
barnaby joined the channel
Ah okay, I just find it a bit disorienting when there's conversation mixed in with bot posts
barnaby and Mrd joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /GraphQL (+755) "/* See Also */ Link to long time GraphQL user who is listing some of its negatives"
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Guest6 and BigShip joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /blogroll (+1424) "/* See Also */ The Blogroll Network Map, a mapping of interconnected links between blogrolls/feeds"
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[snarfed] and barnaby joined the channel
created /User:Www.robalexdev.com (+295) "Created page with "<div class="p-summary">{{Infobox person |name = Robert Alexander |url = https://alexsci.com/ |photo_url = https://www.robalexdev.com/head-shot-512.webp |summary = Freelance developer and indieweb tinkerer. |chatname = robalex}}</div> Keep up with my latest projects at https://alexsci.com/blog/""
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edited /discovery (+108) "/* Crawlers */"
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edited /planet (+143) "/* Software */"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf (-32) "simplify recordings link / point at top, and demos too. move past event link / description down"
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watching the first breakout session from IWC DUS 2024 and I already need to pause and write a post 😂
capjamesg, did you say you had a recording of the day 1 site intros from IWC DUS 2024? I think it's the only session recording we're currently missing on the wiki. cc GWG
petermolnar left the channel
Did you get the message I sent via your website GWG?
Yes, you said I need to edit it
I keep meaning to get my clipping notes
alright, I'm going to write up the demos from IWC DUS then from the chart archives as best as I can
I'll try to find my ffmpeg cli clipping notes
can we fix #indiechat-chat on Discord by moving to https://github.com/pcarrier/purgatorial and removing messages automatically after X seconds, which has to be less than 13 days for reliability because of Discord limitations?
no, again the plan is to make a new channel with that bot and then shut down the other channel https://indieweb.org/discuss#off_the_record_channel
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Demos (+126) "add video link to the top, explicitly note to do section"
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now that I found (and linked) the demos video
playing that too
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Demos (+459) "Dave Letorey demo notes from video"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Demos (+32) "/* See Also */ projects"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Demos (+87) "planned create day projects link at top"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Demos (+6) "bold video link"
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edited /XOXO (+29) "/* 2012 */ link to official archived page"
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edited /XOXO (+112) "link to XOXO year specific pages for the years we don't have a local page here"
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aaronpk: I fail to understand why we wouldn't fix the channel we have now now, and make another better whenever we want
AFAICT we can rename channels in discord, so deploying the bot against the "current" channel wouldn't waste any time either
pcarrier[d], I believe the reasons for a new channel rather than renaming have been stated several times, I can write it up with an explicit permalink in the proposal if it would help
hmmm must have missed that. as far as the Discord channel is considered, given it starts with zero history, I fail to see how anyone would be the wiser.
right, that makes sense for discord. the problem is that IRC and Slack work differently
OK, I must be missing some subtlelty as to why Discord delete-and-create is better than Discord rename. strike my last 2 messages. feels like we're bike-shedding by coupling orthogonal concerns (how to do short-lived channels in Discord and which short-lived channels should exist)
remember that the channel is bridged to IRC and Slack, which handle renames and history differently than Discord
IRC doesn't have the concept of a rename, and we could create a new channel in Slack to avoid the 3 months history?
note I'm not arguing as to rename vs destroy-and-create
right, this is all the plan. we just need to settle on the name
we need more votes / opinions on the name: https://indieweb.org/discuss#Name_ideas
or, we deploy the fix to the existing channel, and it'll be trivial to add to the bestest of channels later? cause I mean, I love bike sheds, I have opinions about wall colors, but the color of the bike shed is not annoying me daily
created /User:Pcarrier.com/common.css (+114) "Created page with "header.mw-header { display: block; } :root { column-width: 80ch; column-gap: 0; } p { break-inside: avoid; }""
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created /User:Xandra.cc (+1361) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = Alexandra |url = https://xandra.cc |photo_url = https://xandra.cc/me3.jpg |pronouns = she/her |summary = Alexandra is a personal website advocate and tech professional in Seattle, WA, who founded the [https://32bit.cafe 32-Bit Cafe] community. |contact = al@xandra.cc |elsewhere = https://library.xandra.cc }} == the museum of alexandra == my personal site, [https://xandra.cc the museum of alexandra] is the home of my interests, beloveds, and tri...""
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edited /events/2024-08-22-xoxo (+16) "/* IndieWeb Participants */"
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edited /events/2024-08-22-xoxo (+34) "/* IndieWeb Participants */"
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argh, not sure why my user page isn't linking properly but alas </3
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Demos (+2713) "transcribe my demos from the video"
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http://xandra.cc to make the "{{http://xandra.cc}}" work, you have to create a template explicitly for it. See and follow the instructions at https://indieweb.org/wikifying#Step_Four:_Add_a_sparkline
also, nice looking website!
thank you x2!!!
created /Template:Xandra.cc (+13) "Created page with "{{xandra.cc}}""
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moved /Template:Xandra.cc to /Template:xandra.cc "Misspelled title: camelcase on accident :)"
edited /discuss (+470) "/* off the record channel */ note pref for new channel, link it. suggest 1 day, max 7 for Discord bot auto-deletions. maybe auto-kick accounts inactive for 30d"
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