#meta 2024-06-03

2024-06-03 UTC
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Demos (+4318) "transcribed Paul Robert Lloyd, Sonja, Stefan, Joschi's demos"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Demos (+871) "transcribe Daniel Pietzsch demo"
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edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Demos (+3537) "transcribe Matthias Pfefferle, capjamesg, Dominik, David Shanske demos"
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almost there
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Demos (+4645) "transcribe Pierre Carrier and Aaron Parecki. To Do is done!"
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there we go
ok, I believe that's all session related notes captured on the wiki. Only remaining archival thing we're waiting for for IWC DUS 2024 is the video of the personal site intros — will leave that up to you two capjamesg & GWG!
[tantek]: Keep reminding me.
I need to occasionally be called out when I forget stuff.
all good GWG, more of a calling-in than calling out. we can all use reminders from time to time 🙂
[tantek]: Agreed.
folks if you saw your name mentioned above, please check your demo entry on https://indieweb.org/2024/D%C3%BCsseldorf/Demos and make any necessary corrections or feel free to clean-up wording too! (and add links to things you demo'd etc. if I missed anything)
barnaby and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
edited /guestbook (+182) "Other Examples"
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barnaby and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
Speaking of which, looks like a few WordPress plugins still don’t have their updated assets showing in the plugin directory (IndieWeb, Syndication Links and Micropub); do these require a release to be updated? GWG
barnaby and mretka joined the channel
I've been caught on other projects but will get to it soon
Thanks! Odd that the other plugins updated, but I guess that’s because no other files in those repo had?
There's a way to update assets without a new release
I have a new release of Micropub nearly ready to go I need to finish up
[qubyte], barnaby, gRegor, [Joe_Crawford] and mretka joined the channel
so I can't seem to get the wiki to parse my profile correctly... `{{starrwulfe}}` just says "Starrwulfe" and not my name nor my profile icon. The link goes to my user page though... What am I not doing correctly?
nevermind! It's yet another template that parses the h-card. Got it.
edited /discuss (+485) "added my thoughts to the indieweb-random/chat discussion."
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Copying from random for posterity:
> gRegor: Did we decide that on topic things from random can be quoted on the wiki? I see that on https://indieweb.org/discuss/past but not on https://indieweb.org/discuss#random
edited /discuss (-37) "grammar, format madness.... Letting perfect be the enemy of good. 🧐"
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gRegor, yeah I think that was the expectation that was set.
edited /discuss (+115) "/* random */ you may quote from the random channel"
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[aciccarello], barnaby, IWSlackGateway, [Paul_Robert_Ll], [qubyte], [tantek], [Joe_Crawford] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel