#meta 2024-06-11

2024-06-11 UTC
ok so assuming linear extrapolation, you've got ~18 years for the same problem to manifest. 2042, which is after 2038, so solve those problems first 🙂
So here's me investigating the overhead issue. Expanded, the `indieweb-chat-archive` says it's `2.3gb`. the .git folder is `1.1gb` - I believe that's because every delta between every commit must be stored.
Visualize it with this image: https://artlung.com/images/indieweb-chat-archive-2024-06-10.jpeg
the giant red square? `.git/`
18 years until has aaronpk's git storage broken yet? https://chat.indieweb.org/meta/2024-06-11
I added a countdown scheduled for 2042-06-06 4:01pm PST (#7110)
Using GrandPerspective to do that visualization. Fresh checkout today.
[fluffy] joined the channel
[tantek]: i'll chime in here with anecdotal information with my experience helping artists build websites. a lot of folks i've worked with, artists and people who self-identify as "non-technical" or "non-developer," are against the idea of the nomenclature surrounding "users" in relation to their websites. (as someone professionally in the UX space, it does hurt my heart.) from what i've been able to get out of them, the idea
> It's not about people's skillsets, it's about being better for people in general, regardless of skillsets
[1:54 PM]
that's exactly right, and i think a lot of folks on that side of things agree with you on merit; but there is a need to self-differentiate between professionals/seasoned developers and amateurs that isn't wrapped in jargon, because they _want_ that. i personally like "hobbyist" as a label because it encompasses a wide array of skill rather than what someone can and cannot do, but i am just one person trying to get things to st
[edit] > It's not about people's skillsets, it's about being better for people in general, regardless of skillsets
that's exactly right, and i think a lot of folks on that side of things agree with you on merit; but there is a need to self-differentiate between professionals/seasoned developers and amateurs that isn't wrapped in jargon, because they _want_ that. i personally like "hobbyist" as a label because it encompasses a wide array of skill rather than what someone can and cannot do, but i am just one person trying to get things to st
{{lifeofpablo}}, barnaby, [snarfed], to2ds and barnabywalters joined the channel
thanks http://xandra.cc. There's lots of ways folks can prefer to self-identify, and that's totally fine!
when we're talking about tools, or documentation, or content in general, I still think it is better to avoid labels associated with identities like that, even if self-assigned, because it's both artificially constraining (to the tools, docs, content), and potentially inaccurate or at least misleading
on another topic, still looking for folks who would prefer Wednesday or Sunday for a one-day IWC Portland adjacent to XOXO. [snarfed] any chance you could make either / both? and if so, prefer one or the other? See current prefs here: https://indieweb.org/Planning#Portland
Loqi and bacardi55[m] joined the channel
edited /2024/Düsseldorf/Schedule (+70) "/* Saturday */ Intros video"
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barnabywalters, [KevinMarks], mretka, Guest6, AramZS and robalex joined the channel
[tantek] yes! I'll add my prefs. mildly prefer Sun but I could do either
barnaby joined the channel
edited /Planning (+116) "/* Portland */ +me"
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edited /Planning (+218) "/* Portland */"
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how are we doing on settling the new chat channel name?
what is discuss?
💬 Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, now with additional focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/discuss
i want to wrap this up
cafe is in the lead, but only with 4 votes
edited /discuss (+857) "/* Name ideas */ +me. sorry. (not sorry?)"
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robalex joined the channel
created /Beeper (+78) "prompted by aaronpk and dfn added by [Jo]"
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[mattl], [jacky] and jjuran joined the channel
thanks aaronpk and [schmarty] — clear lead for Sunday (+4 vs -3) and the XOXO slack emojis are tied 2-2 for Wed vs Sunday (not counting my emoji there for Sunday), so let's call it for Sunday
I hope to stop by and say hello but I'm really not sure if I'm leaving PDX that day or not yet.
time to update some wiki pages
a wild [mattl] appears!
I got a new job as of... Friday, so expect to see much more of me again.
gRegor joined the channel
edited /Planning (+148) "/* Portland */ +me"
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[Al_Abut] joined the channel
edited /Planning (+95) "/* Portland - Joe */"
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Salt, I forget if I already mentioned this: potential IWC Portland coming up https://indieweb.org/Planning#Portland
thanks, too much of a stream to keep up with these channels so missed that. I can't make that weekend as I have another event. Guess I'll stop poking around for a Seattle venue this summer. Still working on regular HWC meetups here.
I could MAYBE make the 21st, but that would be a lot of driving as I have another camping event north of the seattle area on the 22nd
Oh I don't think it has to preclude a Seattle event!
yeah, but July is coming in quick to plan things, and having two August events is.. a lot
Understandable. This year has been flying by
yeah seriously
jjuran joined the channel