#meta 2024-06-10

2024-06-10 UTC
bt and [snarfed] joined the channel
edited /discuss (+296) "/* off the record channel */"
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[Al_Abut], strugee_, jeremycherfas, jjuran, [Jo], barnaby, AramZS and [Murray] joined the channel
haha indieweb-cafe is winning even more now 😄
time to make an espresso
barnaby, [bneil] and gRegor joined the channel
Hm, is some of the text extra wide on this page for anyone else? I'm getting horizontal scroll, not sure why the text doesn't wrap: https://indieweb.org/discuss#off_the_record_channel
See JL Gatewood's comment under #indieweb-cafe
yeah, weird
what the heck
something weird with the template
a <span> with an explicit style=white-space:nowrap
the text of the line is getting added inside the template
class h-card
Fixed, I think.
There was a missing closing tag on the span.
I was to the point of trying to manually retype it in case there was some Unicode non-breaking space or something, haha
I removed the sparkline in preview and everything worked, so I knew the problem was in the sparkline.
that would explain it
barnaby and sp1ff joined the channel
gotta love binary search to find problems in changes
edited /webring (+78) "indieweb relevance in dfn, link to indiewebring"
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edited /webring (+1) ","
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what is a webring
A webring is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure; check out the indiewebring, a webring across IndieWeb sites and blogs https://indieweb.org/webring
Slack-- for being poor at search and even worse and select / copy / paste
Slack has -2 karma in this channel over the last year (-3 in all channels)
drat. our http://chat.indieweb.org search does not index the #indieweb-stream channel, which it really should
until then, going to drop this here for future findability: describing or otherwise framing something as "non-technical" or for "non-developers" is harmful and you (everyone) should avoid that framing/dichotomy in all writing, communication, blog posts, etc. See https://chat.indieweb.org/stream/2024-06-10#t1718052809683000 for reasons and expansions why
barnaby joined the channel
weird, still not showing up. I wonder what the latency is for IndieWeb chat search
It was entirely broken for a while there as far as indexing new logs
(Since May 16th)
[develumpen] and barnaby joined the channel
again lol
that git repo is too big
it's "just" text right? what am I missing? are we really that chatty?!?
edited /Category:jargon (+34) "+SSH, protocol, Gemini"
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it's a ton of commits
ok i added some logging so we'll see what the actual problem is next time it happens
what happens is .git/index.lock doesn't get deleted for some reason
oh is this the weird git-is-a-database design flaw?
"ton of commits" — does using squash & merge help with that?
or rebasing or whatever the heck that's called
dunno, will have to wait until it happens again to find out the actual error message
this kind of stuff is what cracks me up everytime people suggest github instead of a wiki
158,434 commits
so what I'm hearing is that databases don't actually scale to lots of commits
I suspect other folks have run into issues along these lines - curious as to how they addressed it. I have an intuition that creating remote branches in some automated way and then automatically squash merging them at some interval - so that each day/week/2 weeks/1 month would be a single commit might create less git "overhead" (metadata, roughly?) but that's merely intuition, not something I'd bet money and time on.
also some good reasons to avoid using git for long term storage for a personal site
the good news is it will take me a long time for my personal site to get this many files/commits
or maybe not, already at 49,698 commits 😬
and when did you start the current version of your personal site? (how many years ago)