#stream 2024-06-10

2024-06-10 UTC
bt and [snarfed] joined the channel
[@noc] after about a month on mastodon one observation i’m absolutely enamoured with is how many techy folk (women especially) knit/crochet. it’s such a complimentary, artsy hobby to the plucky build-it-yourself #indieweb #Fediverse attitudes that prevail here. ... (https://mas.to/@noc/112589517354670723)
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
[martymcgui.re] Are you a member of the 🕸💍 IndieWeb Webring? Everything is fine! We are up to around 450 active sites, with more than 250 of those appearing on the webring directory page!... (https://martymcgui.re/2024/06/09/an-absentee-webring-steward-returns/)
[@ClaireFromClare] @jsadow Very late reply but yes the same realisation disconcerted me greatly. Many of us would like to have a permanent record of at least some posts & of complete conversations! #POSSE & the new abilities to consolidate comments seem the way to go?... (https://h-net.social/@ClaireFromClare/112590687792682124)
[@xandra] version 6 of the museum has launched! wanted to make sure i had something fresh before @xoxo in august, so glad i got it done! now to focus on the codejam. happy summer to you and yours <3 https://xandra.cc/ #personalwebsite #webdev #indieweb #web (https://tilde.zone/@xandra/112590821366393960)
[@byjp] I’d see my site (https://www.byjp.me) as being firmly in the #IndieWeb, with a heavy hat tip to #SmallWeb (my use of photos & a more social media-y microblog page keeping me further from that category), though the sister site gemini://byjp.cc is technically (though maybe not... (https://hachyderm.io/@byjp/112590912002841414)
[@byjp] @orsvarn @adele FWIW I see, stylistically:... (https://hachyderm.io/@byjp/112590911977173431)
[@ClaireFromClare] @otfrom @rscottjones Perhaps #POSSE experts could advise how such preferences are currently tackled? ... (https://h-net.social/@ClaireFromClare/112591335510088758)
[Jo] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] I wrote about what Analytics for the Personal Web might look like. #indieweb #smallweb #personalweb #blogging https://rscottjones.com/analytics-for-the-personal-web/ (https://mastodon.social/@rscottjones/112591951611562645)
I wrote about what Analytics for the Personal Web might look like. #indieweb #smallweb #personalweb #blogging (https://rsjon.es/2024/06/10/i-wrote-about.html)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] The newest addition to my bookmarklet collection: a webmentions grabber for making it easier to send manual Webmentions with cURL https://hamatti.org/posts/webmention-bookmarklet/ #blogging #bookmarklet #browser #IndieWeb (https://mastodon.world/@hamatti/112592055110423335)
barnaby joined the channel
[@jcrabapple] Ancient Egyptian Pregnancy Tests · cool as heck https://cool-as-heck.blog/notes/2024-06-10-ancient-egyptian-pregnancy-test/ #TIL #History #HistoryFacts #Indieweb (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/112592577804330635)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] @rscottjones A great post, thanks!... (https://hachyderm.io/@byjp/112592704480001266)
[Murray] joined the channel
[@immarisabel] I updated my website! And wrote a post about it. #blog #SmallWeb #indieweb #blogging #update #jsonld https://marisabel.nl/public/blog/Website_updates_and_Json-LD ~ via http://marisabel.nl/social ~ (https://indieweb.social/@immarisabel/112592922887942368)
barnaby, [bneil] and gRegor joined the channel
:neocat_bongo_up: Website! :neocat_bongo_down: Update! I added a fairly simple page for all my graffiti pictures: https://devils.gay/graffiti_photobook It requires JavaScript for pagination, and some of the graffiti include non-explicit nudity. #Neocities #IndieWeb #WebDev (https://demae.party/objects/8e255fbf-5124-43af-843a-75429936332a)
barnaby joined the channel
[@rscottjones] @byjp That’s great, nice work! And yes, absolutely agree that #indieweb needs to be easier for non-developers like me. More of that, please. (https://mastodon.social/@rscottjones/112593764092173887)
[@ojrask] I've also been adding microformats2 thingies and so on to get ready-ish for prime time in terms for WebMentions and other cool stuff. But now I need to take a look at Caddy's caching mechanisms. Also Twig's caching mechanisms. #IndieWeb #RSS #WebDevelopment (https://piipitin.fi/@ojrask/112593835654427781)
sigh, there's that non-technical "non-developers" phrasing/framing again. even if self-labeled, it's still harmful
do we have a page for that yet?
lol not yet and I expect capjamesg[d] to keep reminding me to blog about what I wrote in chat about it earlier, which I should probably copy/paste somewhere archivable/citable
reminds [tantek] to write the blog post :D
ok fine I'll dump here for now (since this is #indieweb-stream and dumping is expected, whether links or copy/pasta)
from 2024-06-04 from me in #indieweb-chat :
There's two aspects to it
1 yes, reducing othering, or implication of hierarchy, or worse, condescension 😞
2 even "technical" people don't want to have to use their technical skills 24/7. Sometimes (most of the time!) they just want tools that work
The frame technical/non-technical, no matter rewording you do, misses this second point
This is why "user-centric" or "user-friendly" or "ease of use" are superior ways of talking about making things better, rather than "for non-technical people"
It's not about people's skillsets, it's about being better for people in general, regardless of skillsets
Q from another: How would this apply to documentation?
I’m more interested in the implications for tools & services rather than documentation
For documentation, the "simple" advice is to avoid jargon in user documentation
another example of rephrasing:
Someone else wrote: "people interested in making a personal website who do not write code."
Better: "people interested in making a personal website who are not interested in writing code"
See the difference? It's not about what you can or cannot do.
END OF 2024-06-04 dump from #indieweb-chat
barnaby joined the channel
[@mms] Eh, what the hell I have my first web button! https://michal.sapka.me/unix-history/#link #indieweb #smallweb (https://emacs.ch/@mms/112594564600143037)
what is othering
othering is the artificial dichotomy framing of two sets of people as "us" vs "them", something we should try to avoid or at least minimize on the indieweb per our principles (in particular plurality) and code-of-conduct https://indieweb.org/othering
[develumpen] and barnaby joined the channel