#stream 2024-06-09

2024-06-09 UTC
[@weirdwriter] I know what I will be doing! Making an audio game with this new engine! https://nvgt.gg/ #Gaming #GameDev #Games #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #WebDev (https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/112584209298525160)
[@adele] I get some remarks about the fact that https://smolweb.org recommends to not use JavaScript at all.... (https://phpc.social/@adele/112584960486034900)
to2ds joined the channel
[@adele] @orsvarn I think that there is a confusion with #IndieWeb.... (https://phpc.social/@adele/112585799025830785)
[@jbell] I'm getting back into #indieweb stuff as I dust of this old proposal and start making it real! https://jonbell.medium.com/hey-creators-please-make-firehoses-8d0c48c075e4 Hello IndieWeb folks! (https://me.dm/@jbell/112585907111135576)
to2ds joined the channel
[adactio.com] Blogs and longevity | James’ Coffee Blog... (https://adactio.com/links/21195)
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[@owenpowell] Just in time for WWDC, I started a blog! It’s nothing much, but I’m enjoying myself so far. If you like tech and tech news, feel free to check it out, I’ll appreciate it a whole lot. ... (https://mastodon.social/@owenpowell/112587104340976883)
[@mms] I’m looking for scifi-focus indie sites. Something akin to Quin’s Ideas, but as text. ... (https://emacs.ch/@mms/112587569094783098)
[Ros] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Refreshed my site, be gentle. Occasionally slow and has rough edges. But in any case I now have a base of operations to work with again. Not WordPress, but something hand-built using a few libraries.... (https://piipitin.fi/@ojrask/112588213810706639)
[@RDK] Week 11. In this weeknote, I mentioned Eloquent JavaScript, Indie Microblogging, some blog ideas and a few links I found interesting. https://justtext.net/weeknotes/11/ #blogging #weekNotes #links #indieWeb (https://pkm.social/@RDK/112588501567250254)
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] "Remember! If you only signed up to hear when this feature is available, or you're wondering what ActivityPub even is: This probably is not the newsletter for you. This is a behind-the-scenes, engineering-heavy, somewhat-deranged build log by the team who are working on it." And... (https://werd.io/2024/what-if-we-worked-together)
[@orsvarn] @adele I’m not sure I’m confusing the words necessarily, though language is of course not static. I heard about #SmallWeb from this article: https://ar.al/2020/08/07/what-is-the-small-web/ which is what I’m basing my definition on. #IndieWeb from what I can find is a... (https://peoplemaking.games/@orsvarn/112588608380466807)
[Otto_Rask] joined the channel