#meta 2024-07-30

2024-07-30 UTC
[qubyte], [Doc_Pop], jimw, [KevinMarks], barnaby, claudinec, [Scout], _capjamesg[d], jjuran, [aaronpk], AramZS, sp1ff, gRegor, [snarfed] and max2 joined the channel
created /best_practices/placement_for_an_`h-card` (+114) "prompted by sdcaulley and dfn added by [snarfed]"
(view diff)
^ hrm, I'd like to switch that to be a redirect, but I don't yet have the mediawiki-fu
oh wait I do! I think I did it
kind of
Are you logged in to the wiki, [snarfed], or would you like me to fix the redirect? :)
I was logged in and tried to fix it
seems like it's a redirect now but it doesn't actually redirect the browser 🤷
grubz joined the channel
grubz and [benatwork] joined the channel