gRegorRSVPs can be removed under "Edit Responses". You could update the photo on your site, remove the RSVP on Meetable, and re-send it (or click "I'm Going" / "I Went")
[tantek]Interesting! Maybe it depends on how you RSVPd? I.e. if you did so by sending a webmention, you should be able to send another webmention to update anything about your RSPV, including your icon
[tantek]If you RSVPd by clicking the "I'm going" button then it likely got it from your sign-in which maybe gets it from chat-names? Unsure. Would have to check Meetable source / ask aaronpk?
gRegorThis is coming back to me because I recall I have a "weird" h-card setup on my homepage, so when I click the button I don't get an avatar image there. But if I create an RSVP post and send a webmention, each post has my photo, so it shows up in Meetable then
marksuth.devcreated /indieweb-movie-club (+3463) "Created page with "'''<dfn>IndieWeb Movie Club</dfn>''' is a monthly movie themed [[blog carnival]] inspired by [[IndieWeb Carnival]] started in August 2024 == Why == An IndieWeb carnival will help motivate people to post more on their personal websites. See also: * [[why post]] == How to == Each month, IndieWeb Movie Club has a different host. At the beginning of the month, the host posts their film pick for the month, and posts it both on their website and here. Then, other people post..."" (view diff)