#meta 2024-08-03

2024-08-03 UTC
rednafi and johnny1 joined the channel
edited /rel-author (+951) "How to publish and How to link to ActivityPub followable profile subsections, IndieWeb Examples, add self"
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[snarfed] joined the channel
edited /search (+226) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add myself using Fuse.js"
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[qubyte] and barnaby joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /footnote () "(-4650) /* See Also */ Template-ify JSTOR link and remove Loqi’s full copy-paste of the article, felt like spam"
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lol oops. missing pname on that article's microformats
vanderven.se martijn
edited /footnote (+830) "/* See Also */ Add links for making footnotes work in [[readers]]"
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aaronpk: the problem happens even if there is a p-name. There is another link there to one of tantek’s posts, where the entire post is inside the p-name ;)
How does Loqi handle that for chat preview?
the p-name in that post from tantek is the entire contents of the post
the rule for the wiki is use the name if present, otherwise assume it's a note and use the content
Which probably works most of the time, but when you get towards article length, it just starts to feel like copy-pasting external posts onto the wiki
yeah it should probably have a max length
but also people should stop putting the full text of notes in the p-name
vanderven.se martijn
edited /footnote () "(-3719) /* See Also */ Template-ify tantek example for multiparagraph footnote and remove Loqi’s full copy-paste of the article, felt like spam"
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So. Now the See Also section is a bit readable again
Zegnat++ thank you!
Zegnat has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (18 in all channels)
I guess the question is what I am doing "wrong" and what I should be doing instead
Do not think anything is wrong there. It just happens to be a multiple paragraph note (note: p-name === p-content). It is probably only solvable with a max length, as aaronpk says.
Ok nothing "wrong" per se, then, however maybe there's a use-case here for p-summary, though it may be strange for the p-summary to be shorter than the p-name
sp1ff joined the channel
i thought we changed the recommendation ages ago to not have p-name on notes at all
Maybe? It is still documented on /note as part of the Note Type Algorithm. https://indieweb.org/note#Note_Type_Algorithm
i didn't realize there was an algorithm on /note
what is post type discovery?
Post Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for consuming code to determine the type of a post by its content properties and their values rather than an explicit “post type” property, thus better matched to modern post creation UIs that allow combining text, media, etc in a variety of ways without burdening users with any notion of what kind of post they are creating https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
i think we should remove the algorithm from the /note page since it should be covered in post type discovery
IIRC we changed the recommendation to not have an empty p-name, not no p-name at all
created /Template:jimw (+163) "Add my h-card template"
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edited /rel-author (+99) "Add myself (basically the same as Tantek, though)"
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[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
We used to have the problem of assuming the whole post was the name with fallback parsing.
There is a sort of implied length rule where content length >summary length > name length but I don't think we have enforced or fully documented that, it's more a thing we got from blog and feed historic use
I think in general we want to always encourage explicit p-name in non-reaction posts because that's what readers / aggregators can/will display as the "short" representation of the post
Otherwise such apps look "broken" with an empty line (empty p-name) in their UI, so then they start making things up which leads to more weird coding for specific apps behaviors
edited /chat-names (-3) "Using jimw instead of jimwins"
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JadedBlueEyes joined the channel