#meta 2024-08-04

2024-08-04 UTC
created /appear.in (+25) "r (new domain / company name)"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
edited /indieweb-movie-club (+44) "/* The List of Future Hosts */"
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#indieweb-chat is still frustrating on discord
ptramo[d] #indieweb-chat is being deprecated in favor of #indieweb-random for that reason
What is discuss?
πŸ’¬ Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, now with additional focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/discuss
[schmarty]: Right, but it still shows activity I cannot see regularly, so same difference.
Speaking of which, can we finalize this?
I think we need to settle on the name of the new channel still
I think "cafe" is currently in the lead
I think the only time I still use chat is in response to others, or if I don't notice that activity is still in there
Yeah same. Have been largely ignoring chat unless I want to do a bunch of Loqi wiki commands that are more like noise to humans
I think part of the transition plan from the old -chat channel should be removal of the channel from Discord so it doesn't ping/trigger people as if there's activity
aaronpk: Can you program Loqi to tell anyone who posts in -chat the channel is retired?
i can lock it down on IRC even, either block people from joining or redirect them to the new channel
and on slack and discord we can just delete the channel
aaronpk: I'd say lock new people immediately. And start reminding old people and eventually kick them?
Just say the word and I can do it. I've just been waiting for finalizing the new name
I don't think I can myself. But I think even without finalizing, I'd lock the channel to new people.
Nah not until there's a replacement
So how do we get to cafe?
We get more people to vote on the options
edited /Front_End_Study_Hall (+201) "/* Planned- add a to-study topic list */"
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When is the next FrESH?
It’s not yet set.
Was vaguely wondering if there was a tool I could use to solicit feedback on days and times. Get advance interest.
aaronpk, more important than offtopic/cafe IMO is the live events chat channel. Really missing that in every HWC, and seemingly Etherpad can be a barrier to some folks
Somethin* I could put on Mastodon, elsewhere. Calendly ish
That seems like a fun feature to add to Meetable
oh yeah live events channel, are we good to go on that?
I can budget some time later today or tomorrow to do a bunch of chat channel admin work if we have settled on the names
_IWDiscord, pcarrier, bacardi55[m] and IWDiscord joined the channel
aaronpk I would love the live events channel.
And a Meetable feature to solicit interest in an event!
I have seen several people use https://lu.ma for this.
[edit] I have seen several people use https://lu.ma for this.
Which may provide some inspiration if you decide to build something in Meetable!
(To be clear, I'm not recommending Luma.)
yep and crab1 joined the channel
omg the cat wearing google glass 😻
We need to get more folks to vote on the live events channel
Like maybe we should start asking at the start of every live event (HWC, FRESH) for people to please go vote on the live event channel names or suggest another :)
how do you vote?
You edit the wiki and add your vote and optionally your reasoning / thoughts / feels
And yes that means you can change your vote if you change your mind (e.g. someone latter makes a good point)