#meta 2024-08-25
2024-08-25 UTC
BigShip, terf, bugliker, [tantek], [KevinMarks], IWSlackGateway, Lars-Christian and [dougbeal] joined the channel
tantek.com edited /2024/Portland (+22) "/* Organizers */ +snarfed, couple of things done!" (view diff)

[tantek] This is an interesting and worthy critique of the motivations behind finding a "symbol" for something: https://manuelmoreale.com/thoughts-on-symbols

[dave], [snarfed] and [manton] joined the channel
Loqi [Event Updated] artlung.com updated "Aug 25, 2024 8:00am IndieWebCamp Portland 2024" changed meeting_url "scheduling a zoom for remote participation" https://events.indieweb.org/event/624/history/1808/diff

[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Lars-Christian joined the channel
tantek.com edited /2024/Portland (-49) "/* Lunch Options */ nice food pod is closed on Sundays" (view diff)

[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] i'm here!

gRegor-mobile joined the channel
Loqi Meetable is an IndieWeb friendly open source events aggregator that is used for the IndieWeb events site at https://events.indieweb.org https://indieweb.org/Meetable

Lars-Christian joined the channel
[schmarty] hello lovely heads-down folks at IWC PDX! do we want to do intros / kickoff kind of thing sometime soon?

[schmarty] i can scribe!

[schmarty] intros and kickoff starting at IWC PDX!

[schmarty] http://tantek.com welcomes everyone. impressive to have so many folks here after XOXO. chill vibes today. maybe breakout sessions. hack + create + collaborate on your own site and/or indie social media.

[schmarty] following the indieweb and xoxo codes of conduct. xoxo mask policy. any Qs see tantek or kevinmarks or snarfed.

[schmarty] snarfed points out our zoom link at http://events.indieweb.org (which we can use for remote attendees and screen sharing). backchannel discussion in the indieweb IRC/web/slack/etc

[schmarty] we'

[schmarty] we'l get an etherpad set up for the day (more later if needed)

[schmarty] tantek: andybaio @ XOXO says to have a home on the web that's not controlled by a billionaire. it's ok to keep posting there, they are tools, and it can be practical. but we encourage you to also have your own site.

[schmarty] demos http://tantek.com: notes, articles, github issues that backfeed, and more.

[schmarty] note on photo policy: we don't have nice lanyards to indicate preferences. ask for consent before taking photos.

capjamesg[d] I hope you all have a wonderful time!

[schmarty] dave at http://davegoesthedistance.com is up. links a bunch of projects from here, has new ones to add. "indicates the ADHD happenign up in my noggin". publish puzzle books, community projects in DFW area. tasting tacos wherever he goes. was on TV once walking a maze from memory. mike tyson was there (... physically). co-organizing Puzzle with Pride at https://pride.puz.fun

[schmarty] doug @ http://dougbeal.com - wordpress site hasn't been updated for some years, but it was set up with indieweb plugins and more years ago, and still works receiving Swarm posts from ownyourswarm!

AramZS joined the channel
[schmarty] ryan @ http://snarfed.org - wordpress with notes, pictures, blog posts, indieweb building blocks, webmetions, likes reposts, RSVPs. looked at RSVP example for this event. microformats are here (shouts to tantek and kevinmarks for microformats2). shows webmention displayed on http://events.indieweb.org page.

[schmarty] ryan runs http://brid.gy and http://fed.brid.gy. bridgy fed is new since last in-person IWC event, bridging federated protocols and sites like activitypub, bluesky, nostr, etc. some bridgy fed stats: ~20k users. (bridgy classic ~7k.) ~300-400k events per day! lots of signups (but a few people "turning it off"). lots of likes, then reposts, etc. activitypub is _very_ chatty. lots of repeat messages, but it's okay.

[schmarty] bridgy fed gets lots of webfinger lookups... for some other instance (like mastodon.social). seems like broken software. mastodon most common software. then misskey!

[schmarty] joe @ http://artlung.com - makes header images periodically. been running Front End Study Hall (FrESH) in IndieWeb chat / zoom for learning HTML/CSS etc. folks have learned a lot! mentioned some career bits. helped organize an IWC San Diego. inherited a site of the day site from Joe. loves owning your own data. mistrust-based decision making. he is having a brat summer.

[schmarty] kevin @ http://kevinmarks.com - looking at making posting easier. mostly hand-written HTML, long form. complicated posts with lots of little bits, like embeds, which can break over time. (looking at you, twitter). working on porting his noterlive tool, for taking notes live at events, from twitter to mastodon

[schmarty] demo of NoterLive Masto WIP!

[schmarty] you can see demo toot now at `@kevinmarks@indieweb.social`

[schmarty] removed old bootstrap layout, so it's bare. planning to toot notes as people go today!

[schmarty] annika @ http://sixohthree.com - area code for New Hampshire. admin for xoxo.zone mastodon server. microformats + indieweb building blocks are new to her. gonna carve out time to work on that w/ pelican static site. added h-card today!

[schmarty] gRegor @ http://gregorlove.com - domain is a nickname from "gregor. greg-or what?" posts notes and more. shows example of a survey from surveymonkey that he mirrored to his own site about COVID concerns.

[schmarty] gRegor runs http://indiebookclub.biz - a micropub client for posting reading (want-to-read, finished, etc) to your site. conceived at IWC Baltimore 2018.

[schmarty] indiebookclub sends reads to your website, but also keeps them on your profile on indiebookclub, so micropub is optional. you can download all your posts in HTML format for portability!

[schmarty] amy @ http://amyhurst.com - simple profile page, w/ contact info. finished her project day project already! removed twitter + linkedin from her site. dealing with academia pre-semester scaries.

[snarfed] marty https://martymcgui.re/ - based in NY, posts a lot, including Caturday photos!
[snarfed] newest project: https://banter.bayside.pub/ , for quick responses (replies, likes, reposts) via Micropub. syndicates to Bridgy Fed, IndieWeb News, etc
[snarfed] also made and runs the IndieWeb webring! https://🕸.ws / https://xn--sr8hvo.ws/
[Joe_Crawford] [schmarty]++ excellent notes!
[Joe_Crawford] I’m getting a sandwich at Snappy’s a few blocks up. [tantek] where are you all going to sit to eat I’ll join you if you’re up for it. Waiting on chow.
[tantek] For the afternoon, due to the acoustics in Study Hall, how would people feel about making that the collaborative hack space and encouraging spontaneous discussion sessions in the lobby? There's a couple of groups of couches or chairs separated far enough apart for two discussions to be going simultaneously

[Joe_Crawford] ✅
Lars-Christian joined the channel
Loqi "IndieWebCamp Portland 2024" call ended https://events.indieweb.org/2024/08/indiewebcamp-portland-2024-8bucXDlLqR0k

[morganm] joined the channel
Loqi [New Event] tantek.com created "Aug 24, 2024 12:21pm IndieWeb Fediverse Lunch" https://events.indieweb.org/itqGqiDTZTOj

Loqi [Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Aug 24, 2024 12:21pm IndieWeb Fediverse Lunch at XOXO Fest" changed name https://events.indieweb.org/event/650/history/1810/diff

[snarfed] anyone know where the project for the IRC/Slack bridge is? not seeing it on https://indieweb.org/discuss or in https://github.com/orgs/indieweb/repositories or https://github.com/aaronpk?tab=repositories
Loqi [Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Aug 24, 2024 12:21pm IndieWeb Fediverse Lunch at XOXO" changed name https://events.indieweb.org/event/650/history/1811/diff

martymcgui.re edited /2024/Portland (+209) "/* Posts about */ +my webring sign-in project" (view diff)

aaronpk [snarfed]: https://github.com/aaronpk/Slack-IRC-Gateway

[KevinMarks] should we copy Marty's notes from here to the etherpad? https://etherpad.indieweb.org/p/portland2024

[schmarty] if someone wants to do that i would be grateful (to not be the one to do it, haha)

[aaronpk] joined the channel
ms_boba[d] joined the channel
ms_boba[d] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Oh, I thought the routine was for the etherpad to become the wiki page notes

IWSlackGateway and [aaronpk] joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
catgirlin.space yayay
IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk] and [tantek] joined the channel
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[tantek] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
Killeik joined the channel
[tantek] Is anyone down for a little text-markup / auto-linking mini-discussion (how should it work, what should link or not link to what, should plain @-names ever auto-link etc.)? I'm going to grab a pastry and my waterbottle to go snack and work at one of the tables outside and invite anyone interested to come join!

[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] IWC PDX: 1 hr til demos (according to the original schedule)

[tantek] aaronpk, biggest recent improvements in CASSIS auto_link: https://tantek.com/2024/070/t1/updated-auto-linking-mention-use-cases

[tantek] person mention << https://tantek.com/2024/070/t1/updated-auto-linking-mention-use-cases

Loqi ok, I added "https://tantek.com/2024/070/t1/updated-auto-linking-mention-use-cases" to the "See Also" section of /person_mention https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=96592&oldid=90159

[Joe_Crawford] and [dave] joined the channel
[schmarty] shall we kick off demos @ IWC PDX?

[snarfed] joined the channel
[schmarty] zoom ended for reasons

[schmarty] zoom is back

[schmarty] kevinmarks is going to demo first! with NoterLive Masto edition. demo folks, shout out your fediverse handles, if you've got 'em, and he'll note live!

[schmarty] enter a hashtag, @-@- handle of the person you're quoting, and enter the text. toots it from `@kevinmarks@xoxo.zone`

[schmarty] oops, sorry, from `@kevinmarks@indieweb.social`

[schmarty] for subsequent entries, automatically tags the same person, so you can quickly continue a thread while the same person is speaking

[schmarty] made a bookmarklet for [benatwork]’s Share Openly. pops a window. enters xoxo.zone, shares to site. edits down the text for the target, etc. demos for http://bsky.app as well!

[schmarty] added a share openly button to posts on his own site, too!

[schmarty] encourages folks to look into Share Openly to makes POSSE a _lot_ easier.

[schmarty] we'll try to have the sharer work

[schmarty] dave (http://davegoesthedistance.com / @dave@puz.fun) next. did some maintenance on personal site. updated IndieWeb webring links to the new format. updated some projects. switched all book links to go to book pages on his own site. added folks to his homes/fam list. will continue polishing!

[schmarty] ryan (http://snarfed.org / `@snarfed.org/@snarfed.org`)

claudinec joined the channel
[schmarty] wanted easy interactions with posts that he reads. jealous of how good silo users have it for this. tried to get IndiePass working, but had issues. for comparison, look at threads. one tap on a heart icon to like it. opens his newsblur, picks a post. uses android share feature. taps his "Like" share target. finds the like on his site - it's there! his site also pings bridgy fed in the background, discovers that the target of the like is a

[schmarty] mastodon post, and queues that up to notify their mastodon server.

[schmarty] shows how it works using "HTTP Shortcuts" app. lets you configure HTTP requests and expose that as a share target. templates bits let you pull details out of the shared post/page.

[schmarty] shows similar flow for a reply. a separate shortcut, shows a reply text popup that is also part of HTTP Shortcuts. not one-tap but pretty close!

[schmarty] snarfed++

[snarfed] background on my demo/app: https://snarfed.org/android-indieweb-interactions-with-the-http-shortcuts-app
[schmarty] doug (http://dougbeal.com / `@dougbeal@xoxo.zone`) sharing from mobile. removed Twitter from his website! RSVP'd to the upcoming HWC Pacific (this Wednesday!). had to send webmention manually. his RSVP shows up on the http://events.indieweb.org page. did it all from his phone!

[schmarty] meta screenshot / video!

[schmarty] tantek (http://tantek.com / `@tantek.com@tantek.com`) between indiewebcamps has been working on larger autolinking changes. worked with kevinmarks on it some today. has been coding on it, looking now to turn that into more of a specification. clusters like `@-name`, `@-domain`, `@-@-s`, etc. hashtags and footnotes, too. hopes that a specification may help someone else make an implementation.

[schmarty] captured the discussion on his site, including links to previous posts where he discussed implementations of various pieces. encourages discussion about all this work so far!

[schmarty] amy (http://amyhurst.com / no fediverse handle). removed twitter from her site!

[schmarty] joe (http://artlung.com) spent time blogging! themes of XOXO. Erin Kissane classified XOXO talks into "i did this awesome thing on the web" vs "this awful thing happened to me because of the web". wrote about some themes related to this. we have all the pieces we need to have great personal websites and interactivity. we don't know what is next but have real hope, reflected in quotes from speakers at XOXO. hopeful for what is coming down

[schmarty] the line. also syndicated to http://indienews.org

[schmarty] aaron (http://aaronpk.com / `@aaronpk@aaronparecki.com` ) arrived late and squashed bugs on some indieweb infrastructure. slack users mentioning slack channels in slack were not translated correctly in IRC. slack had changed something and broke things. aaronpk fixed that up! but also discovered new problems. also noticed some emoji weren't translating correctly. the slack bridge has its own emoji database which needed updated, so he

[schmarty] updated it!

[schmarty] worked to get trips working on his site. has automated features for this for years, but recently went on a trip with a huge number of data points spanning 1000 miles and 36 hours, and it was breaking his automation. with a couple of hacks, it was working again!

[schmarty] Avi (http://avibagla.com / `avibagla@xoxo.zone`) - updated his portfolio site, including some new projects. signed up for mastodon at `xoxo.zone` and added that to his site, too!

[schmarty] that's everyone! (kevinmarks noted my demo on masto)

Loqi "IndieWebCamp Portland 2024" call ended https://events.indieweb.org/2024/08/indiewebcamp-portland-2024-8bucXDlLqR0k