#meta 2024-08-26

2024-08-26 UTC
[dougbeal] joined the channel
created /User:Sebbu.fr (+203) "Created page with "= [https://sebbu.fr/ Sebbu] = My website is currently mainly used for [[rel-me]] and some other projects. I'm in the process of doing identity consolidation (thanks [[Keyoxide]]) along with the rel-me.""
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edited /comments (+312) "add text from tweet re: top comments, move see also to appropriate spot"
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edited /2024/Portland (+48) "link intros and demos"
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sebbu, [sebbu], AramZS, [aaronpk]1, to2ds and Lars-Christian joined the channel
edited /User:Srijan.ch (+69) "/* Feeds */"
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[jeremycherfas], Kaja and Nick2 joined the channel
aaronpk and other karaoke fans, I noticed that Voicebox is a very short walk from Grand Stark, should we feel comfortable enough to restart IndieWeb karaoke at next year's IWC PDX
CRISPR joined the channel
[tantek]: There will be one? I'd love to return to PDX and enjoy the carpet once more
Lars-Christian, CRISPR, [KevinMarks], sebsel and AramZS joined the channel
IWC PDX 2025 Planning start tomorrow (unless someone beats me to it and edits /Planning today!)