#meta 2024-09-09

2024-09-09 UTC
[manton], to2ds, [schmarty]1, Dryusdan, Kodiak, stella, jan6, claudinec, AramZS and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[KevinMarks] your tweet about XOXO conference / format made me wonder — has there been any pivotal indieweb or microformats "moments" at XOXO festival over the years? like something that happened at the first XOXO festival, or at nearly every XOXO festival that was indieweb related?
wondering from the perspective of possible inclusion in /timeline
We did have a series of meetups that may have helped introduce RSVP
one thing that may be worth noting, for me personally, it felt like the indieweb / xoxo-mastodon meetups bridged the "two" communities and helped break down some barriers, build some relationships. though maybe that's also just in my head. I can't point to anything concrete
RSVP posts originated leading up to IWC 2013 PDX AFAIK
Which was around xoxofest?
no they've always been months apart
what was iwc 2013?
IndieWebCamp 2013 was the third annual IndieWebCamp Summit, held June 22-23 in Portland (OR), right after Open Source Bridge 2013 https://indieweb.org/IWC_2013
what was xoxofest 2013?
It looks like we don't have a page for "xoxofest 2013" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "xoxofest 2013 is ____", a sentence describing the term)
edited /XOXO (+34) "dfn was, AKA, move hashtag to its own line"
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xoxofest 2013 is /XOXO#2013
created /xoxofest_2013 (+22) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
edited /XOXO (+378) "add XOXO 2024 events related to IndieWeb and adjacent"
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edited /events/2024-08-22-xoxo (+310) "was, add IndieWeb related and adjacent events"
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hey IndieWeb folks that went to XOXO and possibly blogged about it — please add to and help update this! https://indieweb.org/events/2024-08-22-xoxo
edited /XOXO (+0) "/* 2024 */ year typo"
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claudinec joined the channel
what is a subtweet
A subtweet is a tweet commenting about someone without including their @-name, so they are not notified https://indieweb.org/subtweet
do we have an IndieWeb equivalent? AP/Fedi equivalent?
what is a subtoot
A subtweet is a tweet commenting about someone without including their @-name, so they are not notified https://indieweb.org/subtoot
[chrisaldrich]++ haha for submention 😂
[chrisaldrich] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
edited /subtweet (+61) "also applies to posts rather than people"
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[qubyte] and to2ds joined the channel
edited /code-of-conduct (+43) "/* Signed */"
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[aciccarello] joined the channel
edited /GNU_FM (-22) "Fixed my profile updated the stats"
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edited /GNOME (+349)
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edited /Seahorse (-283) "Redirected page to [[GNOME#Seahorse]]"
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edited /AOSP (-279) "Redirected page to [[Android#AOSP Open source]]"
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edited /.NET (+62)
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edited /PHP (+13)
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edited /Python (+75)
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edited /Ruby (+76)
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edited /Go (+89)
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[snarfed]1 joined the channel
edited /Elixir (+75)
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edited /Rust (+76)
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[fluffy] and [jacky] joined the channel
gardening++ mattl++
mattl has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
gardening has 1 karma over the last year
so many pages we need to add the IndieWeb relevance to or move them to being subsections of pages with IndieWeb relevance
what is a definition
A definition on the IndieWeb wiki should be an accessible, basic, clear, plain English description of the term (or phrase) naming a wiki page, with an explicit connection to the term’s relevance to the IndieWeb, and ideally without any use of jargon https://indieweb.org/definition
^ [mattl] while you're in those pages updating definitions, please consider taking the time to also connect them with their Indieweb-relevance, or if it's not obvious how they're indieweb-relevant, speak up here in #indieweb-meta about the page and we can re-assess what to do with it
[benatwork] joined the channel