#meta 2024-09-23

2024-09-23 UTC
AramZS joined the channel
edited /large_language_model (+51) "finish blockquote"
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Dryusdan joined the channel
I wonder if there's a way to teach Loqi that something is the Wikipedia definition for it, and have it either remember that somewhere or add it as a "look up" in a particular wiki page
ooh I got it, I think. anytime someone answers a "what is" question/response from Loqi with something of the form "x is full-URL-including-https" WITH NOTHING ELSE then instead of creating a page for x, Loqi adds a "* '''<dfn id='x'>x</dfn>''' is full-URL-including-https." to a list on /what-is, and then uses IDs on that page as a secondary lookup if the wiki does not have the thing defined.
that was we could teach Loqi anything someone asks about that doesn't have an IndieWeb-relevant definition by linking Loqi to the actual answer somewhere else and then Loqi can return that when asked in the future.
i won't be able to make a sentence out of that though
so as long as answering with just the URL is ok, that's doable
[tw2113] joined the channel
the sentence is merely returning the same thing Loqi learned! "x is full-URL-including-https"
like don't do ANYTHING special, no linking the term, nothing
then Loqi would merely return that same statement
when asked in the future
that would work
would also solve the larger problem of people wanting / being able to answer with "just" a link and not have a whole page created
I was thinking another HTML way to do it would be dl with dt/dd pairs however I feel like that would be less userfriendly a page to read and/or edit in case you wanted change/fix the definition that Loqi would return for a not-indieweb-relevant question that was asked
[morganm] joined the channel
edited /command_line_interface (+91) "move criticisms to their own section from SA, add UI to SA"
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jjuran, Jean, [Jo], Jon2 and [schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek] would this mean our wiki is full of redirects to Wikipedia pages?
[mattl] no just a single page. please re-read https://chat.indieweb.org/meta/2024-09-23#t1727056835747500
[preview] [[tantek]] ooh I got it, I think. anytime someone answers a "what is" question/response from Loqi with something of the form "x is full-URL-including-https" WITH NOTHING ELSE then instead of creating a page for x, Loqi adds a "* '''<dfn id='x'>x</dfn>''' is ful...
oh that’s fun. I like that idea.
it’ll be fun to preload it with a ton of terms too
that page might get unmanageable but one problem at a time
also I'd say no to any "preloading" because that would likely add more noise than utility IMO
better to only bother growing it when people ask questions in chat
Well, I was thinking this might be an opportunity to remove a lot of small wiki pages.
the page would serve as a gentler way of saying LMWTFY or LMGTFY
nah, I'd prefer we try to document Indieweb-relevance at first
is there a way to look for "small" pages that need such gardening?
find all the stubs that are genuinely stubs, ie. a one liner… and see if we can better serve those as list items on /what-is instead of a stub nobody has touched for a decade.
[tantek]: easy to understand _or_ explain
created /blog_generator_like_Jekyll (+16) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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explain a microwave oven. not how to use the object, but the object itself.
explain anything with a computer itself, same problem
if I can take the computer for granted, sure
explain the code behind a CLI. etc.
lots easier than a GUI
like, orders of magnitude
same thing, if we can take the general device class of a microwave for granted
so are the computers CLIs come from
when people ask for something simple, they are not asking about the internals, they are asking about simple to use
they mean easy
thus better to answer that question than be semantically pedantic
or cherry pick a dictionary definition to try to argue a theoretical point
well, thankfully you already did that, so I didn't have to
nothing with computers is simple.
oops totally the wrong channel sorry
AramZS joined the channel
[tantek] they're not even easy to turn off anymore.
vanderven.se martijn
edited /Telegram (+590) "/* See Also */ Telegram changes their privacy policy"
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edited /FTP (+341)
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edited /sftp (-342) "Redirected page to [[FTP]]"
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AramZS, gRegor and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
edited /FedCM_for_IndieAuth (+280) "update fedcm links to new WG repos"
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wow there really are a bunch of pages that are just "X is [link]"
AramZS joined the channel
edited /writing (+265) "/* Sessions added homebrew website club writing edition */"
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edited /writing (+80) "/* Homebrew Website Club - Writing Edition - link to events */"
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barnaby, AramZS and [aciccarello] joined the channel
aaronpk I was not making up the use-case 🙂
AramZS and strugee joined the channel