[tantek]I wonder if there's a way to teach Loqi that something is the Wikipedia definition for it, and have it either remember that somewhere or add it as a "look up" in a particular wiki page
[tantek]ooh I got it, I think. anytime someone answers a "what is" question/response from Loqi with something of the form "x is full-URL-including-https" WITH NOTHING ELSE then instead of creating a page for x, Loqi adds a "* '''<dfn id='x'>x</dfn>''' is full-URL-including-https." to a list on /what-is, and then uses IDs on that page as a secondary lookup if the wiki does not have the thing defined.
[tantek]that was we could teach Loqi anything someone asks about that doesn't have an IndieWeb-relevant definition by linking Loqi to the actual answer somewhere else and then Loqi can return that when asked in the future.
[tantek]I was thinking another HTML way to do it would be dl with dt/dd pairs however I feel like that would be less userfriendly a page to read and/or edit in case you wanted change/fix the definition that Loqi would return for a not-indieweb-relevant question that was asked
Loqi[preview] [[tantek]] ooh I got it, I think. anytime someone answers a "what is" question/response from Loqi with something of the form "x is full-URL-including-https" WITH NOTHING ELSE then instead of creating a page for x, Loqi adds a "* '''<dfn id='x'>x</dfn>''' is ful...
[mattl]find all the stubs that are genuinely stubs, ie. a one liner… and see if we can better serve those as list items on /what-is instead of a stub nobody has touched for a decade.