#meta 2024-09-24

2024-09-24 UTC
edited /User:Rossabaker.com (-119) "I'm not posting my itches anymore"
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[fluffy], [tantek], [aciccarello], [schmarty], [Jo], [snarfed], barnaby, barnabywalters, [KevinMarks], CRISPR, [manton], AramZS and jacky joined the channel
edited /Front_End_Study_Hall (+119) "/* To-Study List! */"
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[qubyte] joined the channel
Heads up, I am officially on the advisory council for the Social Web Foundation
I am also. I put it on my website.
I wonder/hope if they'll make the list public.
what is Social Web Foundation?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Social Web Foundation" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Social Web Foundation is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Social Web Foundation (SWF) is a project to make the Fediverse bigger and better by bringing together commercial and Open Source implementers of ActivityPub, civil society organizations, and open web standards advocates to build tools, policies and protocols.
Social Web Foundation is a project to make the Fediverse bigger and better. We bring together commercial and Open Source implementers of ActivityPub, civil society organizations, and open web standards advocates to build tools, policies and protocols.
created /Social_Web_Foundation (+278) "prompted by gRegor and dfn added by [mattl]"
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whoa, that header/background image thing on https://socialwebfoundation.org/ is a bit dizzying
yeah, their website needs some work.
thx for the dfn
New use for SWF since Flash is dead (long live Flash)
created /SWF (+35) "r"
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lazcorp, AramZS and CRISPR joined the channel
edited /Beyond_Tellerrand (-30) "update IWC Berlin is a go"
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edited /Beyond_Tellerrand (+12) "/* 2024 BER */ +jkphl"
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CRISPR and _pi_r2_0[d] joined the channel
what is iwc berlin
🎪 IndieWebCamp Berlin 2024 is the eighth IndieWebCamp in Berlin and scheduled for 2024-11-09…10 the weekend after btconf Berlin 2024 https://indieweb.org/IWC_Berlin
Is there a health and safety policy for that?
not yet no, lots of things on the list things to do for organizers and as usual organizer-time limited
edited /2024/Berlin (+137) "/* Checklist */ need Health and Safety policy"
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going to put in a stub at least to communicate potential of expectations
while I reach out to other organizers to figure out what we want
edited /2024/Berlin (+831) "stub a Health and Safety section pending discussion with co-organizers"
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thanks for the nudge gRegor++
gRegor has 59 karma in this channel over the last year (133 in all channels)
I've added a working stub pending discussion with other IWC BER co-organizers and what's right for this IWC
nice! thanks :)
edited /health-and-safety (+299) "make our actual in practice IndieWebCamp Examples very visible / discoverable for other organizers to see and use as inspiration to base their policies/rules"
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edited /2024/Berlin (+678) "stub Schedule"
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AramZS joined the channel