#meta 2024-09-25

2024-09-25 UTC
edited /Front_End_Study_Hall (+60) "/* To-Study List! */"
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If we're back to having an Eastern HWC...and it is biweekly, as is the Pacific HWC...and the Europe is weekly....shouldn't we make the Eastern and Pacific on alternating weeks?
[0x3b0b] and jacky joined the channel
i kinda like that idea i think,,,
AramZS joined the channel
I think because some people like to attend both and 2 in a day is easier than 3?
At the least, it will mean we aren't drawing people away
I suppose its in the hands of whomever schedules those meetings to have a notion of the regular attendees expecting a cadence vs outreach vs appetite for multiple meetings. GWG you sometimes schedule them so it's partly in your hands.
Always tradeoffs when scheduling an event.
AramZS joined the channel
Personally I’m unlikely to attend anything in Pacific time because it winds up being later in the day on the East Coast
I'm happy to propose adjusting to alternate weeks for Pacific.
[mattl]: Are you keeping a 2 week cadence?
I don’t think I realized the London time zone meeting was weekly
I’m happy to just stick to Pacific and London calls and I’ll just try and make the London one occasionally.
ah, we should decide what to do about today's Eastern time one. if someone else can start the zoom that'd be great. i've got family coming over for dinner and probably cannot join.
I don’t know who else can start it.
I’d be happy to cancel it if it’s problematic
yeah arranging / canceling various HWCs up to the organizer of each
if more happen that's fine, if fewer happen that's fine too
If you ever need a meeting started you can ask in here. I'm a person who can start them, for example/
i see lifeofpablo has RSVP'd. does he have zoom access?
ah, great! [Joe_Crawford] ++
I’m out for today’s meeting too.
I'd say any person known to http://indieweb.org who understands the CoC and generally has an idea of how to run a Zoom and Etherpad -- I'm happy to start a meeting for them and put them in charge.
oh. in that case maybe we should cancel!
since i think mattl and i were down as the organizers for HWC Eastern today
hm feel like the eastern time works for me almost, if it started like 30 minutes later that'd be great lol (on wednesday nights from 6pm to ~9pm i do literally nothing...)
That's 2:30pm my time. I'll be around. Happy to start today's and see where it goes. I'm RSVPing.
catgirlinspace: it's totally cool to show up 30 minutes in! dropping in and out is fine and encouraged.
hm only issue is that during that time i just kinda sit wherever on campus, but like. idk i dont wannya bother people here by talking? >.<
lurking is OK too :}
might do that :3 idk just feel weird joining a meeting in a public place for some reason (this is probably just me being dumb,,,,,,)
catgirlinspace: the reason I was starting them a little earlier was that I have to be out of my office space at 7pm. I'm not going to propose any more events after this one.
http://catgirlin.space James sometimes joins just via etherpad and writes comments there. And we've had folks with mic trouble participate that way too. No particular wrong way to participate. But if you feel too constrained to join no harm no foul.
[preview] rosalina saige
gRegor joined the channel
Just tell me what the plan is.... I'll be there for one of the two, but might have to do something otherwise so can't join both
I think the plan is Joe will start this one and that's the last Eastern event for now.
Shame... I liked having it, but doing too many on the same night online is hard
Maybe reconsider for future
I don't know how many people would do Eastern + Pacific.
I would some weeks
But....it seems to have overlap which is why we combined them
I don't want to be on Zoom from 9pm-11pm, ever.
I like the people
the one hwc i attended was rlly fun tbh :3 just, aaa now that im in uni i dont rlly have time to be on from 9pm to whenever it ends (i usually spend that time hanging out with a friend wednesday nights……) and like. the eastern time kinda mostly works since i spend 6-9ish doing nothing….
HWC's appeal to me was that it happened right after work.
I'm available to start the Eastern Zoom today, but not host
[Joe_Crawford] i'm sadly going to miss FrESH tomorrow as I have to go see the dentist.
Good luck at the dentist 🙂 And I'll be in the Eastern Zoom.
Oh I missed the second FrESH! (#010)
Haha 0x010 🤓
Oh cool, and can host [Joe_Crawford]?
Yeah I plan to host Eastern. If it's just me and Pablo so be it. 😄
Otherwise sounds like maybe it should be cancelled
Ok, cool!
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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Going forward I'm happy to host an event the same day as Pacific and London every two weeks. If people want to do it on another day/time, I'll try and make it but unlikely the times will work out.
Someone may need to share some passwords with me to let me host?
There's a means to be added to 1Password that enables Zoom start.
Provide your email to aaronpk and he can invite you
It's unclear on if my username for 1Password is mattl or mailto:mattl@hey.com but either way... aaronpk, can you add me?
it's an email invite to the org, will send now
once you accept the invite i can add you to the right vault
Sweet. I'm HR now.
uh oh, indieweb HR :)
It's okay, gRegor. I'm <hr />
H-Team-L building
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /cafe (-121) "r to /discuss#cafe. Discuss page also has a history section"
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created /indieweb-cafe (+25) "prompted by gRegor and redirect added by gRegor"
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edited /Homebrew_Website_Club (+0) "#indieweb-cafe"
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Oh I missed that we launched indieweb-events too. nice
I may start doing something in-person too. There's gotta be a load of people around here who love this stuff. Do we have any examples of how in-person events have been advertised in the past?
This is obviously getting dated now, but https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club#How_to_Organize still has some good info
When I was last promoting the HWC SD in 2019, it was mostly Twitter and Upcoming.org
We got a couple people via Twitter iirc, and several more in the area who were interested but didn't make it. It was late 2019, so we only had a few in person meetups.
Today I'd use mastodon and still upcoming.org just because it's delightful it still exists :)
I'm thinking I might want a flyer or something physical too.
Totally. Love it
AramZS joined the channel
I should be on Eastern for a bit, don't have any TPAC stuff until 7pm 😞
I'd love to try in person something on NYC again if we can work it
jjuran, barnaby and AramZS joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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AramZS joined the channel