brentter.comcreated / (+2976) " is home to Brent Terrazas, a web developer from the United States with a penchant for good music and fast code." (view diff)
[Joschi_Kuphal], Guest6 and AramZS joined the channel
tantek.comedited /link_shortener (+1804) "move articles here from shortlink page, add a couple with blockquotes, link archiveteam list of shorteners being checked" (view diff)
[tantek]aaronpk, should we exclude the "Mediawiki:" wiki namespace from "new" or "most edited" pages for the newsletter? It doesn't provide much (any) value to readers, i.e. no dfn, and if you click on it it just says "Code of conduct"
Loqicities are a good place to organize and host IndieWebCamps and Homebrew Website Club meetups; see the lists of cities below
KupietzNice, but it makes it look like the elapsed days is as of Oct 30, not since then. BTW and is me... short & long forms of my name. We were kibitzing during the meeting and I realized having my full domain (IE my full name) and face in the meeting screenshots meant I'd end up in pimeyes and similar, decided to redact identifying info. And, amazingly, the right 3- and 4-character .org domains were available. (Didn't even know
KupietzI used to run a wiki, I had a variation of clusterwiki I built up over years... somehow lost it at some point. I wish I'd held onto that, that was fun
KupietzIt does seem to be the standard. I actually got a copy of clusterwiki probably before I'd ever heard of Wikipedia... or at least, didn't know much about it. And I'd been doing a lot of PERL before that, so, it just was a logical choice to me. I had an event calendar running on there, I wrote "website includes" that would CURL entire webpages so I could save things that way, the kind of thing I later used evernote for... I did a ton of work
[tantek]Mediawiki is the best for orgs right now, though I would not advocate for installing / maintaining it personally (I don't recommend MySQL admin for any personal website)
KupietzI have to say, until this year of diving deep into Wordpress's backend, I *hated* PHP. Now I, er, tolerate it. Still hate having to go back and work on some of my older clients sites based on weird templating frameworks and stuff
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time.