#meta 2024-12-05

2024-12-05 UTC
from enwp, raised 1.75b, lasted from April to December 2020. Geez. (no, not indieweb relevant)
yeah terrible timing
Sorry late reply [tantek]... I do my attribute thing so that default iframe generated by my wordpress install to expand a youtube link (and other) link gets handled. I recently embedded an iframe from youtube and it lacks ANY css around it. I added an inline style to *that* with `style="aspect-ratio: 560 / 315; width: 100%;"`
oh! no - I'm wrong. Embed generated by YouTube includes explicit height and width. `width="560" height="315"`
I stripped that and added that style.
I don't think I documented where I got my iframe CSS from, but I wrap in an embed container with relative positioning, a bottom margin (which probably is some aspect ratio math), then the iframe is absolutely positioned inside it with width: 100%.
It's several years old, so might have been before I knew about aspect-ratio, or its wider support
What do folks think about adding this to the channel description for #indieweb-random e.g. in /discuss#random? "For active members of the IndieWeb community to talk about other things."
Sounds good
To help make it clearer that even though it is "random" it is meant as part of the IndieWeb community, not a generic social club
Yeah, I mean it would be nice if people were really just using it like that. The GNU social channel on IRC became just people popping in to chat thinking it was a generic social channel.
right, it's human to search for connection like that, anywhere it seems to exist
barnaby, jeremych-, jeremycherfas and aelaraji7 joined the channel
edited /discuss (+38) "/* random */ for active members of the IndieWeb community to talk about other things"
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edited /discuss (+28) "/* cafe */ for active IndieWeb community members, note scrollback in Slack and Discord in the random channel"
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thanks for the review [mattl]. now included ^
Very nice.
jeremycherfas, jimw8, [Murray]1, [Joe_Crawford], [mattl]1, [snarfed], [alanm], ramsey, [0x3b0b], [morganm], aelaraji7, strugee, aelaraji8 and Ferret joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-333) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /Template:next-hwc (+0) "update next date from events.indieweb.org"
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Oscar and [bneil] joined the channel
Countdown set by aaronpk on 2024-11-11 at 8:39am PST
turn on the two extra zoom accounts for IWC San Diego
2 hours until turn on the two extra zoom accounts for IWC San Diego
I added a countdown scheduled for 2024-12-05 10:51am PST (#7170)
aaronpk, countdown feature requests:
1: s/Countdown set by/Countdown #7170 set by
2: !snooze #7170 2 hours
(similar to !cancel)
gRegor joined the channel
sebbu, barnaby and anarchomuffin joined the channel
turn on the two extra zoom accounts for IWC San Diego
Countdown set by aaronpk on 2024-12-05 at 8:51am PST
[lazcorp] joined the channel
red and orange are active now
aaronpk: Thank you
I am bringing one spare computer, [tantek] said he had one spare he was bringing...so that's two spares...
Also bringing two webcams
Anyone coming with a third spare or should I scrounge up another junker?
angelo, [jeremycherfas], [manton] and barnaby joined the channel
"Belonging precedes belief" - Obama from his current live speech at Obama Foundation Democracy Forum. Feels applicable to this community too. Helping people connect and feel a sense of belonging with their personal site is more important than believing in any particular service, software, or standard
also he's citing "pluralism" as a value to build!
what is pluralism
It looks like we don't have a page for "pluralism" yet. Would you like to create it?_1 (Or just say "pluralism is ____", a sentence describing the term)
pluralism is /plurality
created /pluralism (+22) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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