#meta 2024-12-09
2024-12-09 UTC
JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
chrisaldrich, gRegor, jjuran, [jgarber] and JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
barnaby, cali-iwc, [Murray], [lazcorp] and rishikesh joined the channel
# created /User:Adamchamberlin.info (+65) "Created page with "Hi! I am Adam Chamberlin, Head of Development at Mackman Branding"" ( view diff)
[pfefferle] and aelaraji3 joined the channel
# edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-popups (+164) "update from https://events.indieweb.org/tag/popup" ( view diff)
bebethatmustbeme, AramZS and barnaby joined the channel
funkylarma joined the channel
gRegor, jjuran, sebbu2, barnaby, [mattl], gRegorLove_ and [snarfed] joined the channel
jeremych-, gRegorLove_ and [tw2113] joined the channel