#meta 2024-12-31

2024-12-31 UTC
jimw, [KevinMarks] and Guest6_ joined the channel
[tantek] Done!
We're hoping to get space at the University. We're doing outreach in the new year when everyone is back in the office.
Amazing and exciting!! Would really like the opportunity to visit Edinburgh! capjamesg[d]++
capjamesg[d] has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (225 in all channels)
What is 2025/Edinburgh
It looks like we don't have a page for "2025/Edinburgh" yet. Would you like to create it?_b (Or just say "2025/Edinburgh is ____", a sentence describing the term)
^ capjamesg[d] feel free to stub that like /2025/Berlin
Then we can link to it from /Template:IndieWebCamps
created /2025/Edinburgh (+594) "create stub page"
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edited /Planning (-15) "/* Edinburgh */"
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aelaraji7 and gRegor joined the channel
edited /Solid (+68) "/* See Also */"
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how to paste in article?
In paragraph "Use what you make"
edited /Web_Authentication (+262) "finish Loqi addition"
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doesnm sorta? it really should be somewhere on https://timbl.com/ otherwise it's just another identity owned by the Inrupt corporation
still someone else's garage
[tantek]: does timbl worked in inrupt/have something pairs? I can't explain why pod on his domain is abandoned but inrupt version is ok
Sure and I have a Mozilla email address too but that doesn't make it canonical or something I recommend for folks to contact me outside of very specific work-related reasons
sebbu2 joined the channel
if the pod on his domain is abandoned doesn't that question the pitch of everyone running their own pod that they own the data and control?
like even running http://micro.blog on your own domain is better than a pod on someone else's domain
micro.blog++ (Slack made it a link)
micro.blog has 1 karma over the last year
So have pod on inrupt.net/solid.community/solidweb.me/etc doesn't make control of your data? Even if you can migrate?
nah, someone else's garage is not control over your data
What about someone else’s computer?
Pretty sure that's in the /FAQ [mattl]
I guess I don’t see much difference
doesnm, key problem is that you don't own any of your permalinks in someone else's garage
[mattl] ^ that's one key difference, there are many other obvious one
what is own your data?
✊ own your data is an IndieWeb principle with two key parts: 1) your data lives primarily under your own domain, and 2) you are able to retain your access over time https://indieweb.org/own_your_data
So if your data was on this but it published to your personal domain name, you’d be okay with that?
^ more on that page
Okay. I’ll check it another time.
"you’d be okay with that" <-- nothing to do with that. this is objectively evaluatable
own your data page needs some work to make it broken on mobile.
I’ll take a look at that in a bit
edited /own_your_data (+9) "Commented out image that is breaking the layout"
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[mattl] can you fix that in CSS? We have a lot of pages with hero images and removing them makes the pages look worse
Am going to revert that change for now. Making pages worse on browsers in order to fix them on mobile is not a good approach
it's broken on desktop too
edited /own_your_data (-18) "undo commenting out of image, please fix with CSS for mobile instead of making page worse for everyone on desktop/laptop"
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edited /own_your_data (-5) "make it an image which should work better for the CSS"
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[tantek] you reverted a change that's a broken image too
fixing http = changing to https, not removal
as noted, https doesn't work.
and if it's a problem with Loqi, leave it and ask aaronpk to look at it
pointing people at pages which are broken isn't a good look
aaronpk, can you take a look at the cert for the loqi meme subdomain? looks like the cert expired. e.g. https://meme.loqi.me/4aYkTf1w.jpg vs https://meme.loqi.me/4aYkTf1w.jpg
removal instead of fixing or asking to fix is a deletionist vibe and you and I are both against that
That's why I commented it out and noted it was broken in the commit message
Uncomment it when it works again
no it doesn't look broken on my browser at least because it seamlessly displays the alt text despite the image not loading
if your browser doesn't do that, file a bug on your browser
Dear Steve Jobs,
It's been a while since I've heard from you. I hope everything is well at Apple.
Please fix your browser.
aaronpk, see example here: https://indieweb.org/own_your_data#IndieWeb_Examples (note the alt text displayed: INDIEWEB ALL THE THINGS, that's where the https with bad cert is)
what is Webkit
It looks like we don't have a page for "Webkit" yet. Would you like to create it?_d (Or just say "Webkit is ____", a sentence describing the term)
edited /web_browser (+151) "/* Browser Engines */ links for reporting bugs"
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[mattl] you know better than that, come on. Added links for you anyway: https://indieweb.org/web_browser#Browser_Engines
edited /own_your_data (+1) "https a link"
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created /California (+204) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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presto no more redlinks on /SD 😄
alright that's one last new page for today / December. If no one else creates / contributes a more substantial gift (shouldn't be hard 🙂 ) for today, then I'll add it to the Gift Calendar later. HNY everyone!
oh huh what happened to that cert
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 23 hours, 6 minutes ago: can you run your script to create /2023-created (similar to how you did for /2022-created and previous?)
oh i think it never had one
do i need to give it a cert finally now?
If we want to embed images from it to indieweb org. Alternatively, give permission to upload the generated images to the wiki