#[tantek]streak << Silo example: [[Garmin]] watches tell you your "steps count streak", of number of continuous days you have met your personal step count goal, both "Current Streak" and "Longest Streak"
#[tantek]a friend finally got me to try it out Sunday and apparently it works well with very small groups (like <30 friends) so I'm seeing how it incentivizes what behaviors
#[tantek]it's a kind of "sign of life" and ephemeral hey here's what I'm doing right now-ish thing
#[tantek]there's no "public" posts AFAIK. for each day you can choose to share your daily post with friends or friends of friends
#[tantek]also I was able to use my domain name as my user name!
#gRegorNice! How ephemeral are the photos, or is there a profile stream like IG?
#[tantek]you can only view the most recent photo from each friend
#[tantek]there is no profile stream explicitly, but they do support "pinning" your "top 5" photos to your profile
#[tantek]I *really* like the (unintended?) feature of being able to use my plain domain name as my user name on the service. It makes the profile URL look very simple
#aaronpkoops, Linode never got back to me about continuing the sponsorship of the Microformats.org server. How do we feel about having the indieweb opencollective funds cover the microformats server instead?
#[tantek]+1 — IndieWeb seems like the primary use-case for microformats these days
#[tantek]would be curious to hear opinions of those donating to the IndieWeb opencollective