tantek.comedited /Statamic (+59) "addyourself CTA, put previous as a subsection, add Testimonials section, move SA item there, move cats to just before SA" (view diff)
[Joe_Crawford]Oof. Do I. If I did, I would turn it into a screen enumerating the sins of Instagram with regards to interop hostility. And then maybe with like... links to how to get Instagram to just fricking make it easier to share and reuse their posts.
[Joe_Crawford]So... do I want it [aaronpk]? I don't know. 😐 "Own your Gram? You can't! Because regulators refuse to make Instagram allow competitive interop" -- if that seems like a good idea maybe I'll take it and do that.
[tantek][Joe_Crawford] might be a useful thing to collaborate with someone in Europe where their regulators tend to put a bit more pressure on owning your data 🙂
[Joe_Crawford][aaronpk] yes, let's do it. Thanks for setting that reminder. My email joe @ artlung . com to coordinate the transfer. At your convenience.
[Joe_Crawford]Thanks [schmarty]... Yeah, I don't use the "artlung" username as my slack username. I sometimes mean to but usually forget. Inertia. But I appreciate the thought!
[Joe_Crawford]In the next week I'm going to set up a github project to account for the new usage of the domain. I will be soliciting instagram horror stories in there.
[tantek]maybe [Joschi_Kuphal] got it? I don't remember. I thought for sure you were recording it GWG like I vaguely remember saying hey GWG we are starting demos but my memory for that may also be overlapping with the intros session on day 1
[Joschi_Kuphal]i am currently on holiday and in a snowy hut in estonia, but i will check the recordings when i get home. however, i can't remember having recorded anything.
gRegorFun story: Brian, who made it, lives in SD, but we both travelled to Austin 2020 and met there. At the time, at least, he lived just a couple miles from me in North Park. Small indieweb and world.
gRegorI couldn't figure out how to make those MW image thumbs side by side. Default is right alignment, but when I set them both to left they still stack up.
LoqiYear in Review is a feature on some silos (like Facebook) as well as being a special kind of article on some IndieWeb sites that summarizes important aspects of the past year, sometimes on specific topics like books read https://indieweb.org/wrapped
[tantek]^ take a look gRegor and feel free to tweak. IMO the captions could be shortened to remove contextual information from their section like Duolingo and they're self-evidently screenshots. Up to you!
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2025-01-10.html