#meta 2025-01-14

2025-01-14 UTC
created /User:Blog.meadowhawk.xyz (+285) "Created page with "Something is better than nothing right? I've been a coder since I was 13 and there was no internet :D I'm currently building my own Webmention server.. because I just want to build one. I also built a nifty FOSS, Gpodder syncing server called UrPodder, more on the blog of course!""
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glacier, [Joe_Crawford], sebbu, hidjy[d] and aaronpk joined the channel; scattershot1 left the channel
edited /Category:jargon (+10) "/* Keywords */ appview"
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cdravcte, jeremy, strugee_, [pfefferle], corlaez, gRegor, [Jo], Guest6, [Murray]1, [tantek]3, [pfefferle]1, [Joe_Crawford]1, [mike579]1, IWSlackGateway1, [aciccarello]1, aelaraji6 and [aciccarello] joined the channel; cdravcte left the channel
created /hacker_image (+57) "prompted by gRegor and dfn added by gRegor"
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edited /2024/Berlin/textux (+14) "distinguish Markdown alternative and latter link (had lots of blank lines between in Etherpad)"
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sebbu2, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
edited /PixelFed (+87) "/* IndieWeb Friendly */ IndieAuth section, blockquote, github issue link"
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sebbu2 joined the channel