#meta 2025-01-15

2025-01-15 UTC
sebbu3, Dryusdan and Weiz joined the channel
edited /GNU_social (+84) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ no current examples, positive CTA in case someone is"
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edited /freemydata (-44) "de-dupe by redir to canonical spelling/titlecaps; how long has this dupe been there lol"
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created /freemydata.co (+26) "redir from domain for discoverability and linking"
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edited /lost_sites (+204) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ +freemydata/.co"
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edited /Free_My_Data (+303) "was, dfn nowiki domain, link last archived copy"
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edited /hat-tip (+8) "more precise: R to section"
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edited /giving-credit (+4) "main via"
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moved /giving-credit to /giving_credit "generic phrase, not typically hyphenated in usage"
edited /posts (+264) "/* Inline and other references */ add thanks to with blank examples section, move other examples here to an explicit nested list item with unique linktext instead of default MediaWiki link numbers"
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edited /posts (+164) "/* Inline and other references */ add a couple of "thanks to" examples from my site, apparently been doing it since at least 2011"
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per discussion in #indieweb I think there are sufficient real world and varied examples of "Acknowledgments" sections, including two on IndieWeb wiki pages that that alone may be worth its own wiki page to document practices across (online) books, specifications, and hopefully soon, some blog posts
edited /User:Btrem.com (+377) "Add infobox."
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edited /posts (+163) "/* Inline and other references */ Add examples to "thanks to" list."
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edited /frontmatter (+12) "/* Brian Tremblay */ Adds item `type` that triggers creation of h-entry"
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[morganm], strugee, [schmarty] and ben__ joined the channel
edited /Front_End_Study_Hall (+127) "/* To-Study List! */"
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barnaby, glacier, Dryusdan, Guest6_, [Scout], [qubyte] and JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
aaronpk, new (hopefully sufficiently constrained) idea for Loqi handling "when is":
1 search the names of upcoming events for a word (not substring) match of the query string
2 if there are one or more events that have the query string in their name, return up to the first three if that many with name and start date(time) and short link, soonest first. Exit.
3 search the query string as an event tag
4 if there are one or more events that have the query string as a tag, return up to the first three if that many with name and start date(time) and short link, soonest first. Exit.
hm actually now that all the upcoming events are listed in one page that updates automatically, "when is" just needs to search through everything here https://xray.p3k.app/parse?pretty=true&url=https%3A%2F%2Fevents.indieweb.org%2F
5 return "No {query string} events found. Want to organize one? (Link to create an event)"
Iā€™m not sure "everything here" would give you high quality result. I would expect some noise.
Hence why I suggested searching those two specific "fields"
i just meant that i don't need to make a search API, i can just use that JSON as the source material
Like if an event described itself as "inspired by HWC" that shouldn't be returned in a query for HWC. Certainly not before any actual HWC events
Almost. That JSON lacks the tags of each event
Which is probably one of the highest quality ways to return results
i can add the tags to the mf2
Oooh like in small print below the city/country?
let's see how that looks
and now it's in the mf2 json
Hah. Need to tag the FrESH events with #fresh šŸ˜†
(Event name) starts in (num days or hh:mm if <24h til) at (date and time if any) in ("Zoom" if online or city, country)
Or if the result is "live now":
(Event name) started (hh:mm) ago and has (hh:mm) remaining in ("Zoom" if online or city, country)
That should cover it
hm, there are likely always going to be multiple events matching the common queries
Right, which is a feature. Show the next up to three matches
That should cover the "when is HWC" use case for when there's multiple HWCs coming up
Like in the same day or week
i think it'll look best reporting each even on its own line of the response
I can believe that
If there's just one result report that, exit
(Else) "There are (n) (query string) events coming up soon:" <br>
And each (up to 3) on its own line
If there's more then three, maybe another line with: "More (query string) events: (link to search results on events.indieweb)."
trying to choose how much resolution of the start date/time to include in plaintext
>30 days out it's going to report the date, <30 days will report days until, <24 hours will report the time
except multiday events never report the start time
when is hwc?
There are 8 hwc events coming up soon: Homebrew Website Club Europe/London on Jan 15 at 19:00pm +00:00 https://events.indieweb.org/tgJwRgluFocb IndieWeb Meetup Austin on Jan 15 at 19:00pm -06:00 https://events.indieweb.org/zFL9jqPFAgIK Homebrew Website Club Europe/London in 7 days https://events.indieweb.org/EDE0nKJmcyhk More hwc events: https://events.indieweb.org/
when is austin?
IndieWeb Meetup Austin on Jan 15 at 19:00pm -06:00 https://events.indieweb.org/zFL9jqPFAgIK
when is berlin?
TENTATIVE: IndieWebCamp Berlin on Nov 8 https://events.indieweb.org/oNMvxRpOvfEs
that works
aaronpk has 42 karma in this channel over the last year (126 in all channels)
aelaraji7 and corlaez joined the channel
aaronpk++ nailed it!!! Only request is to make the "time til" easier for folks (not require timezone math) and add something like:
aaronpk has 43 karma in this channel over the last year (127 in all channels)
Homebrew Website Club Europe/London starts in 53min on Jan 15 at 19:00pm +00:00 https://events.indieweb.org/tgJwRgluFocb
[preview] Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
Make sense? Doable for when it's maybe <12h to the event?
12h might be the right cutoff
I added a "fresh" tag to the next FrESH [tantek] - rather narrow use-case, but 5 tags seems a reasonable number.
when is fresh?
Front End Study Hall #019 on Jan 16 at 18:00pm +00:00 https://events.indieweb.org/WjRE1WdPjK1v
carrvo[d], immibis, Saphire and capjamesg[d] joined the channel
so good
when is nonexistent?
No upcoming nonexistent events found. Want to organize one? https://events.indieweb.org/
aaronpk this is an interesting slightly unexpected result:
when is London
There are 3 London events coming up soon: Homebrew Website Club Europe/London on Jan 15 at 19:00pm +00:00 https://events.indieweb.org/tgJwRgluFocb Homebrew Website Club Europe/London in 7 days https://events.indieweb.org/EDE0nKJmcyhk Homebrew Website Club Europe/London in 14 days https://events.indieweb.org/JqXSTx1zbNXy
should "on Jan 15" there instead say "today" ?
When is coffee break?
No upcoming coffee break events found. Want to organize one? https://events.indieweb.org/
no, because Jan 15 is yesterday right now in some places
and in some cases "today" would actually be tomorrow depending on who's reading it when
when is Russia
No upcoming Russia events found. Want to organize one? https://events.indieweb.org/
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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gRegor, [Jo], sebbu and [develumpen] joined the channel
Created https://indieweb.org/events/2025-01-15-hwc-europe. Please review the page to ensure the document is correctly formatted and remove any unnecessary text.
created /events/2025-01-15-hwc-europe (+6101) "Created event page using IndieWeb events / Etherpad archiver"
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