#meta 2025-02-03

2025-02-03 UTC
gRegor, CRISPR, [aciccarello] and _fluffy joined the channel
ok, going to help Evdemon merge his pages
edited /John_Evdemon () "(-916) move info into User: page, redirect to it as noted https://chat.indieweb.org/meta/2025-01-31/1738316055802900"
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done. please review [John] and adjust anything I may have mismerged
edited /web_hosting (+324) "/* Appliance Server: PikaPods */"
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barnaby joined the channel
edited /bookmark (+238) "/* Self-hostable Services: adding linkding */"
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Thanks [gRegorLove] - added that!
edited /own_your_data (+192) "Joe (artlung) owns all his bookmarks!"
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aelaraji, Guest6 and Tiffnya joined the channel
edited /list (+1143) "add a Kinds of lists section for specific kinds of lists which may benefit from special treatment, incorporate some brainstorming"
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Speaking of RSVP systems. OpenUK noted in their latest email "It remains an *intentionally hybrid event* but since we had 250 signups for in person last month, with more than half from outside the country and only 40 people showed up, we are changing the way we set up the event on Meetup with two signups."
oh, they got 250 signups on _Meetup_? yeah
I am not surprised about a 15% turnout rate for Meetup RSVPs
gRegor, [Sophia_wood], aelaraji9, [snarfed], barnaby and sebbu2 joined the channel
edited /self_hosting (+1331) "expand toot blockquote, move to articles and posts section"
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edited /Planning (-47) "no upcoming tickets"
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edited /Planning (+31) "a few fixes, btconf Düsseldorf dates confirmed, still waiting for btconf Berlin 2025 dates"
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hmm now I'm wondering where I heard the btconf Berlin 2025 dates before...
ah in the newsletter ok
edited /Beyond_Tellerrand (+73) "btconf BER 2025 dates announced in newsletter"
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edited /Planning (+527) "btconf Berlin dates announced in newsletter, TPAC dates also known. going to be tight. noting prior weekend as a planning possibility to see if anyone else prefers that"
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rp1 joined the channel